Interdisciplinary Explorations in Virology
Syllabus, Fall 2014
Course Description
In this course, we will use a case-study approach to investigate the biology of human pathogenic viruses, focusing in particular on factors that impact the outbreak and spread of human viral diseases. CC- Interdisciplinary
Student Learning Goals
As a result of taking this course, students will be able to:
1) Describe the basic structures and replication strategies of the major classes of human viral pathogens;
2) Explore and analyze the political, social, economic and biological factors that impact the outbreak and spread of viral diseases;
3) Demonstrate familiarity with the specialized vocabularies and fundamental concepts of the various disciplines involved in the epidimiological analysis of viral disease outbreaks;
4) Show an appreciation of how different academic disciplines can supplement and reinforce one another in the study of viral disease outbreaks and their causes;
5) Articulate an understanding of the complexities and ambiguities inherent in explaining epidemiological issues from with in the frameworks of a variety of disciplines, including biology, sociology, political science and economics.
6) Deliberately use the disciplines under study for advanced analysis of viral disease outbreaks in a way that is not normally available to each discipline alone.
Important Course Information
Professor: Dr. Tammy Tobin
Office Location: 234F New Science Building
Office Phone: 4067
Office hours by appointment: M,W, F 8:30-9:45 am, M 3-4. Other hours gladly set up by appointment, too. Walk-ins are always welcome!
Tweeting Hours: @Tobintc #SUMicrobz: M 2-4.
Texting Hours: Nope, sorry. My minimal cell phone plan will not support them.
Email Policy (): Monday-Friday: I always respond to emails as quickly as I can (generally within a few hours during the work day). However, I am an early riser (5:00 am), so emails that are sent after 8:00 pm M-F will probably NOT receive a response until the next morning. Weekends/Holidays: Unless I am completely out of email contact (this is possible, as I am an avid hiker/camper) I will check my email daily during weekends and holidays and respond within 24 hours.
Required Text
Virology: Principles and Applications by Carter and Saunders, 2nd edition (Wiley, paperback ISBN 978-1-119-99142-7, etext ISBN 978-1-118-62976-5)
Grade Standards
Your final grade will be based on three exams (30%), Peer-Evaluated Teamwork (10%), in-class assignments and mini case study worksheets (30%), and a written report of your semester "Outbreak" project (30%). Grades will be based on the table below. There is no curve.
Percent Grade
Letter Grade
If you are not in class, you will receive a zero for that day's work, and for that day's participation. If you think you have a really good reason for missing class, you must let me know about it in advance, and I will decide if a make-up assignment is warranted.
Late Work
Since the reason I assign work for class is to help you learn, I will always accept late work, and it will always receive more points than work that is simply not turned in (as long as you get something right, that is). Late (unexcused) work will be assessed a 10% per day late penalty, and that penalty starts the minute that I start class - so please do NOT come to class late because you are printing out that day's assignment. It won't change your grade a bit.
Accommodations I am committed to working with students with disabilities by providing reasonable and adequate accommodations. If you have a documented learning disability, please bring thepaperwork from Disability Servicesto my office. I will be happy to work with you to help you get the most out of this course.