B r n o 2 0 0 8

Table of Contents:


part one


Čl. 1Applicability

Čl. 2Degree Programmes

part two


Čl. 3Organisation of Academic Year

Čl. 4Forms of Study

Čl. 5Organization of the Full-Time Form of Instruction

Čl. 6Organization of the Combined Form of Instruction

Čl. 7Instruction Given by other University

Čl. 8Instruction Forms

Čl. 9Verification and Assessment of Study Results

Čl. 10Course Credit and Marked Course Credit

Čl. 11Examination

Čl. 12State Final Examination, State Rigorosum Examination, State Doctoral Examination and the Defence of Doctoral Dissertation

Čl. 13Bachelor’s Thesis, Master’s Diploma Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation

Čl. 14Studies Enrolment

Čl. 15Enrolling into Next Year of Studies

Čl. 16Recognizing Taken Parts of Studies

Čl. 17Interruption of Studies

Čl. 18Proper Completion of Studies

Čl. 19Higher Education Diploma and a Diploma Supplement Award

Čl. 20Other Termination of Studies



Čl. 21Degree Programme Board

Čl. 22Credit System

Čl. 23Study Plan

Čl. 24Compulsory and Elective Subjects

Čl. 25Pedagogic Team Leader and Pedagogic Team

Čl. 26Repeating a Year of Studies

Čl. 27Special Provisions for Examination

Čl. 28Assessment of Study Results

Čl. 29Examination Resit and Marked Course Credit Repeating

Čl. 30Assessment of Professional Training and Courses

Čl. 31Special Provision to the State Final Examination and State Rigorosum Examination

Čl. 32Special Provision to Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses

Čl. 33Assessment of State Final Examination and State Rigorosum Examination Results

part four


Čl. 34Doctoral Board

Čl. 35Training Centres

Čl. 36Supevisors...... 23

Čl. 37Individual Study Plan

Čl. 38Special Provisions on the Examination

Čl. 39Assessment of Study

Čl. 40Special Provisions on the State doctoral Examination

Čl. 41Special Provisions to the Doctoral Thesis

Čl. 42State doctoral Examination Result and doctoral Thesis Defence Assessment

Čl. 43Special Provision on the Interruption of Study



Čl. 44Publication of Final Theses

Čl. 45Remedial measures

Čl. 46Competence Discharge

Čl. 47Transitional Provisions

Čl. 48Final Provisions

part one


Čl. 1

(1)The Study and Examination Rules of the University of Defence (hereinafter referred to as “Rules“) are an internal regulation of the University of Defence (UD) under the provisions of section 17 (1)(f) of Act 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on Changes in and Amendments to some other Acts (the Higher Education Act) (hereinafter referred to as “Act“). The Rules shall govern the study in Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoraldegree programmes held at the UD.

(2)The Dean shall lay downan internal procedure detailing organizational and administrative safeguard of study forthe implementation of accredited degree programmes (hereinafter referred to as “degree programme“).

(3)The implementation of a degree programme that is held in cooperation with other university or corporate body or is shared by several UDFaculties shall be regulated by an agreement concludedbetween the UD and a university or other corporate body or by an agreement reached by the individual UD Faculties.

Čl. 2
Degree Programmes

(1)Degree programmes are primary documents determining the content of students’ preparation in all branches of study. Degree programme may be divided into fields of study, which may be further divided into modules of study.

(2)Degree programme may be implemented by aFaculty or UD itself. Should a degree programme be implemented by UD directly, the Rector will charge one of the Faculties’ Deans with guaranteeing the organizational and administrative matters of study in the given degree programme.

(3)The standard length of study shall be as follows:

a)Three years for Bachelor’s degree programmes,

b)Five or six years for Master’s degree programmes,

c)Two years for Master’s degree programmes connecting to Bachelor’s degree programmes,

d)Two or three years for doctoraldegree programmes.

(4)Maximum length of study shall be two years more than the standard length of study. The period, for which the student interruptedits studies, shall not be counted towards the maximum length of study.

part two


Čl. 3
Organisation of Academic Year

(1)Academic year shall last twelve calendar months and the Rector shall determine its commencement.

(2)Academic year shall be divided into winter semester, summer semester and vacations. The dates of semester and vacationcommencements shall be determined by the Rector.

(3)The commencement and closing of instruction and examination period, practical training, student exchange and further details pertaining to the academic year for Bachelor’s and Master‘s degree programmes shall be determined by the Faculties Deans following a consultation with the Rector.

(4)Time frame of study for doctoral degree programmes in the given academic year shall be regulated by the individual study plan drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Art. 37.

Čl. 4
Forms of Study

(1)The study inBachelor’s, Master’s anddoctoraldegree programmes shall be organized as:

a)Full-time form of instruction, with the degree programmecarried out primarily bya teacher, who is in direct contact with the student,

b)Combined form of instruction, with the degree programmecarried out by means of student’s individual preparation using information technologies and specialized learning aids in connection with instruction, during which the teacher is in direct contact with the student.

(2)Should the student have substantial reasons, he/she is entitled to apply for a change of study form. Applications for a change of study form shall be filed with the Dean, who will take a decision.

