Paws n Music Association
Inter Regional Competition
To be held at
Forest Oak Farm, Purlieu, Lydney,
Gloucestershire GL15 4LN.
On Monday 25th August 2014
Show opens at 8:00am Judging starts 9:00am
Classes and order of competition:
1. Musical Dressage – Starters, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
2. Heelwork to Music - Starters, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
3. Dances with Dogs - Starters, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
4. Freestyle – Starters, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
JUDGES – To be confirmed once team entries received. There will be two judges per class.
The following persons are the Team Managers for 2014 for the outlined region/counties:
Southern – Jan Debnam 01425 638515: Berkshire, South Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Surrey & West Sussex.
East – Louise Ballard 01268 771255 or 07733187065 : Essex, Greater London, Kent, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire, South Lincolnshire
West – Penny Draper : Herefordshire, Somerset, Avon, Wiltshire, Devon, Shropshire, Cornwall, Dorset & Gloucestershire.
Midlands – Lesley Brocklehurst 01296 670340 Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Rutland, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Worcestershire & Shropshire, North Buckinghamshire
Northern Team – Ann De Rizzio 01253 722923 Cheshire, Yorkshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Durham and Northumberland, North Lincolnshire, Cumbria.
The Welsh Team – Margaret Booth 01407 720057
The Scottish Team – Jeanette Fyfe 01383 416845
Applications for membership of a regional team should be made to the relevant Team Manager (no telephone calls after 9pm please).who will forward information and application forms.
Full Regional Team (all 16 entrants) £150
For every unfilled place on the team the regional fee is reduced by £6.
Spectators £4 PnM Members; £5 Non-Members (spectators to pay on the door)
Team entries must be with Team Managers by 25th July 2014
Team Managers: REGIONAL TEAM ENTRIES MUST BE SENT TO Jenny Deakin by 30th July 2014 (Postmark). [Entries to be submitted by Regional Team Managers only.] Emailed team entries allowed but cheques must be sent by this date to Jenny.
Regional entries to: Paws n Music, 7 Bennett Place, Ilmington, Shipston on Stour CV36 4LW or by email by 30th July.
Vets - Severnside Vet Group, 1 Tuthill, Lydney, GL15 5PA (01594 842185)
Show Enquiries to Jenny Deakin, Inter Regional Co-ordinator, 01608 682314 (between 6pm- 8pm please)
Team Enquiries to the relevant Regional Team Manager (no telephone calls after 9pm please)
Each Regional Team will be made up of four Divisional teams: Heelwork to Music, Freestyle, Dances with Dogs and Musical Dressage.
Each divisional team will consist of: 1 starter, 1 novice, 1 intermediate and 1 advanced dog and handler team.
One dog may compete in a maximum of two divisions.
The Joker card
Each team will be given a Joker card which they can play on a specific handler to double their score.
It is the Team Manager's responsibility to inform the commentator and pass the Joker card directly to the Scorer before team member enters the ring.
If all levels cannot be filled within a divisional team, the Regional Team Manager can still enter a partially complete team. Each region can only submit one team per division.
Qualification for competition
The dog must work at the class level for which it is qualified on July 24th 2014
Team Selection
The following selection criteria give guidance to the team managers to aid their selection process:
*Must be Paws n Music member. *It is the Team Manager's responsibility to check with all applicants they have up to date membership.
* Applicants must live in the relevant region at the time of closing date of the team and their Paws n Music membership must be registered at that address unless otherwise agreed by the PnM committee.
*Prospective Team members must be willing to attend team training sessions, fund raising events and meetings, if set by the Team Manager.
*The Team Manager selects the regional team members. *They should aim to have varied membership from across the represented region and breeds of dogs.
*Team qualification criteria will be set by the Team Manager with the approval of the IRC co-ordinator.
*All teams must be self-funded. Teams are welcome to get sponsorship for the team; however these must present a positive impression for the sport. IRC co-ordinator to be kept updated re team sponsorship.
*For starters/novice level if the handler and/or dog have not entered a competition previously the Team Manager will need to ensure that they are competent to work at this level and are fully conversant with the requirements of the specific division.
*Applicants should ensure that they include full details of any Progress Award achievements, experienceat demonstrations, fun shows or training days etc. thatwill help in the team selection process.
*Divisional Teams should be selected by the Regional Team Manager for their region in a manner that is fair and reflects the sport in a positive light.
Qualifying competitions may be held or 2013 results/2014 early season results may be used to select the team. Responsibility for team membership and the selection process rests with the Regional Team Managers.
*Regional Team Managers should keep a record of all applications and details of the selection process used to be made available to the IRC or Paws n Music Committee upon request. All applicants must complete an application form in order to apply for the regional team.
Music and Booking In
Each Competitor should provide their own music. It can be a CD (clearly marked with the track to be used) or an audio cassette tape with the music at the beginning of a blank tape. It is advisable to bring two copies of the tape or CD with one for back up.
Each Team Manager must book in their Team’s music on arrival to the IRC event. The Regional Team’s music is the responsibility of the Team Manager.
Opening Team Parade
Each team will enter the ring in alphabetical order as instructed by the stewards, and only have the time of their music to do so. Each team must provide the co-ordinator with their music on a CD for the parade, 90 seconds allowed only per team.
Banners and banter encouraged!
Length of Music
Starters: up to 2½ minutes
Novice: up to 3½ minutes
Intermediate up to 3½ minutes
Advanced up to 4 minutes.
The duration of the routine should be a maximum length as detailed above. An over-run of 5% is permitted, but 2 marks will be deducted from the final score for any time taken in excess of this.
