Monday 15th October 2007 at 6.00pm
Venue: Buckland Community Centre, Malins Road, Buckland, Portsmouth
PRENO Committee:-
Jatin Patel – PRENO Chair
Amreek Singh-Digpal – PRENO Treasurer
Andrew Mason – Portsmouth Housing Association
Abdul Kadir – Portsmouth Central Mosque
Nick Ralph – Portsmouth Diocese CSR
Roger Batterbury – Portsmouth City Teaching PCT
Alice Leung – Portsmouth Multicultural Group
Rowshonara Reza – Portsmouth Foyer
Brian Futcher – Kurdish Community Association in Portsmouth
PRENO Staff:-
Tunde Bright-Davies – PRENO Manager
Taki Jaffer – PRENO Community Organisation Development Worker
Vera Sinha – Prison Community Liaison
Soraya Ciccarone – PRENOInfo & Admin Assistant(Minutes)
BME Organisations:-
Adonis Ntiefong – Camfoot UK
Liakoth Ali – Portsmouth Muslim Community
Francisco DeLuca – Latin American Cultural Association
Alexis Mukwa – GRACE Association
Trish Edwin–Kentebe – Portsmouth Multicultural Group
Nasrin Nazari – Iranian Community
Fan Wong – Chinese Community
Foad Salem – Portsmouth Kurdish Community Association
Fatima Jaffer – EMAS
Anna Potten – Dot to Dot
Chine Mbubaegbu – Highbury BME Student
Dawn Leo – (Indiv BME Member)
Rawaz Faris – Kurdish Community Centre
Chris Sinha – University of Portsmouth
D Hama – Portsmouth Kurdish Community Association
Roonak Nazari – Iranian Community
Service Provider Organisations:-
Beverley Meeson – Hampshire Mental Health
Present (Continued)
Andrew Perryer – Tangier Road Baptist Church
Terry Carter – Fratton Neighbourhood Forum
Paddy Bradley – Education, PCC
Claire Pond – Portsmouth Primary Care Trust
Fiona Harvey – Rainer City Training
Maria Cole – PCC Residents Consortium
April Brown – Hampshire Constabulary
David Small – PCC Equalities
R Kerby – Portsmouth Kurdish Community Association
Judith Kerby – Portsmouth Kurdish Community Association
Nick Ralph – Portsmouth Diocese Council for Social Responsibility
Terry Carter – Fratton Neighbourhood Forum
Caren Ransom – Havant Borough Council
Mike Maybury – Vegetarian Information Portsmouth
Michael Donald – HMP Kingston
Andy Whitehorn – HMP Kingston
Lin Fisher – South Coast Money Line
Sue Middleton – PCC Equalities
Fiona Harvey – Rainer City Training Solent
Ruth Nabholz Duncan – EMAS
1. Apologies:
John Campbell, Stephen Morgan, Ken Dobson, Beth Malabrigo, Professor Jabulani Mdlalose, Sally Jackson, Linda Collins, Richard Osborne, Sharon Furtado, Georgette Purches,
Mai Hoang, Marc Rostock, Stella Mbubaegbu, Lynda Fisher, Annette Kemp, Den Barry,
David Knight, Neil Simpson & Kirsty Walker
4. (Cont)
4. (Cont)
7. (Cont)
7. (Cont)
7. (Cont)
8. (Cont) / Welcome & Introductions
The Chair, Jatin Patel, welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited Brian Futcher (Kurdish Community Association in Portsmouth) to the front to thank him for helping to provide the Kurdish buffet this evening and also for bringing Rowaz Faris who played a short violin recital of a traditional Kurdish song.
JP said that he hopes PRENO continues to go a long way again in the next year and asked the Committee members present to introduce themselves.
JP also wished the Muslim Community a Happy Eid Mubarak and sent a warm welcome to PRENO’s new member of staff, Vera Sinha, who stood-up to introduce herself. Vera takes-up the post of PRENO Prison Liaison.
Approval of Minutes of General Meeting – Monday 16thApril 2007
Minutes from this meeting could not be approved as not enough BME’s present. Take forward to the next General Meeting on January 21st 2008.
Matters Arising from the General Meeting Minutes – 16/04/07
Take forward to the next General Meeting on January 21st 2008.