Čl. 5
Organization of theFull-Time Form of Instruction

(1)Instruction shall be organized by means of study groups, for which lesson schedules are put together based on the study plans. Lesson schedules for students of doctoral degree programmes will be projected into individual study plans.

(2)Attendance to instruction specified by lesson schedule shall be compulsory for those students, who are professional soldiers (hereinafter referred to as “military students“); the teacher concerned shall determine compulsory attendance for other students. The Dean may grant the student an individual form of instruction participation based on an application by the student and following a statement from teachers concerned.

(3)The platoon commander or the group leader shall record instruction attendance into the class register and shall be responsible for the correctness of the records made; the record of instruction attendance shall be confirmed by the respective teacher by its signature. Students may be excused from instruction for health and service reasons and due to standard vacation, short vacation leave or leave of absence granted (military students), other students may only be excused for health and other serious reasons, apart from cases determined by the Dean. Deciding on excuses for military students falls within the competence of school battalion commander; and within the competence of teacher concerned for other students.

(4)Permitting the structure of subjects of study taught (hereinafter referred to as “subject“) and the capacity of UD tuitional premises, the student may choose any teacher of the given subject for the subject he/she enrolled; teacher selection must be done prior to commencement of instruction in the given semester.

(5)The teacher may place analternative task on astudent who could not take part in compulsory instruction.

(6)Unexcused absence from instruction shall be deemed as a breach of discipline for military students, falling within the disciplinary authority of the service body concerned.

Čl. 6
Organization of the Combined Form of Instruction

(1)The combined form of instruction employs both the full-time study form within the consultation workshops and the distance learning study form by means ofstudents’ independent work between the individual consultation workshops. The primary form of study for the combined form of study is an independent study work. Consultation workshops specified in the studyplans shall be organized according to study groups and shall be compulsory for militarystudents; determining the degree of compulsory attendance for other students falls within the competence of teacher concerned.

(2)Consultation workshops are run in the extent and timeframe laid down by study plans.

(3)As a rule, the individual consultation workshops shall offer methodological consultation of study, introductory lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory training, and course credits are given and examinations held.

(4)The provisions ofArt. 5 par 3 to 6 shall apply to students of combined form of study accordingly.

Čl. 7
Instruction Given by other University

Part of the instruction may be carried out by other university, based on the cooperation agreement or within the international educational programs.

Čl. 8
Instruction Forms

(1)Primary forms of instruction for thefull-time form of study are lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory work, field trips and practical training. Primary forms of instruction for thecombined form of study within the consultation workshops are lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory work.

(2)Lectures shall be given by professors and associate professors and pending the approval of the department head also lecturers, exceptionally by assistant lecturers; lectures can also be given by notableexperts fromresearch institutions or professional experience, subject to approvalby the department head.

(3)Seminars shall be led by professors, associate professors, lecturers, exceptionally also by assistant lecturers and notableexperts fromresearch institutes or professional experience.

(4)Generally, lecturers and assistant lecturers shall lead tutorials, with students of a doctoral degree programme taking part optionally.

(5)Only professors and associate professors take part in instruction of doctoral degree programmes; in exceptional cases and based on a proposal by the doctoral board, the Dean may entrust other academic staff holding the academic degree of doctorof science (DrSc.), candidate of science (CSc.), doctor (Ph.D. or Dr.) or distinguished experts fromresearch institutes or professional experience.

Čl. 9
Verification and Assessment of Study Results

(1)Verification and assessment of study results shall be performed by the following forms:

a)Assessment of the subjects studied,

b)Assessment of the study stage (semester, year),

c)Assessment of the whole degree programme or its integral part.

(2)Assessment of the subjects studied shall be performed by one of the following or a Combination of these forms:

a)Continuous assessment,

b)Course credit,

c)Marked course credit,


(3)All subjects not stipulated in the degree programme’sstudy plan must be completed by a course credit or marked course credit or course credit and examination.

(4)Assessment of the study stage (semester, year) shall mean:

a)Comparison of the course credits acquired by the student against the minimum of course credits specified in Art. 22 par 2 for Bachelor’s andMaster’s degree programmes ,

b)Assessment elaborated in accordance with the provision of Art. 39 for doctoraldegree programmes.

(5)Study assessment of the whole degree programme or its integral part shall be performed as follows:

a)By the state final examination for Bachelor’s andMaster’s degree programmes,

b)By the state doctoralexamination and the defence of doctoraldissertation for doctoraldegree programmes.

Čl. 10
Course Credit and Marked Course Credit

(1)By awarding a course credit the teacher confirms that the student fulfilled the prescribed requirements of the subject’s study plan, successfully completed the prescribed tutorials and submitted the assigned independent tasks in the quality requested.

(2)By awarding a marked course credit the teacher provides an overall assessment to what level the student fulfilled all requirementslaid down for the successful completion of the subject.

(3)The teacher shall notify the students of the requirements for earning the course credit or marked course credit and of the spread of assigned tasks in time, as well as of continuous assessment of study, at the beginning of a semester wherein the instruction of the given subject commences.

