Department of Design & Merchandising - Interior Design Program

2014 Design ScenarioDescription

Saturday, April 12, 2014,8:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.,Room C102Aylesworth Hall, CSU

What is the Design Scenario?

The Design Scenario is a selective advancement evaluation conducted by the faculty of the Interior Design programin Aprilfor all students who are seeking to advance to the second year of the Interior DesignProgram. Demonstrated skills assist the faculty in impartially determining a cohort of students, generally up to 40, who demonstrate the necessary basic skills required for successful study in the major. The skills that will be evaluated include writing, sketching/drawing,problem-solving and conceptual ideation. Your GPA is also calculated into your final score.Beginning in 2006, upon advancement to the second year, classroom space will be reserved for each student who passes the Scenario. If you advance and choose not to enroll in the second year following your advancement, a placewill be provided for you only asspace becomes available. Space is not guaranteed if you elect to defer your advancement.

Why can’t anyone who wants to be in the program continue to the second year of studies?

The program is limited in terms of studio space and faculty. Therefore, we can only accept the number that would equal two studio sections.

Who can or should participate in the Design Scenario?

Any individual who has completedINTD 129 Introduction to Interior Design and INTD 166 Visual Communication/Sketching or their approved equivalent is eligible to participate in the Scenario. If you are planning to transfer to CSU the fall after the Design Scenario is held, you can submit a portfolio during the summer. Please refer to the 2014 Interior Design Transfer Instructions. New policy: Effective Fall 2006, students MUST have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 to participate in the Design Scenario

What are the faculty looking for in the work I produce during the Design Scenario? (See attached evaluation criteria sheet)

Mastery of basic skills

Evidence of critical thinking applied to interior design

Potential and aptitude for study in the major

Level of skill

How will I be notified?

Results of the Design Scenario will be placed in the mail within 5-6 working days following the Scenario. Those students advancing to the second year of study in the Program will register for required second year coursework. Students not advancingare invited to talk with their advisor about participating in the following year’s Design Scenario, about options in areas related to interior design (e.g. landscape architecture, theatre design, product merchandising, construction management, textiles, art, business) as well as explore other areas of strength. The Interior Design Program and Center for Achievement and Student Advising (CASA) advisors are available and prepared to discuss outcomes, future directions, and provide guidance regarding successful career directions.

If I am an out-of-state student transferring to CSU and requesting Interior Design as my major, do I have to participate in the Design Scenario?

Out of state students are not expected to make a special trip to Colorado for the Design Scenario. INTD 129 is available on-line and other sketching classes are available in your community. Rather than taking the Design Scenario, you are requested to submit a portfolio of your work following the Scenario instructions. The portfolio should be submitted by JULY2, 2014. Your portfolio work will be evaluated within 10 working days after the deadline.Transfer students may wish to download a 2014 Interior Design Transfer Instruction Formafter April 20th as well as review samples of student work on the website for quality and understanding. Do not submit ANY extra work in your portfolioas it will not be reviewed. For questions, please contact the department office at


How do I get more information?

Two information sessions will beheld this year. The next information session for 2014is: March 11, 2014, 5.00 pm, C102 Aylesworth,Also, the CSU student interior design organizations hold seminars during spring semester. Watch for flyers in Aylesworth Hallor contact the department office for locations and further information.

For more information and examples of student work, please visit the Department website at information will be posted at this website throughout the year.