Assigned Account #

8A Chester Plaza, Chester, MD 21619


Consignment Agreement – rev 3/6/2016

Thank you for deciding to become a part of our shop!


• The Consignee (Bellies, Babies & Beyond)sets all prices and markdowns. All items are on the selling floor for 60 days.Consigner will receive 40% of final selling price on all items that sell for less than $100. Items that sell for over $100 consigner will receive 50% of final selling price.

At the end of 60 days, Consigner may come to pull their items within 3 days of expiring date. It is at the full responsibility of the Consignor to know their 60 day time frame.Upon request, we will print you a listing of your available items and you will be responsible for gathering them from the selling floor yourself. Any unclaimed items at the end of the 60+3daytime frame become property of Bellies, Babies & Beyond. Any unsold items not picked up become the property of Bellies, Babies & Beyond, most items that can be donated will be donated.

• Payment will be by CHECK ONLY for all balances over $10 (NO EXCEPTIONS) checkmust be requested by the Consignor and will be written to the Consignor. It is the Consignors responsibility for the collection of monies owed. Consignors with a positive account balance may apply that credit toward a purchase at any time. There is a $1.00 fee to mail a check upon request, amount will be deducted from your account.


• Weselect what our customers will buy when you bring in your items; we reserve the right to refuse any item that is not suitable for resale. All items are subject to markdowns, seasonal sales, and clearance sales at the discretion of management. The consignment split will be on the final selling price.

• A buyer’s fee will be added to the selling price of all items. This fee is paid by the buyer, NOT by you the consignor.

• All items must be in excellent condition, current style, in season, snapped, buttoned and zipped. Items that are dirty, stained, torn and/or missing buttons, zippers etc. will not be accepted. All toys, games, and puzzles must have all pieces/parts and batteries included. Toys/items that require batteries must be equipped with batteries. If an item requires batteries there will be a charge of $1 per battery to your account for us to add batteries.Remember that the items should be in the condition that you would buy it in and working/clean means better selling price.

  • IF Seat of baby gear OR baby gear itself is NOT clean there will be a $2 washing/cleaning fee for EACH piece of gear.

• If after further inspection, we find an item that is unsellable due to a hole, stain, or damage the item will be automatically donated to a charity.

• ALL holiday items (Halloween, Christmas, Easter, 4th of July, Etc.) expire 5 days after the holiday. If you do not pickup they will be donated.

Halloween costumes will be donated to a local school the week PRIOR to Halloween so kids at school can use them for parties, etc.

ALL clothing must be on hangers.You may bring them in already hung or hang them here at your appointment.

• Bellies, Babies & Beyond reserves the right to make policy changes at any time.We will do our best to safeguard your items but we are not responsible for loss or damage to merchandise due to but not limited to fire, water, vandalism, or theft.

We look forward to a long and mutually profitable association with you!

By signing below you are agreeing to all terms and conditions stated in this agreement.




AddressAlternate or Cell or Work Phone (circle one)


City/State ZipEmail Address



Your items expire 60 days after entry into our sytem (Please initial)If you want to come and pull your items please keep in mind your 60 day expiration date. You have 3 days after that date to pick up your items or they will become the property of Bellies, Babies & Beyond, there are NO exceptions as our accounting systems automatically handle expiration dates for us and your account.

I promise that I will do my best to see your items at the highest possible profit to you! Thank you for choosing to consign with us. Amanda Haddaway, Owner