(4)The teacher may announce alternative requirements and the method for fulfilling these to receive course credit for those students of Bachelor’s andMaster’s degree programmes, who haven’t earned the course credit under the given requirements by the beginning of the examination period.

(5) Course credit is given by a teacher designated by the department head. When giving the course credit the teacher uses the classification grade “credited“ or in case of marked course credit follows the provisions of:

a)Art. 28 par. 1 for Bachelor’s a Master’s degree programmes ,

b)Art. 38 par. 2 for doctoraldegree programmes.

The teacher shall enter the earned course credit or marked course credit into the student’s Study Credit Book and shall enter it in the UD electronic information system on the working day following the course credit or marked course credit awarding at the latest; for Bachelor’s and Master’s degreeprogrammes the assessment for marked course credit shall be entered in the form of written marking under ECTS.[1])

Čl. 11

(1)An examination shall test student’s knowledge and familiarity with the given subject and his ability to creatively apply theoretical pieces of knowledge when assessing practical phenomena.

(2)The examination may take the oral, written, practical or combined form.

(3)The form of examination shall be decided by the examining teacher, who shall inform the students of itsform and scope at the beginning of semester, wherein the instruction of the given subject commences. The teacher shall acquaint the students with the subject scope required to be mastered at the examination.

(4)Testing questions for each examination shall be prepared by the examining teacher. Number of questions for an oral examination must be higher than the number of students tested at a single date. Students shall usually draw lots for the testing questions for an oral examination.

(5)Student shall take the examination with the teacher designated by the department head who guarantees the instruction of the respective subject (hereinafter referred to as “respective department head“); respective department head may designate more than one teacher for one subject. If more teachers were taking part in the subject’s instruction, only one examination shall be held and the respective department head may decide in such case that the examination shall take place before more examining teachers, but not more than three.

(6)Oral examination in one subject must not exceed1 hour, written, practical and combined examination shall not exceed 2hours as a rule. Examining teacher shall usually set adequate preparation time for answering the questions at oral examination.

(7)If the study plan specifies both course credit and examination for the subject, student may not sit the examination without the earned course credit.

(8)Student shall apply for the selected examination date electronically.

(9)Student shall apply for the examination in one of the availabledates put up for the examination in the given subject. Student may apply for or cancel the application for examination one day prior to the examination date at the latest.

(10)Student is obliged to apply for one of the available dates put up for the examination in the given subject. The student, who has not applied for examination even for the last available date put up for examination in the given subject by the end of the period specified by the provisions of Art. 15 par 3 (a) or (b) or par 5 (a) or (b) and who has not provided an excuse to the examining teacher, shall be marked as “failed” unless the excuse was recognized by the examining teacher or circumstances requiring special consideration arose. The reasons for the latter special considerations not to apply for the last examination date put up for the subject concerned shall be decided upon by the Dean based on the evidence produced by the student.

(11)Should the student not be able to sit for the examination at the date for which he/she has applied for, the student is obliged to excuse itself to the examining teacher the following day after the date when the examination was supposed to be held at the latest. Should the examining teacher accept the excuse,he/she shall enable the student to apply for the examination at another available date announced.

(12)Should the student not appear for the examination at the date applied for and should he/she not provide excuse to the examining teacher and if circumstances requiring special consideration haven’t arisen and the examining teacher hasn’t accepted the excuse or the student can not take the examination because he/she has not met the requirements for earning the course credit in the subject concerned, he/she shall be graded “failed”. The student’s absence at the examination for reasons deserving special consideration shall be decided upon by the Dean based on the evidence produced by the student.

(13)The Dean shall reach the final decision in regards to accepting the student’s excuse asspecified by paragraphs 10 to 12.

(14)The student is entitled not to accept an assessment of the examination results other than the marking grade “failed”. In such case the student shall be assessed by the grade “failed”.

(15)Should the student or the examining teacher file such a request the Dean may decide that the examination will be repeated under different examining teacher or before a three-member board of examiners; the Dean shall nominate the board chairman and its other members. Repeated examination may be taken before the mentioned board if a minimum of simple majority of all the board’s members including the board chairman are present. Examination results shall be assessed by vote with a simple majority of all the board members required for a decision to be reached.

Čl. 12
State Final Examination, State Rigorosum Examination, State Doctoral Examination and the Defence of Doctoral Dissertation

(1)State final examination, state rigorosum examination, state doctoralexamination (hereinafter referred to as “state examination“) and the defence of doctoraldissertation may be taken by a student, who earned all class credits, marked class credits and took all examinations stipulated by the study plan or individual study plan and applied for the state final examination or state rigorosum examination or his/her application for state doctoralexamination or application for defence of doctoraldissertation was approved.

(2)State examination and defence of doctoraldissertation shall take place before the respective board of examiners; board of examiners shall consist of a minimum of five members. Chairperson and other members of theboard of examiners shall be appointed by the Dean following a proposal by the respective study programme board or the doctoral board. Members of the board of examiners may consist of professors and associate professors or notableexperts fromresearch institutions or professional experience, approved by the scientific board; board of examiners chairman must be a professor or associate professor.