The Community Foundation of Whistler looks forward to receiving final reports on the projects and programs we support. The purpose of the Final Report is to:

  • Ensure accountability of entrusted resources, as outlined in the grant application
  • To learn from our experiences
  • To gather information on the impact of our grants and demonstrate the impact to current and future donors
  • To help us improve the granting process

Please return your final report by the due date noted in your grant agreement. Final grant payments are issued upon receipt of a complete final report. If you require more time to complete your project or to complete your report, please notify the Community Foundation of Whistler of your situation.

We are particularly interested in sharing with the community your organization’s stories. We appreciate numbers and facts but we also want to go beyond the numbers to understand how your program may have changed a certain person’s life or created an impact on the participants and/or the community.

Please forward your report to us via email at

Feel free to submit your final report in an alternative format as long you as you provide the information requested below. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Carol Coffey at .

Stories make an impact! Thank you for sharing your story with us.


Grantee Name:

Grant Number:

Report Completed by:





Project Title:

Amount of Grant:


  1. Tell us about the outcomes achieved by your project.
  1. To what extent did you meet the original project goals? Did your goals and objectives change over the course of the project? If so, how? Why? If the project was unable to meet one or several objectives, why not? What happened?

  1. Describe the key activities undertaken.
  1. Were there any challenges to overcome? Were there any unintended results?
  1. What were the most important lessons learned?
  1. List and describe the community partners their specific roles in the creation and implementation of this project. What did you learn from working with these partners? How did the project strengthen partnerships or collaboration?
  1. How did the project promote participation, inclusiveness, and build connections in the community?
  1. Tell us who and how many people were involved in the project:
  2. Project Organizers
  3. Volunteers
  4. Participants
  5. Others?


  1. Describe the impact of your project. What changes have been brought about by your actions? What effects has the project had on the participants, the partnering organizations and the community?
  1. What indicators did you use to measure your success?
  1. Provide us with personal stories that demonstrate the impact of this project. Please provide photos, narratives, testimonials, videos or other means of sharing one or more impact story from your project.

We invite you to use our Grant Impact Report template to demonstrate the impact of your project. Please refer to the Grant Recipient Information Kit for the template or visit our Information for Grantees page of our website.


  1. How was the community involved in the evaluation process?
  1. Will this project continue? How will your organization move forward with what was learned from this project?


Please provide us with a detailed financial statement showing the revenue and expenses for the project. Your financial report may be submitted using ourFinancial Template for Grant Reports.


Please tell us how you have acknowledged the Community Foundation of Whistler’s support for your project. Please attach any media coverage, newsletters, posters or other items showing recognition.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your project.

Community Foundation of Whistler

Final Grant Report Form 2017