MARCH 11, 2014 7PM

1.Call to Order.

Supervisor Ken DeWeerdt called the meeting to order at 7pm, opened with prayer and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.Roll Call.

Members Present: Ken DeWeerdt, Janella Hop, Elaine Mokma, Bob Yonker and Chuck Schaap.

Members Absent: None.

3.Late Agenda Items.


4.Graafschap Fire Department.

Fire Chief Cal Haverdink reported a total of 38 calls for February 2014. There were 2 fire calls and 7 rescue call for Fillmore Township, also 2 fire assists and 1 rescue assist to Saugatuck Fire Department.

5.Allegan County Commissioner.

No Report.

6.Fillmore/Overisel Township Deputy.

Officer Ray Retamal reported a total of 95 calls for February 2014, 59 calls from Fillmore Township and 35 calls from Overisel Township.

7.Public Participation.

John Kleinheksel - Allegan County Road Commission.

8.Public Hearing - 7:30pm Fillmore Township Budget 2014-2015.

A Motion was brought by Chuck Schaap and 2nd by Bob Yonker to open the Public Hearing.


Supervisor DeWeerdt read the Public Notice as it recently appeared in the Holland Sentinel.

Jan Hop asked the amount of the road budget will be spent in 138th Ave., Supervisor gave a break down as to the monies to be spent for roads.

Supervisor reviewed the Budget line by line with explanations of each, the increase for Township Board reflects monies for Project Clarity and a wage increase for the Township Secretary.

One public comment asked for clarification of the projected carryover of 2014 and 2015.

A Motion was brought by Jan Hop and 2nd by Elaine Mokma to close the Public Hearing. PASSED 5-0.

A Motion was brought by Chuck Schaap and 2nd by Bob Yonker to accept this budget as presented.

PASSED 5-0. A roll call vote - Ken DeWeerdt - YES, Bob Yonker - YES, Chuck Schaap - YES, Elaine Mokma - YES, Janella Hop - Yes.

PASSED by Roll Call Vote.

9.Fillmore Township Planning Commission.

Planning Commission member Chuck Schaap gave a report of upcoming Public Hearings on March 17, 2014:

a.Rezoning Requests:

1.Brink Truck Lines - Big Curve area.

2.Peter Yonker - A-1 to A-2 on 58th St. south of East Saugatuck Cemetery.

b.The minutes of the February 17, 2014 were accepted as information.

10.Fillmore Township Board of Trustee Minutes - February 11, 2014.

A Motion was brought by Janella Hop and 2nd by Chuck Schaap to approve the minutes as presented.


11.Supervisor Updates.

a.Blue Star Water:

Following a request from the Stuart Bouwman family, a letter was sent to approximately 30 parcel owners regarding water. Responses to this points have been positive in nature. Costs are not known. A meeting with the engineers will be coming in approximately 30-45 days with notices to be sent prior to this meeting.

b.Millage for Operation:

The Township is operating at the millage rate of .7962 which was voted on in 1962.

Lawyers will be drafting a millage proposal for the August 2014 Election with 2 options:

1.Restore the millage to 1 mill.

2.Increase the millage to 1.5 mill.

c.Staff Wages:

A Motion was brought by Ken DeWeerdt and 2nd by Bob Yonker to increase the wages of the Township Secretary from $6,480.00 per year to $9,000 per year.


d.Fillmore Township Grounds Care:

A quote from Straightline Lawn Care with a small increase from 2013 was received for information.

12.Treasurers Report.

Balance on Hand February 1, 2014$ 84,422.18

Receipts$ 3,025.45

Total$ 87,447.63

Disbursements$ 15,255.01

Balance in Hand February 28, 2014$ 72,192.62

15.Monthly Bills.

A Motion was brought by Ken DeWeerdt and 2nd by Janella Hop to approve the bills as presented.


16.Meeting Adjourned.

There being no other business presented to the Board;

A Motion was brought by Bob Yonker and 2nd by Janella Hop to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Elaine Mokma, Clerk

Fillmore Township