
41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
Archimandrite Edward G.Kakaty
included and are optional. We are in the red & need to give more. We owe Melkite diocese $16000, Please make up the envelopes missed when you’re away!
Suggested Donations for Church Services: House Blessing, $25, Churching baby: $25, Christening: $200, Wedding: $300, Funeral: $200, Memorial: $30, Commemoration @ Liturgy: $15, Certificates: $20, Hall usage: $100 for those who gave $1500 to building fund, $100 Mercy meal, $200 active parishioners, $300 all others, $25 kitchen use extra. Hall is to be left clean, including restrooms, mopped, garbage taken away. Deposit of $100 non-refundable. Special insurance of $100 check to be paid with deposit that goes to Diocese of Newton. Parents must attend preparation class with Fr Ed before baptism of first baby only. Saint’s names are preferred for the baby to have a patron. Donations to the priest are not included and are optional. We are in the red & need to give more. We owe Melkite diocese $16000, Please make up the envelopes missed when you’re away!
ArchimandriteEdward Kakaty / AUG 27, 2017
Twelfth Sun After Pentecost

Intentions This weekend: Pray for Syria,Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines, Spain,Texas

Sun: +Salim Slim by his family PHS St Mary Ukrainian Catholic parish, Colchester (100th Anniversary)


This weekend / Sat: no liturgy / Sunday: Gerard Massad / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fuel building fund
Next Weekend / Sat: John Jalonski / Sunday:RafkaHage
Aug 19 / 17 / Gave / 467 / Clothing Shed 85.
Aug 20 / 15 / Gave / 505

200 Club Winners: $50 Don Urso, $25 Mary Dib, $10 ea: Carol Shasha, Joe Zizik, Fr Ed Kakaty

The Sanctuary candle is lit in loving memory of +David Facas, by his godmother/aunt, Gloria & John Jeffords

Speedy Recovery:Sadia Abdul, Bp John Elya, Mary Dib, Fr Simones

Condolences to TaklaHage, Katia, Lina, Hanaa for the passing of their brother/father, +Salim Slim, in Beirut.

His 40 day memorial is Sun Sept 24 @10am here and in Lebanon. May his memory be eternal.Allah yerhamo.

Condolences to the family of+ Elias Lou Hage:Joe, John, Catherine, and Sarah. His parents, Joseph and Munira, and Uncle Elias were founders of St Ann church in 1929. He donated $500 to the Building Fund in their memory.

Condolences to the family of +Keith Hall: Andrea (Massad), Brandon, Marissa, parents, relatives, friends. May his memory be eternal. The church building fund has received $550 in loving memory of Keith Hall.

Pray for Melkite seminarians: Oliver Black, NevenPesa, MikhaelNaddaff, ChristopherDavel; classes began 8/21!

Fuel Donors : $1960 Frank Kozmon100 BesharaElKhoury 200 Gabriel Hajj300 AbrozeGharios 100 Catherine Yost 100 +John Francis100 Don Urso 2000 Carol H.Shasha100 Mary Dib 350 anonymous,100 George Abboud

100 TaniosGhazali 200 Alexis Kozmon 100 Ed Najim600 MaryJaneFacas 800 George Haddad 200 Louise Massad100 Stephen Massad 200 Patrick Moukawsher100Micheley Hodges100Faouzi Hage300Joe Doro

200Richard Agamie50Michael Flaherty700St Agnes Parish100 FouadHomsey100Helen Villani 200Steven Hudson

200 Robert Klancko.

Annual Pilgrimage to Ender’s Island Feast of Dormition Bp Nicholas celebrated Liturgy for over 80!

Frs Dennis McCarthy, JoeHaggar, Dan Crahen, Ed Kakaty, Paul Frechette, and Deacon Ed Raheb con-celebrated.

Sept 8: Syrian Dinner @St David’s church, Gales Ferry by and for the Refugees, Start Fresh, Islamic Center $25.

Sept 17: Annual family picnic: OLPH Melkite church, Worcester, Mitch Kaltsunas 508-752-4174

Sept 22-24:Lebanese Festival St Theresa Maronite Brockton, MA Mitch Kaltsunas 508-586-1428

String cheese for sale- $12 lb limited quantity-sold out-see or email Fr Ed for another order from Utica!

HAPPY NEW CHURCH YEAR (Sept 1) BACK TO SCHOOL (Best wishes-study hard)!

Welcome to Bishop Nicholas J Samra, our spiritual father and leader, who is here today to serve the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and preach. He is accompanied by our new pastor, Fr Dennis McCarthy, and ProtodeaconSaleemNaber from Yonkers, NY. Since he was enthroned in the Annunciation Cathedral in August, 2011, he has ordained 13 men to the Holy priesthood and brought 9 priests from the Middle East to serve in our diocese; began 3 missions. He has written many books and is a brilliant lecturer. He was born in Paterson, NJ in 1944 and attended St Ann Melkite Church, where he was ordained priest by Archbishop Joseph Tawil in 1970. Bishop Nicholas attended St Basil’s Seminary, St Anselm’s College, and St John’s seminary. (He was a classmate of Fr Ed). He was consecrated bishop in 1989 and served as auxiliary bishop, while being rector of St Gregory’s Seminary, Newton, MA. Welcome and thanks to the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard, and to the many guests from NY, MA, RI, etc.