June 29, 30, & July 1, 2016
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Interested in learning about health careers?
Like workingwithpeople,butaren’t sure what careertopursue?
Have no idea what you “want tobe when you growup,”butaregoodatmathandscience?
The Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center andVincennes University Jasper Campus (VUJC)HealthCareers Campis designed for you.TheCampprovides high schoolsophomores, juniors, andseniors(in fall 2016)withengaging activities, critical information, and practical advice to further exploreand pursue health care careers.Three action-packeddayswillgive participants insight into college life and a variety of health care careers.
Health CareersCamp Details:
Hosted atMemorial Hospital Healthcare Center and Vincennes University Jasper Campus.Participants must be high school sophomores, juniors,or seniors in fall 2016.
Each session isWednesday–Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4p.m.(EDT).
Students mustagreetoactively participate inallthreedaysofthe camp. Registration islimited.Camp fee is$25.Financial assistance is available.Fee willbe collected after acceptance into camp.Please contact April Gogel at (812)ithanyquestions.
- Complete the applicationform.Do not send camp fee with application.
- Writea short essay explainingyour interest ina health career and why you would like tobeinvolvedin thiscamp.Your essayshouldnot exceed 300words.
- Requesta recommendation from oneofyour teachers orguidancecounselor, and provide them withtheform.
- Submit applicationformand essay to:
- Memorial Hospital and HealthCare Center
- Attention: HR Department (April)
- 800 West 9thStreet
- Jasper, IN47546
Deadline forapplicationsubmissionisMay30,2016.Incomplete applications willnotbe considered.All applicants will be notified whether they were accepted into thecampviaemail by June3,2016.
Memorial Hospital and VUJCHealthCareers Camp – 2016 Application
NameStreet Address
CityST ZIP Code
Home Phone
E-Mail Address
Date of Birth
Grade Level, Fall 2016
Current School
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Address
Parent/Guardian Phone
Parent/Guardian Email
T-Shirt Size:AdultSAdult MAdultLAdult XLOther
Anyknown allergies? NoYesList:
NameStreet Address
CityST ZIP Code
Home Phone
Work Phone
E-Mail Address
If selected, Icommittoparticipatinginallthreedaysof the MHHCCandVUJC Health Careers Camp
–2016.Iwillconductmyselfwithdignity, courtesy, and consideration of others. I understand thatmy personal appearance should be neat and clean. Ishallwear the appropriate clothing designatedby the Health Careers Camp personnel: long pants, tennisor closed toes shoes, no tank tops, nomidriffs showing.Iwillkeepall information absolutely confidential, whetheroralor written, that Imayobtain through myparticipationinthe Health CareersCamp. Additionally, Iwill not attempttotake any photographswhile inside any health care facilities. Iwill arrive inatimely fashion and followall rules established by the camp staff.
Student SignatureStudent Name (printed)
Parent Signature
Parent Name (printed)
DemographicInformation(used onlyforreportingpurposes)
Do you receive free/reduced lunchatschool? / YesNo
Are you a21stCentury Scholar? / YesNo
Did either ofyour parents graduate from college? / YesNo
Are you Latino or Hispanic? / YesNo
Whatisyour race?(please write in)
Student Name:
Writea short essay (notto exceed 300words)describingyour interest ina health care career andyourexpectations for this camp.
Counselor/Teacher: This student hasasked you to providean assessmentof his/hersuitabilitytoparticipate in theMemorialHospital andHealthCare CenterandVincennesUniversity– Jasper CampusHealth CareersCamp– 2016. Opportunities are limited to participate in the camp,andwe trytoevaluatestudentsbased on a combination of factors.We are particularlyinterested in studentswho are mature,responsible,and motivated. In addition, students whohavepreviouslyexpressedan interestin healthcareers, or who you feel wouldbenefitfromlearningabout health careersare strongcandidates. Academicsuccess is important, but we arealso interested in studentswithstrongpotentialto succeed,who mayhavebarriers to overcome, or whomaynot haveperformedto theirpotentialin the past.
Please return the completedrecommendationform by mail or faxto:April Gogel
Workforce Business Partner
MemorialHospitaland Health Care Center800 W. 9thStreet
Jasper, IN47546Fax: 812/996-0237
Completedapplicationpackets are due by May 30, 2016.
Ifyouhaveany questions, or needany additional information, please callApril Gogel, at (812)996-0523.
Student NameCounselor/Teacher Name
School Name
School Address
City, State, ZIPCode
School Phone
Email Address
In comparison toother students youhave known, please evaluate the student in the followingareas(1 being the lowest, and 5thehighest):
Characteristic / Rating (lowest to highest)Academic Success / 12345
Intellectual Ability / 12345
Leadership Skills / 12345
Motivation/ Determination / 12345
Respect for Others / 12345
Creativity / 12345
Self-Confidence / 12345
Maturity / Responsibility / 12345
Additional comments about the student:
I recommend thisstudentfor participation in the MHHCC and VU-JC Health CareersCamp.YesNoCounselor/Teacher Signature: Date:
If you haveany questions, please contact April Gogel at 812-996-0523 or