December 1, 2014

Goochland Powhatan Community Services Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Monday, December 1, 2014 at the Powhatan Offices.

Angela Cimmino
Eileen Ford
Vernon Garrett
John Grady
Susie Hackenberg
Runda Harris
GaElla Matthews
Lorrie Shevrin / Absent
Jane Bowles
Elizabeth Nelson Lyda
Staff Attending
Susan Bergquist
Lateshia Brown
Carinne Kight
Allison Meyer


S. Bergquist welcomed all Board members and asked if there were any additions to the agenda. There were no additions and the meeting was brought to order.


ACTION: The motion to approve November meeting minutes was made by E. Ford, seconded by A. Cimmino. Motion carried by all and November 2014 minutes were approved.

FY 2014 Independent Fiscal Audit

S. Bergquist reviewed the FY14 independent fiscal audit with the Board. She explained that this year there was a decrease in the overall net position, largely due to the decreased income from last year. GPCS had a clean audit with no significant issues.

She also reviewed the management letter that was part of the audit. In the management letter the auditors recommended that all adjustments get entered into the AS400 at the end of the year in order to avoid having to backtrack at the beginning of the audit to determine what the starting position for the year is. Currently and in the past the understanding has been that once a year is closed the County is unable to enter journal entries (adjustments) for that fiscal year (i.e. June fees received in July). The auditors spoke with the County during the audit & feel as though they now have the expertise to audit a closed year and add JE’s. According to the auditors this will be better for future audits as the numbers will be more accurate and there will not be as much backtracking.

Finally, Susan explained that next year VRS pensions will have to be reported as a liability on the audit. This brought discussion about all 3 VRS plans and the differences between them.
Susan let the Board know that the final audit including the management letter will be posted on the internet tomorrow.

ACTION: On motion of L. Shevrin and seconded by S. Hackenberg, the Board unanimously accepted the FY 2014 Independent Fiscal Audit as presented.

FY16 Goochland and Powhatan County Appropriations Request

S. Bergquist explained to the Board that this year Goochland County said they’d like to be able to project out 3 years on their budget and would like a 3 year projection from GPCS. Susan explained that this year she would like to request level funding from both Goochland and Powhatan County. She further explained that with the published State budget cuts and the Counties experiencing budget shortages she didn’t think asking for more was appropriate, and that requesting level funding would be. There was discussion about including working in the request that should the County see an increase in funding GPCS would like to request an increase as well. Susan explained that over the past couple years the process for Goochland County has been that she has to give a presentation to the Goochland County Board on GPCS, the services provided and how funding received from the County is utilized. She will let the GPCS Board know when she is presenting to the County in case anyone wants to attend. As of this meeting Susan has not been told what the process will be for Powhatan County.

ACTION: On motion of A. Cimmino and seconded by R. Harris, the Board unanimously approved the FY16 Goochland and Powhatan County Appropriate Requests as presented.

Medicaid GAP Insurance Eligibility and Enrollment

S. Bergquist reviewed the Governor’s Access Plan (GAP). She explained that GAP is the Governor’s attempt to insure high need uninsured individuals and those with Serious Mental Illness (SMI). There are criteria to signing up, including diagnosis of SMI, an income scale and age limit. The CSB’s are going to be the screeners and enrollers. The project is expected to begin enrollment as of January 1, 2015 with coverage starting February 2, 2015. There are upcoming webinars for screeners and staff that will facilitate GAP enrollment. The presumption is that GPCS is already serving the bulk of these individuals, staff are currently gathering the necessary information on these individuals so that their screening and enrollment can be completed with little delay. There was discussion on the GAP and it’s potential financial impact on GPCS.

VACSB Public Policy Brochure

S. Bergquist provided the Board with the VACSB public policy brochure. She explained that every year VACSB puts out their brochure every year and it’s used to present to the General Assembly as well as other agencies and stakeholders. She further explained that the brochure is used to provide information on what the CSB’s have been doing throughout the year, how services assist individuals in the communities, funding principles and goals for the upcoming year. It was suggested that Susan ask for an electronic copy so that it could be posted on the GPCS internet site.

Local, Regional, State and Federal Updates

S. Bergquist stated the updates by reviewing the DBHDS dashboard with the Board. She showed them the various measures that DBHDS uses for the CSB’s. She also showed them how GPCS is doing based on the DBHDS goals for each measure and how GPCS is doing compared to other CSB’s throughout the state.

Regionally there has been work on the child crisis program. As part of the program CSB’s are going to get telemedicine equipment. Susan explained that this equipment makes it capable for a psychiatrist to conduct a visit with a consumer without being in the same location.

Rubicon has an inpatient detox/SA program at Central State Hospital. Unfortunately the buildings at Central State are very old and at this point they are not fixable. Rubicon wants to move the program downtown (Richmond) but the region isn’t sure that’s the best location. They are in discussion with Rubicon to find a solution that works for all.

The Governor is supposed to present the proposed budget, including budget cuts, coming up December 17th. It is expected that the cuts will affect the CSB’s, though it’s not determined how much will be cut at this time. When Susan finds out she will let the Board know.


A new Mental Health Case Manager (MHCM) has been hired to replace the one that left in September. Unfortunately, shortly after hiring the new MHCM another MHCM resigned. Luckily the vacancy was able to be filled internally and the CM unit is now fully staffed .

Internally, a Mental Health Skill Building Specialist opted to move into the MHCM position. This leaves a vacancy in the MH Skill Building unit, however at this time due to the decrease in hours and services provided the position is not going to be filled.

The In Home Supports anniversary party is going to be held Thursday at Virginia House. All Board members are invited to attend.

Susan reported that she had sad news to report. Bill Desmond’s, Clinic Director before Allison, wife passed away about a month ago. While attending the service Susan learned from Bill that he has been diagnosed with cancer, prognosis is unknown at this point.

ACTION: There being no further business, regular meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.


Susie Hackenberg, Secretary Date
