NHHA - New Hamburg Hockey Association
P.O. Box 6155, New HamburgONN3A 2K6, (519) 634-1118
Application Form:
Assistant Coach, Manager, Trainer, Assistant Trainer, On-Ice Helper
Name: / DOB:Address: / Home Phone:
City: / Business Phone:
Postal Code: / Email Address:
Please list ALLCredentials Below: You must include SPECIFIC NAME of clinic/course, EXPIRY DATE, LOCATION and DATE taken
Coach (indicate specific name of course):Trainer:
PRS: (no expiry – but list date and location taken)
Team Selection Request:
What Division are you applying for?(Initiation, Novice, Atom, Pee Wee etc.) / What Level are you applying for: (Local League, AE, REP)What position are you applying for?
(please circle or bold/put X beside if filling out on-line)
Assistant Coach
On – Ice Helper
Assistant Trainer / Have you been asked by another team official to be involved with this team? If so please indicate name:
Who is the Head Coach for the team you are applying to?
Police Check – A valid police check is required and must be on file with NHHA before being allowed on the ice or on the bench for the safety of the players in NHHA.
Police Check Request Forms are available for printing at You must fill out the request form and take it to a Waterloo Region Police Station. The cost of the police check is incurred by NHHA and they will bill us directly – there is no cost to you. Once your police check is complete you may drop it in the Mail Slot of the New Hamburg Hockey Association Office at the Wilmot Recreation Centre. Please put your completed check in a sealed envelope marked to the attention of our Privacy Officer responsible for mainting and filing these confidential documents: Cathy Vollmer-Ashley.
Have you attached your completed Police Check to this application? / If NO, please indicate the Date & Location your requestwas dropped off:Will your occupation interfere with your ability to be present for games and practices?
Have you had any involvement with the police or other authorities which would reflect negatively on your suitability as a coaching staff member?
Do you have a child playing at this level?
Please provide TWO character references, preferably current or past members of New Hamburg Minor Hockey program (coaches/staff members/executive):
Name / Phone Number and/or Email Address:Please provide synopsis of your experience:
Association /Centre / Age/Level / Date(ie. 2009/10) / Sport
(Hockey, Soccer etc.) / Position on Staff
Application Process:You MUST complete an application form in order to be considered.
You will be contacted by a member of the New Hamburg Minor Hockey Executive regarding next steps of the selection process. An interview may be required in order to be considered (according to the NHHA Coaching Selection Process).
If you have any questions regarding this application or the selection process please email:
By completing and submitting this application you agree:
- I understand that completing an application with the NHHA does not ultimately guarantee me a position with NHHA.
- I authorize NHHA to collect personal information appropriate to the information applied by verifying character references supplied and/or past association members I have coached.
- I have read and understand the Code of Conduct and Coaching Job Descriptions posted at Newhamburghockey.com.
*hard copy signature not required if submitting via email
Thank you for expressing interest in coaching for the New Hamburg Hockey Association!