Update on Current & Future PRENO Events – Tunde Bright-Davies
Mental Health Project –TBD outlined the work that PRENO has now undertaken to become involved in this project. Mainly this project will target the Bangladeshi, Chinese and Sikh Communities as they are the largest communities in Portsmouth. GP’s will also be targeted and relevant service providers. People within these BME Communities will be interviewed and their thoughts on mental health issues recorded in a questionnaire. This is a taboo subject within many cultures and the aim is to remove the stigma associated with mental health issues. This also means that many BME’s do not seek help or talk about this. Trying to remove the stigma will include initially translation issues also.
PRENO Prison Community Liaison Post –TBD said that this post has now come to fruition after being in the pipeline for a few years. The Prison Service decided that it would be advantageous to work with PRENO on this as we are a specialised BME organisation. The recruitment and selection process has now been successfully finalised and TBD welcomed and introduced the new post holder, Vera Sinha, who was present. Vera’s post will cover working with HMP Camphill, Parkhurst and Albany on the IOW and also HMP Kingston in Portsmouth and Haslar Holding Centre in Gosport.
Vera will be working with detainees, local BME Communities, prison staff and prison action groups.
So why is PRENO doing this? There is a taboo/stigma about BME’s taking jobs within the prison service. Prison work is important to build the skills, look at nutritional, pastoral and everyday needs of the BME detainees. With BME’s going into prisons as volunteers this will inevitably increase the take-up of BME prison staff.
Improving Reach –This project is going well. PRENO is doing work with the Portsmouth Multicultural Group. Through PRENO, Trish Edwin-Kentebe, Treasurer of the Multicultural Group, and Alexis Mukwa, Chair of the Grace Association, have been able to undertake a Portsmouth University course on writing a Business Plan for their organisations.
Community Organisation Development Worker Post –Taki Jaffer has settled-in well to his new post and is capacity-building well. This is increasing our BME links and numbers of people involved in PRENO.
The Big Lottery BASIS Bid – JP said that PRENO is through successfully to Stage Two of this bid and we have been the only group in Portsmouth to get this far. However, we will not know if our application is successful until late December ‘07. TBD then presented the following slides:-
Slide 1 - Current & Future PRENO Events – Monday 15th October 2007
Slide 2 - Mental Health Project
-Targeting elders from 3 BME local Communities – Chinese, Vietnamese & Sikh
-Service Providers
-Improve uptake of mental health services and provision by..
-Consulting BME on their perceptions, knowledge of provision & suggestions for improvement
Slide 3 - Race Equality Prison Community Liaison
-Working with 5 local prisons
-Race Equality Action Groups
-BME Offenders & Immigration detainees
-Prison staff
-Local BME Communities
Slide 4 – Improving Reach
-Capacity building
-Social Enterprise
Slide 5 – Future Projects & Events
-Big Lottery BASIS – Stage 2
-2005/6 Additional Support Programme
-Surveyed BME Groups
-Surveyed Infrastructure Organisations
Slide 6 – ASP/BME Network – UNI (19)
-UNI Regional Voice
-S/E Hampshire BME – Local voice
-Local Consultation Seminar – 12th January 2008
ASP/BME Network – UNI 19 – RAISE – TBD – Race Equality Councils, organisations like PRENO etc. The regional voice now needs to go to the local levels and Hampshire, IOW and Southampton groups will all be at the UNI Consultation Event to be held on Saturday 12th January at the Buckland Community Centre from 9.30am to 12.30pm followed by a multicultural lunch.
Update on PRENO’s Interfaith Project – Taki Jaffer
TJ introduced himself and said that he had come into post in June and would be bringing the faith agenda to PRENO’s Race Equality work. It is all going well and TJ is engaged in the One World Week. This runs from 21st to 28th October and two main events taking place which TJ has helped to organise and co-ordinate are, “All Together Now”, an afternoon of music, stalls and entertainment here at Buckland Community Centre and “One World Walking Together”, an interfaith walk around Somers Town in Portsmouth to visit different places of worship and to hear about how each faith teaches about caring for our world. The media has been in touch re these race and faith events and there has been a lot of interest. There will be anopportunity to measure your carbon footprint at “All Together Now”. One correction to note is that the Jami Mosque is at Bradford Junction. The “One World Walking Together” walk will take place on the pavements and not in the road. TJ said that people doing the walk will learn just how similar all the faiths actually are.
Our Voice Counts – Event (Sat 27th Oct 10am–4pm) – Beverley Meeson
Beverley Meeson introduced herself and said that she co-ordinates efforts in Hampshire and the IOW to improve mental health for BME people as Focussed Implementation Site Co-ordinator - Delivering Race Equality in Mental Health Care. This also ties-in with TBD’s mental health project (mentioned earlier). Some groups are over-represented i.e. black and Polish males.
