INTERNAL EVALUATION Methods 2013-1-FR1-LEO05-47980

Partner:P3 ETIDate: 30/03/2015

Period Covered by this Review: 1 October 2014 to 30 March2015

Please complete this form to record the activities and progress in the period.

Which partners have you had communications with?
How often and in which way have you communicated with partners? / We met & networked with all the partners at the Meeting in Slovenia in November.
We have been regularly in touch with SDE by email regarding all sorts of details – reporting when we had finished a task, regarding deadlines, dissemination, etc.
This semester, we corresponded mainly with the SSGT team regarding the IWPG, and with SDE, although we have been in contact with the other partners too.
We have had telephone & email contact with MCAST, SDE & Guadelouperegarding the upcoming meeting in Guadeloupe. To minimise costs in Guadeloupe, MCAST and ETI are sharing both transport on the island and accommodation.
ETI was also instrumental in being able to help MCAST get reduced fare air tickets through their sister school’s IATA agency.
In Slovenia, ETI also had discussions with the Slovenian team (SSGT) after the meeting, about their International Work Placement Guide. We have assisted SSGT at every opportunity.
We have also been in touch with EfVET to inform themabout our dissemination of Methods to teachers on our training courses.
We have also been following any updates in Facebook and Dropbox.
Innovatory aspects:
Describe any innovatory aspects to your activities. / We have started running the METHODS course, but are adapting to the needs and requirements of course participants.
As the most popular Method to date seems to be CALL, we are offering participants the chance to learn about METHODS and the different METHODS, but are offering a stand-alone Module in CALL and focussing on that when asked to.
Providing a stand-alone Module has enabled us to run the course for participants both from Malta and short-term visitors from all over Europe (and occasionally outside Europe).
Do you feel that information relating to the management of the project is sufficient, relevant and effective? (Please comment).
Give a rating on a scale of 5 to 1.
5 being the most positive. / Yes. The use of Dropbox, with a clear taxonomy of folders, is extremely useful, and this centralised online place where we can access all official and necessary documents is a very good tool. It helps transparency and collaboration.
Reminders for tasks are also sent out before deadlines, which helps keep us on track.
The Gantt chart created at the start of the project is also invaluable.
Whenever we have had a question related to management issues it was immediately answered.
List of dissemination activities you have been engaged in. / Newsletters:
We produced 2 articles for the Newsletters.
Face-to-face presentations of METHODS to another 145 since 01 Oct 2014, bringing the complete total of teachers the project has been disseminated to so far to 396. This has been face-to-face.
Teachers came from 35 COUNTRIES all over Europe (RO, FR, SE, CH, SI, PL, HU, LV, CZ, FI, DK, DE, IT, ES, NO NL, BG, LT, TR, SK, GR, CY, IE, BE, SL, AT, MK, MT, PT, UK, HR)and also Canada, Chile, Russia and China.We are proud to say that we have disseminated the Project to teachers from Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania – New Caledonia in the South Pacific.
We also gave out the project brochure to all participants.
Proof of their attendance is in the Dissemination folder in Dropbox.
We have had some activity on the Methods Facebook, and also on the
Methods Blog, and we have also mentioned Methods on our ETI Facebook.
Presentation of METHODS to the Maltese National Agency, EUPA, where we have spoken about the project. They were very interested in the project.
External impact/mainstreams:
Any multiplier effect/impact. / We estimate that the 396 teachers we disseminated to so far will show their colleagues the Methods website and related materials, and they will download the manuals. So far, interet has been high.
We have also recommended that they follow the Methods Facebook page to be informed of any new updates/changes to the website.
The Teachers who have attended the METHODS Course so far have been encouraged to tell other colleagues of the usefulness of Methods.
Overall comment: / We have continued to follow up on the good start with excellent progress so far.
We are happy to have been involved in the excellent work on the new IWPG, which is greatly improved from the previous version.
We have met all our deadlines to date, and have started to actively run courses for METHODS.
We are looking forward to the last phase of the project, where our focus will be on running courses.
Summary of Local Activities in the period:
-Attending the METHODS Meeting in Celje, Slovenia, 2014.
-Peer Reviewing/Language Editing the IWPG
-Discussions with SSGT about IWPG
-Meetings Discussions between ETI members working on the project
-Dissemination activities with teachers from several countries in Europe and outside Europe
-Preparation for METHODS courses
-Start of METHODS courses
-Posting on Facebook
-Preparation of Newsletters
-Preparation and arrangements for Meetings in Slovenia and Guadeloupe
-Third Semester Financial Report
-Third Semester Progress Report
Milestones met:
-Peer Review/Language Editing - IWPG
-Dissemination activities with teachers from several countries
-Start of METHODS Courses for national & international audiences
-Production of 2 newsletter articles
-Posting on Facebook
-Submission of Half-year Financial Report
-Biannual content/progress report
Delays (if any) in planned activities and outputs:
If applicable how will the team compensate for the delays and catch up:
Other comments:

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