Who: 2014-2015 2nd - 8th graders

Where: Steilacoom High School

When: July 21st, 23rd, 25th

Time: 9:00 am till 11:00 am

Cost: $40.00 if paid by July 1st

$50.00 if paid after July 1st

This will be a non-contact camp, which will feature skills and drills taught by the Steilacoom High School football staff and players. Each session will focus on the fundamentals of football followed by a 7 on 7 Tournament. Varsity athletes will act as Camp Counselors and team leaders. Each day a snack and drink will be provided.

Checklist: What to bring to camp each day.

·  Good Attitude

·  Shirt and Shorts

·  Sweats if the weather is cool

·  Athletic shoes (Cleats are useful, but not necessary)

Included in Camp Admission

·  Food Snack each day

·  Beverage each day

·  Drawing to be assistant ball boy for a home game

·  Steilacoom Camp T-shirt

Athlete Emergency Information


Parent/Guardian Name______Email______

Cell Phone______Home Phone______

Emergency Contact (if Parent/Guardian is not available)




Food Allergies______

The Coaches may apply First Aid Treatment until the Doctor can be contacted in the case of an emergency: Yes______No______. (______)


We (Parents/Guardians) give consent for the coaches to use their own judgment in securing medical aid and ambulance service in case the Parents/Guardians cannot be reached.



Registration Information

School Name______

Grade for 2013-14 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

T-Shirt Sizes (Circle One)

Youth Sizes: Small Medium Large

Adult Sizes: Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large

Make Checks Payable to “SHS Football”

Please include the athletes name on the memo line

Please mail checks and order form to:

Jim Brittain

Attn: SHS Football Youth Camp

510 Chambers

Steilacoom WA 98388

Before July 1st $40.00 from July 1st until July 20th $50.00

Athletes who sign up after July 10th will not receive a camp t-shirt

For questions or more information please contact Brian Koch, Head Football Coach, at Steilacoom High. email-