Bohls Neighborhood Association 2007 Annual Meeting Agenda

May 5, 2007

  1. Welcome, sign-in and introductions
  2. Everyone introduce self and say where they live. Also have a guest speaker, Joe Carpenter, who will speak later about the widening of East Pecan Street.
    BNA is a non-partisan organization that does not endorse any candidate or take a position on any political issue. Any candidates here today were not invited by BNA to speak at this meeting. BNA does encourage all residents to vote. Candidates may visit with residents following our meeting.
  3. Is a quorum present?
  4. This is BNA’s second annual meeting. Minutes posted on our website and copies are available today. Can we take a minute to approve minutes of last meeting?
  5. Encourage everyone to become a member of BNA. Annual dues are $30. Our new year starts June 1, 2007. This year we have 20 members.
    The purpose of the Bohls Neighborhood Association is to provide a forum for neighborhood activities and communication, promote neighborhood safety and beautification, maintain Bohls signage, and help maintain the value of the homes in Bohls by supporting the Architectural Committees' enforcement of the deed restrictions.
  6. Past year in review
  7. Volunteer neighborhood association formed in 2003.
  8. 3 NNO parties at Scott Mentzer Pool. Next planned for Tuesday, August 7th.
  9. Continue partnership with Parks and Rec for adopt-a-trail. Clean-up days twice a year. Big one in January with another in the spring. City arborist (April).
  10. Quarterly newsletter now published on-line on our website. Samples of this year’s newsletters are available in one of the white binders.
  11. Two food drives each year. This year food went to the Storehouse Mission and Immanuel Lutheran Food Pantry. Information on exemption from new city peddler and solicitor ordinance. Fall food drive to benefit Blue Santa.
  12. Annual neighborhood garage sale
  13. Holiday light judging for 3 years. Added honorable mention this year, houses that have won twice in a row can get honorable mention for one year.
  14. Provided financial aid for Bohls Place and Bohls Crossing Architectural Committees enforcement of the deed restrictions. The architectural committees and the neighborhood association are separate entities.
  15. Continue to work with the city on maintaining the landscaping around our neighborhood (along Pecan and Old Hutto Rd) and resolving neighborhood issues. We continue to remind the city about the need for road repair, especially on Petunia and Plumbago.
  16. Continue neighborhood communications via quarterly newsletters, signs and emails.
  17. Officer Elections
  18. Review and vote to approve 2007-2008 BNA Budget
    (on reverse side of your agenda)

  1. Changes around us:
  2. Widening of East Pecan
    Speaker: Joe Carpenter, City of Pflugerville Engineer
  3. Roads and other development (see book in back)
  4. Stone Hill Town Center (SH 45/SH 130). Home Depot has submitted plans to the city planning department.
  5. Pflugerville Parkway West extension and widening to Greenlawn
  6. Wells Branch Parkway (City of Pflugerville portion from Immanuel to Tudor House Rd) to be completed June or July.
  7. Travis County Projects including road, bridge and park projects. Of interest are NE metro park, Heatherwilde/Wells Branch Parkway extensions, Howard Lane, Gilleland Hike & Bike at Heatherwilde & Grand Avenue Parkway.
  8. LCRA Clear Springs to Hutto Transmission Line Project
  9. Neighborhood issues, concerns and information.
    We want your input!
  10. Fences around the neighborhood. Graffiti and maintenance. Graffiti elsewhere in Pflugerville (Heritage Park bathrooms, war memorial)
  11. Dfest May 18-20
  12. 1st Annual Pflugerville Fireworks Sunday, July 1 at the lake
  13. Sign up for “close watch” at the police department. Police department also does free security reviews of residents homes.
  14. Adjourn to visit with your neighbors!

Bohls Neighborhood Association 2006-2007 Summary
Budgeted Amount / Expense to date / Remaining Balance
Post Office Box / 26.00 / 26.00 / 0.00
Checks & Supplies / 30.00 / 0.00 / 30.00
Publication Copying / 66.00 / 69.30 / (3.30)
Pfcona Membership/web hosting / 48.00 / 36.00 / 12.00
National Night Out / 200.00 / 107.67 / 92.33
Signs & Banners / 200.00 / 346.40 / (146.40)
Food Drive Bags / 25.00 / 0.00 / 25.00
Bohls Place Arch. Committee / 50.00 / 13.07 / 36.93
Bohls Crossing Arch. Committee / 50.00 / 12.44 / 37.56
Joint Arch. Committees Legal Funds / 800.00 / 0.00 / 800.00
Budgeted Item Total / 1,495.00 / 610.88 / 884.12
Non-Budget Items / Expense to date
IRS Tax Payment / 75.00
Non-Budget Items Total / 75.00
Total Expense to Date / 685.88
Projected Income / Income to date / Pending Income
Advertisement: Quarterly Newsletter / 180.00 / 75.00 / 105.00
Advertisement: Semi-annual Food Drive / 300.00 / 225.00 / 75.00
Membership dues (18 members) / 540.00 / 600.00 / (60.00)
Donations: National Night Out / 200.00 / 153.00 / 47.00
Donations: Other / 0.00 / 20.00 / (20.00)
Income Total / 1,220.00 / 1,073.00 / 147.00
Checking Acct Balance (04/24/07) / 1272.46
Outstanding checks / 0.00
Net checking account balance / 1272.46
Proposed Bohls Neighborhood Association 2007-2008 Budget
Budgeted Items / Budgeted Amount / Comments
Publication Copying / 70.00 / 2 Food drives only
P.O. Box Rental / 26.00
Checks & Supplies / 30.00
National Night Out / 200.00
Food Drive Bags / 25.00 / Cost for 1 FD. Use donated bags.
PfCONA membership / web hosting / 58.00 / New (4 officers x $12) + $10 WebSecure
Signs & Banners / 130.00 / Reusable signs (2 sets of 4 signs x $65)
Bohls Place Arch. Committee / 50.00
Bohls Crossing Arch. Committee / 50.00
Joint Arch. Committees Legal Fund / 800.00
Total Budgeted Expenses / 1,439.00
Income Sources / Projected Income
Advertisement: On-line Qtly. Newsletter / 120.00 / 2 ads x $15 x 4 on-line newsletters
Advertisement: Semi-annual Food Drive / 210.00 / 7 ads (legal paper) x $15 x 2 food drives
Membership dues / 600.00 / 20 members
Donations: National Night Out / 153.00
Donations: Other / 20.00
Total Projected Income / 1,103.00

Bohls Neighborhood Association 2007 Annual MeetingPrint: 11/14/2018