Size of Ring
The ring size area is a maximum 20 metres x 20 metres. Judges will be sited along one side of the ring and spectators along 2 sides. The surface will be carpet.
Definition of Classes
Musical Dressage – This routine must consist of dressage moves in heel and/or free positions. The movement of the dog will show a continuous balanced natural rhythmic movement throughout each position/direction of movement, reflecting the timing of the music . It may be at more than one pace, i.e. walk, trot or canter and in any direction provided the rhythm is maintained throughout each element, and elements are joined smoothly.
Heelwork to Music – The principal element of the Heelwork to Music category will be the dog working off lead in the heel work position, on the left or right hand side of the handler, facing forward or backward, across the front or back of the handler, moving in any direction, at any pace. The dog’s shoulder should be approximately level with, and reasonably close to, the handler’s leg. All other positions are defined as Freestyle. A minimum of two thirds of the routine should consist of heelwork.
Freestyle – A Freestyle routine will consist of the dog working off lead and contain movements in any position. Heelwork as described above is acceptable although such movements must not exceed one third of the routine.
Dances with Dogs – This routine must be recognizable as a dance on the part of the handler. The dog may carry out moves from dressage, freestyle or heelwork, or a combination in any position.
Dogs must be over 12 months for HTM and Dressage and over 18 months for Freestyle and Dances with Dogs.
Competitors or team managers should note that if they wished to query any decision made at the show and its running, they should do so as soon as possible to the Show Manager; preferably before the presentation for that class, but no later that the end of the show before final awards are presented. This will allow the Show Manager time to investigate (preferably before awards are announced).
All normal KC HTM & PnM regulations for competing apply but please note this is not a KC licensed show. Therefore no points will be gained towards class progression at KC licensed shows. Attention to competitors is drawn specifically to the Kennel Club Heelwork to Music competition regulations Part III (L) paragraphs 10,15, 17, 20 and 21.
Welfare of Dogs
An exhibitor (or competitor) whose dog is entered in this event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of the dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. A breach of this may be referred to the Paws N Music (PnM) Committee who may look to impose sanctions such as a membership ban.
Your dog is vulnerable & AT RISK if left in a vehicle in high temperatures & even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog. If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused.
Directions - as per directions on August Paws n Music Show
Judges at this event are expected to maintain and abide by the highest standards in accordance with Kennel Club Rules and Regulations and appropriate Codes of Best Practice as published from time to time.
Judges’ discretion prevails and Judges’ decisions are final. No competitor shall impugn the decision of the judges. Any physical disciplining of the dog by the handler in the ring will result in Judges eliminating the dog from further competition in that class.
The Judges must observe the dog at all times whilst it is in the ring, even after elimination from competition.
The dog should work in a willing and natural manner. Excessive noise and barking will be penalised and a maximum of 4 marks can be deducted from the overall score at the Judge’s discretion.
Any activity that may be injurious to the dog will result in elimination.
Should a judge be unable to fulfil their appointment the organizers reserve the right to appoint an alternative judge.
In the event of dogs obtaining equality of marks in Heelwork To Music & Musical Dressage, the Accuracy and Execution of Movement mark will decide the result. In Freestyle & DWD competition the Musical Interpretation mark will decide the result. Where there is still equality of marks the order shall be decided at the discretion of the lead judge.
If a dog leaves the ring and ceases working it should be eliminated from the competition but allowed to continue and complete its routine, as long as the music is still playing. If a dog accidentally steps outside the ring during a routine it will not be penalised.
Each judge will mark all three sections of the Judging
Criteria as follows:
Heelwork to Music and Freestyle
a. Programme Content – 10 marks
(1) The Programme content conforms to the definitions for Heelwork to Music or Freestyle and should be varied, with no excessive repetition of movement, and content being appropriate to the routine.
(2) Movement should be appropriate to the structure and conformation of the dog.
(3) The movements of the dog should have a greater impact than those of the handler.
(4) Degree of difficulty of movements should be taken into account.
b. Accuracy & Execution of Movement – 10 marks
(1) Movements including heelwork are accurately and smoothly executed.
(2) The dog should work in a natural and willing manner.
(3) The dog should respond promptly and appropriately to the cues given (including use of props).
(4) Bearing and deportment of the handler is appropriate and should be appropriate to the routine.
c. Musical Interpretation – 10 marks
(1) Interpretation of the rhythm, phrasing and timing should be apparent; the choice of music should suit the team.
(2) Choreography should be apparent, flowing and not a series of disjointed moves. The routine should include balance, structure and making best use of available space.
(3) Primary emphasis of musical interpretation should be on the dog’s movement although the handler should/may be expressive.
(4) Handlers’ dress and any props used should be Suitable and applicable to the interpretation of the routine.
Musical Dressage
a. Programme Content – 10 marks
(1) The programme content conforms to the class definition i.e. the dog demonstrates continuous natural rhythmic movements, throughout each element, reflecting the timing of the music.
(2) The content should be varied with no unnecessary repetition.
(3) Movements should be in both free and heel positions and in different directions, appropriate to the level of competition.
(4) The programme should showcase the movements of the dog which should be appropriate for its structure and conformation.
(5) The degree of difficulty should be taken into account, for example complexity, distance and positioning.
b. Accuracy and Execution of Movement – 10 marks
(1) Movements of the dog should flow and be accurately and smoothly executed.
(2) They should be consistently rhythmic throughout each element and reflect the musical timing.
(3) The dog should respond to cues promptly and appropriately.
(4) It should work in a natural and willing manner with the handler.
(5) The handler’s bearing and deportment should be appropriate for the routine.
(6) Both dog and handler should be able to move freely at all times demonstrating balance and poise.