BM’s role includes:- working with communities, to start talking the language of mental health, making the service offered culturally more relevant, to provide training and to improve the quality of information available and to achieve a decent influence.
BM said that there is going to be a Mental Health Day on Saturday 27th October to highlight the mental health service in this area and to bring carers together for an informal event. The aim is also to find all the people who feel unsupported or with no where to go. There will be music, and food and a chance to discuss issues of concern. The teams working on this day will be taking details from people that attend so that they can contact them again after the event.
BMeeson said that if people want more information then to contact her.
David Small (PCC Equalities Team) – Update on PCC Equalities Work
DS, Equalities Officer, introduced himself. A main issue at present within the Council is HR and recruitment issues with the BME communities. DS has been pushing this issue forward since the PRENO AGM in July and the issues that came to light then. DS wants everyone to know that PCC are taking these issues seriously.
The PCC Race Equality Scheme is being reviewed. PCC are organising a Race Equality Scheme Consultation Event on Saturday 26th January 08 from 9.45am – 2.15pm at the Friendship Centre, Southsea. If anyone wants to take part please contact Dave Small for further details. DS hopes the day will bring in many BME community people and an action plan will come out of this day.
April Brown (Special Constabulary) – Promoting Volunteering, Shopwatch and the Special Constabulary
AB introduced herself and said that she is trying to recruit more Specials to join them. Anyone joining would be fully trained at Netley Training Centre. Part of AB’s remit is to increase numbers across Portsmouth. There are approx. 40 volunteers in Portsmouth but they are looking for more recruits now over the age of 16 yrs who can give four or more hours per week. This kind of work could be good for those trying to improve their skills i.e. Mums retraining for work.
Shopwatch are people trained as Special Constables but released for shop watch duties.
TJaffer added that they also have combat training one weekend day every 6 months and people can specify where they work.
JP asked everyone to pass this information onto anyone else who they think may be interested.
Lin Fisher (South Coast Money Line) – Promoting their Services to our BME Members
LF, Outreach/Liaison Officer, introduced herself and said that South Coast Money Line had been set-up 7 years ago for those who can’t go to the banks for loans. They offer home improvement loans and business loans. A lot is being done with the Polish Communities at present. What they find is that people who have been successful with businesses in their own countries can’t get loans here as they have no credit rating and this is where Moneyline can step-in.
They also offer Financial Education giving people the tools to manage their own money.
NRalph enquired about illegal doorstep money lenders. LF answered this and also added that Provident charge 497% interest!
Personal loans upto £5K and Business loans upto £7.5K are available.
Andrew Whitehorn (Deputy Governor, Kingston Prison) – How Race Equality is managed within Kingston Prison, Portsmouth
AW introduced himself and also introduced Mike Donald, Race Equality Officer. AW then presented the following slides:-
Management of Race Equality at HM Prison Kingston – Portsmouth
Andy Whitehorn – Deputy Governor
Mike Donald – Race Equality Officer
Current Status
- Kingston is Category ‘B’ Training Prison for Stage 2 Lifers
- It holds 200 Prisoners of which 24% is BME
- Who are all serving life sentences for a range of the most serious crimes i.e. Murder, Serious Sexual Assaults
- They have all served between 3/5 years before they arrive at Kingston
- And will serve between 3/6 years dependent on tariff length at Kingston
- From Kingston they will normally move to a lower category ‘C’ training prison
Management Tools Available
- Prison Service Order 2800 – Race Equality
- Main Contents are:- Legal Obligations, Management of Race Equality, Impact Assessments, Racist incidents, Community engagement, Training & Communication
- Standard 48 Race Equality Prisoners and Standard 62 Race Equality Staff – Auditable standards/baselines
- Race Equality Strategy
- Annual Report
- Race Equality Action Team
- Monthly Monitoring – Smart data
Race Equality Action Team
- Is a multi-disciplinary team within the establishment and community
- We meet bi-monthly
- And discuss a set agenda which covers all aspects of Race Equality
- At this meeting we monitor our action plan and ensure constant progress is being made
- The prisoners advisory group form an important part of this meeting
- And we monitor performance against a monthly key performance target for Race Equality
Race Equality Officer – Mike Donald
- Mike is the establishment officer who deals with all things race equality
- He is ably assisted by Geraldine Neil who is the Race Equality Co-ordinator
- Between them they deal with all the daily issues in planning and organising events
- Answering and investigating complaints of a racial nature
- Completing monitoring and monthly returns
- Finally we are always looking to build positive community links within the establishment and would welcome any help or volunteers to come and join our REAT and work with us to strengthen our community engagement strategy
- If you are interested please contact or or call 023 92 953100 and ask for any of the above or write to us at HMP Kingston, 122 Milton Road, Milton, Portsmouth PO3 6AS
AW and MD have been invited along to talk about how HMP Kingston deals with their Race Equality issues.
