Globalization and Education Reforms
Coordinator: Professor Holger Daun
Some of the Publications derived from the program:
Apart from four PhD theses, some fifteen MA theses, reports and a large number of international conference papers, the following publications have appeared in high ranking journal and book publishers:
Daun, H. (2000). Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa - a Moral Issue, an Economic Matter, or Both? Comparative Education, 36 (1): 21-37
Daun, H. (ed.). (2002). Educational Restructuring in the Context of Globalization and Local Demands. New York: Routledge/Falmer.
Daun, H. (2003). Market Forces and Decentralization in Sweden - a Threat to Comprehen-siveness and Equity and an Impetus for School Development? In Plank, D. & Sykes, G., (eds.). The Emerging Market for Schooling: Global Trend, National Variations. New York: Teachers College PressTeachers College Press.
Daun, H. (2004). Privatization, Decentralization and Governance in Education in the Chech Republic, England, France. Germany and Sweden. International Review of Education, 50: 325-346.
Daun, H. (2004). Educational Restructuring and New Modes of Governance. In J. Zajda (ed). International Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. London: Kluwer.
Daun, H. (2006). Globalization of Education and Stigma: A Senegalese Case Study. In David P. Baker & Alexander W. (eds.). Global Trends in Educational Policy. International Perspectives on Education and Society. London: Elsevier Science.
Daun, H. (ed.). (2006). School Decentralization in the Context of Globalizing Governance. International Comparison of Grassroots Responses. Dordrecht: Springer/Kluwer.
Daun, H. (2007). What Outcomes from Educational Restructuring in Sweden: Improving Quality, Increasing Inequality..? In Odora Hoppers, C., Lundgren, U. P., Motala, E. and Nihlfors, E. (eds.). Dilemmas of Implementing Education Reforms. Explorations from South Africa and Sweden. Uppsala: Uppsala University.
Daun, H. (2008). The Role of Teachers and Schooling Experiences in Learners´ Adult Life Quality. A Senegalese Case Study. Interchange, 2008.
Daun, H. (2009). Lifelong learning - an “economistic” discourse umbrella for an old
phenomenon? In Strohschen, G. (ed). Challenges and Solutions in the Development and Delivery in International Adult Education Programs. Dordrecht: Springer
2009 Religious Education and Islam in Europe. In Holsinger, D.B. and Jacob, J.
(eds.). Inequality of Education: Comparative and International Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer.
Daun, H. & Arjmand, R. (2004). Islamic Education. In J. Zajda & V. Rust (eds.). Handbook of Globalisation and Education Policy Research. Vol 1. Globalisation and Education: Main Trends and Issues. London: Kluwer.
Daun, H. & Siminou, P. (2005). State, Market and Civil Forces in Governance of Education: Five European Examples. European Education, An Educational Quarterley, 37 (1).
Daun, H & Walford, G. (eds. (2004). Muslim Educational Strategies in a Global Context. Leiden: Brill Publishers.