2017 Teacher of theYear
Guidelines, Selection Process and NominationForm
ItisthegoalofMeadeSchoolDistricttorecognizeandhonoroutstandingteachersonanannualbasis.The designation of a Teacher of the Year is one such method. The nomination procedure willallowevery administrative site an opportunity to select a teacher to compete for Meade SchoolDistrictTeacher of theYear.
Criteria forNomination
- Have a superior ability to inspire students of all ability levels andbackgrounds
- Be an exceptionally skilled and dedicated classroomteacher
- Be poised andarticulate
- Have the respect and admiration of students, parents andcolleagues
- Play an active role in the community as well as in theschool
- Must be planning to continue in an active teaching status with Meade School Districtfor2017-18
1. Application
Nominations will be open to all staff, parents and community members. Theattachedapplication must be completed and submitted to the nominee’s buildingprincipal/supervisorby March31. The application must be accompanied by a minimum of three lettersofrecommendation.
2.Administrative Site SelectionProcess
The method of selecting the nominee from each administrative site will be determined bytheadministration at eachlocation.
3.District SelectionProcess
The selection committee will be comprised of four school board members andthree
administrators. The communications specialist will serve as non-voting chairperson of thecommittee.Eachcommitteememberwillindividuallyratethenomineesbasedon:
- The criteria listedabove
- Information contained in the nominationform
- The letters ofrecommendation
Once the Selection Committee has adjourned, the communications specialist andthesuperintendentwillcompilethescores.ThenomineereceivingthetopscorewillbeMeadeSchool District Teacher of the Year for2017.
The Teacher of the Year and all administrative site nominees will be recognized in In Touchandother district publications, through the local media including social media and on thedistrictwebsite. These individuals will also be honored at the year‐end Employee RetirementandRecognitionReception.
2017 Teacher of the Year NominationForm
Do you know a teacher who isdedicated, inspiring, and makes adifference?
Name ofNominee
PleaseexplainwhyyoufeeltheeducatoryouarenominatingshouldbeTeacheroftheYearforMeade SchoolDistrict.
Please list specific examples of the teacher’s methods for meeting student needsand professionalgrowth
What contributions has this person made to his/her school, district, andcommunity?
Describe this person’s ability to create an environment that inspires students toachieve.
How does this nominee keep current with standards, assessments and methods ineducation?
Describe the nominee’s skills in building rapport with students, parents andcolleagues.
How does this individual demonstrate a dedication toeducation?
A minimum of three (3) letters of recommendation by individuals other than the nominator must accompany this nomination form. The deadline for submission of the nomination form andletters
of recommendation is Friday, March 31, 2017tothebuilding principal/supervisor of the person beingnominated.