Race Equality Action Team – AW is the Chair of this. This role would always be filled by the Governor or Deputy Governor. 3.2% of the staff are BME. They hope to increase this.
HMP Kingston is like a mini city happening behind the four walls. Food, gyms, psychologists, medical teams, the workings of the prison and gardens etc all need people taking care of them or preparing the food etc.
AW asked if anyone was interested in joining REAT and if so to contact him. Also if anyone knows of a football team that would be interested in playing the HMP Kingston team they are always looking for teams to play a match against and have a paid professional referee.
BFutcher asked about the age for visiting football teams? They need to be 18 years and over.
JKirby enquired about job vacancies? These are advertised in the News and would also always be sent to PRENO to circulate. Kingston is fortunate that they don’t have problems with recruitment unlike some other prisons.
BMeeson enquired if they have good BME representation on the Advisory Board? AW responded that they do.
AW said that there are 81.5 thousand prisoners nationally and that the local prison for custody is Winchester. HMP Kingston does have local men but mostly prisoners are dispersed nationally. This is difficult but they do their best with this. Inmates do have religious support and they are currently recruiting for an Iman. They already have a Pagan and Christian representative and all faiths are catered for. TJaffer added that faith issues are going to be further discussed at a later stage.
Paddy Bradley, PCC Head of School Standards, Update on EMAS
PB introduced himself and said that as well as JPitt retiring from EMAS there could also be others leaving the service i.e. Val Williams (Deputy Team Leader). EMAS will be changing but at this stage they are not sure to which overall extent. Their funding comes from a Government Ethnic Achievement grant of £201K. In the last few years many more are needing the EMAS service but for 2008/9 they don’t yet know what they will receive as the grant has been frozen for the last three years by the Government.
The Schools Budget Site of £300K is now also under severe pressure as PCC now needs to make big savings. Also a number of one-off short-term projects are due to end in March 2008. At the local level money is declining as to what goes into schools.
At the outset not all languages are being supported in the city’s schools but only the ones most needed.
PCC will be supporting the EMAS service when JPitt retires but it is highly likely that EMAS will change.
The Primary sector is more likely to use EMAS’s services than at secondary level and it is likely that schools will have to pay more for this service. In April 2009 it is likely that the most significant changes will be noticed and there will be more gradual changes over the next year but the EMAS service will be maintained when JPitt retires.
NRalph commented that those not supported in their minority language needs may miss out when they go into school. Ruth Nabholz-Duncan enquired about consultation concerning this? PB responded that the consultation period had not started yet but would in the next month or so.
FDeLuca praised JPitt’s work and said that her departure will be a great loss to EMAS. He added that they are looking to make cuts when the need is increasing. He asked PB to defend this and not make cuts to the BME’s needs. PB thanked him for his comments about JPitt.
PB concluded that concerning PCC funding its time to move on but they will ensure schools are better able to support with theresources on-board.
Any Other Business
Andrew Perryer – Anthony Nolan Trust – AP gave details about the Anthony Nolan event at Tangiers Road Baptist Church on Monday 29th October from 5 – 8pm. Respondents from the BME Communities are desperately needed for bone marrow donations. JPatel backed this and asked all BME’s to support this.
Football Tournament –There will be a football tournament on Monday 22nd October at the Burnaby Road Naval grounds. BFutcher asked everyone to please support this and pass the word on as also a good opportunity for BME recruitment into the Royal Navy.
JPatel thanked everyone for coming and sent greetings to all faiths for the various forthcoming festivals including Diwali, Chinese New Year, Christmas and New Year.
Dates for your Diaries
PRENO General Meeting – Monday 21st January 2008 at 6.00pm
Venue: Buckland Community Centre, Malins Road, Buckland, Portsmouth PO2 7BL. / Action
The Meeting ended at 8.10pm.