Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Stillington Centre
Lowson Street, Stillington
Tuesday 1st November 2016
Chair: Cllr. D Halfacre
Cllrs: J Corbey, S Fisher, J Lithgo, J Turner,
Mrs. G Dunn, Clerk
1. Apologies for Absence
There were apologies from Cllrs J Davies, K Johnson and L Weatherill.
2. Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda
There were none.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
Cllr. D Halfacre signed the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th October 2016 as a true and correct record. Proposed by Cllr. J Corbey and seconded by Cllr. J Lithgo.
4. Public Discussion
No members of the public were present.
5. Finance
To consider the payment of accounts
Cheque No. 100933 C Hopper £100.00 – Wildflower Area Management
Cheque No. 100934 TVRCC £500.00 – Youth Project Grant
Cheque No. 100935 G Dunn £257.23 - Salary and Expenses
Payments proposed by Cllr. Halfacre, seconded by Cllr. Lithgo.
6. Progress Reports
P810 Proposed Banks Wind Farm (Lambs Hill) – update
The next Liaison Committee meeting is due to be held on 15th November. J Turner and J Corbey to attend. Construction is going well, only one turbine remains to be built. The Community Fund was discussed and Members felt that it should support revenue as well as capital projects. Cllr. Turner agreed to suggest this at the next Liaison Committee Meeting.
P805 Sculpture Installation – to discuss location and costs
The Clerk and Cllr. Turner had met a couple of Officers from SBC to discuss options for the location of the sculpture and the type of base it will need if it is to be permanent feature. A site outside of the Village Hall on SBC land had been recommended by the Officers for various reasons. Members agreed that this would be a good location. It was estimated that the Parish Council may need to pay around £250 in legal fees as well as the installation costs. The Clerk is due to meet SBC staff soon to discuss a specification for the sculpture installation and to obtain a quote for the work.
P811 Parish Council Support for Community Groups/Stillington Village Hall – feedback from Village Hall meeting with Onsite and general updates
Two meetings attended by representatives from TVRCC, Onsite, the Parish Council and the Friends of the Village Hall had been held since the last Parish Council meeting. Onsite are happy for the Parish Council to be more involved with the management of the Hall; they admitted they are struggling to make it work. A large grant, from the Big Lottery for example, will be required to really improve the outlook for the Hall. An architect has had an initial meeting with the Friends of the Hall to discuss how they would like the building to be developed. This initial work by the architect has been carried out on a voluntary basis.
P811 Parish Plan – to discuss proposals to progress with a Parish Plan action group.
J McColm from TVRCC is willing to work with the Parish Council and, in due course, a Parish Plan action group. The Clerk agreed to find out if she can attend the next PC meeting. It was thought that a public meeting about producing a plan should be arranged early in the New Year. The Clerk agreed to start to look at the costs that may be involved in the process so a grant, possibly from Awards for All, can be applied for.
P807 Social Media Policy – to consider draft document
The Clerk had circulated a draft document. There were no comments about this. The Clerk had made a couple of small changes to the document. She agreed to circulate the final version for approval.
Ongoing items – any comments or additional information
The Clerk had circulated a list of updates – copy attached. These were accepted, there were no additional comments.
7. Christmas Lights Switch on Events
It was agreed that the Stillington lights will be lit on December 1st and the Whitton lights on December 8th. Various Members and the Clerk agreed to ensure that the lights are in place and working prior to each event. The Clerk and Cllr Turner will organize refreshments for the events.
8. Correspondence – October 2016
SBC Planning Committee Meeting Information – Townend Farm, Whitton
SBC Procedure re Parish Resignations
SBC Public Transport Forum – Details of Meeting
SBC Dates of Remembrance Services in the Borough
SBC Great British High Street Awards
SBC Publicity – Festival of Light and Colour and Fairtrade Event
SBC Mayor’s Annual Charity Dinner Dance – invitation to buy tickets
Catalyst Stockton Environmental Forum
CLCA Poster – Yarm Fair
Dept. For Culture Survey for the evaluation of Mobile Infrastructure Project Media and
Cleveland Connected Various updates re crime issues (none local)
G Rees Meeting information re battery plant near Thorpe Thewles
Historic England Invitation to comment on Consultation Report re War Memorial
M&G Statement
Network Rail Missing Fence
Thirteen TARA Recognition Scheme
TVRCC Invoice for contribution to Youth Work
TVRCC/SLCC/NALC Government Finance Settlement Consultation
9. Planning Applications
16/2657/LA Honeypot Wood, Whitton Road, Redmarshall, TS21 1LQ
Creation of Car Park with 12 spaces
There were no comments on this application.
15/3122/FUL Erection of a dormer bungalow with attached double garage
Townend Farm, Whitton, Stockton-on-Tees
This application had been approved with conditions.
It was reported that the allotment holders in Stillington have been given notice to quit the allotment site. It was thought that building work on the site may be due to begin in February.
10. Councillors Reports and Items for Future Agenda
The Clerk reminded Councillors about the Service of Remembrance which is due to take place at noon on Sunday 13th November.
Cllr. Turner informed Members about how to register for the Cleveland Connect Service if they wish to receive notification of crimes or other Police news for the Teesside area.
A couple of burglaries had been reported in the Stillington. The Police had been informed.
11. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 6th December 2016 in the Stillington Village Hall.
Signed: ……………………………………….. Dated: ………………………….…….
Proposed: …………………………………… Seconded: ……………………………….