INTELEC® Advisory Committee Meeting Notes

Wednesday, October 3, 2008

Town & CountryConvention Center

San Diego, California



Chris Riddleberger

Dan McMenamin

Günter Vau

Kevin Fellhoelter

John Parsons

Robert Jurewicz

Charles McManus

Stephen V. Natale

Lars Selberg

Toshiaki Yachi

Hiroaki Ikebe

Richard Valenta

Wilfried Schulz

Soo Hyun, Baek

Hee Jun Kim

Hirofumi Matsuo

Mark Jacobs

Byamg-kulc Lee

Fujio Kurokawa

John Hawkins

Donna Florek

Lars Bjorkstrom

William McCoy

Jeff vanParidon

Michiel Adema

Dick Vleeskruijen

Yutaka Nakamura

Gerhard Schewbler

Chris Seyer

Wilfried Schulz


In accordance with INTELEC policy, corrections to these notes may be made at the next INTELEC Advisory Committee meeting in Incheon, Korea, between October 18th and the 22nd 2009. Corrections will be included in the minutes of the 2009 Advisory Committee meeting.

The embedded files represented by icons in these minutes can be viewed by double clicking the icon.


Advisory Committee President Wilfried Schulz opened the meeting at 12:00 Noon by welcoming all committee members and invited guests in attendance and asked everyone present to introduce themselves and provide their company affiliation.

Approval of the Agenda

A motion was placed on the floor by Chris Riddleberger to approve the agenda and it was seconded by Dan McMenamin and approved without objection. The agenda can be seen by double clicking the icon below.

Approval of Minutes of the 2007 Advisory Committee Meeting in Rome, Italy

Steve Natale presented the minutes for the Rome, Italy Advisory Committee meeting. The president asked if there were any corrections to the minutes as submitted. There were no corrections offered and a motion was placed on the floor by Chris Riddleberger to approve the minutes of the 2007 meeting. The motion was seconded by Dan McMenamin. Motion carried without objection.

Recognition and Thanks to the INTELEC 2008 Management Committee

Wilfried Schulz expressed the thanks of the Advisory Committee to the INTELEC 2008 Management Committee which was followed by a round of applause for a job well done.

Elections Report

Chris Riddleberger reported on the results of the election of members to the 2008 Advisory Committee and appointments of Ex-Officio members. Chris made a motion to approve the report of the Nominations Committee and the motion was carried without objection as was the motion to approve the list of recommended ex-officio members.

Conference Executive Committee (CEC) Report

Charles McManus presented the CEC report. Charlie reviewed the current membership of the CEC, discussed the results of past conferences from 2000 (Phoenix, Arizona) to Rome, Italy in 2007, and reviewed the status of future INTELEC and TELESCON conferences and the TSG budget. The presentation can be reviewed by clicking on the icon. Mr. McManus also informed the Advisory Committee that he was stepping down as CEC chair, and that the remainder of his term will be assumed by Chris Seyer.

INTELEC 2007 – Rome, Italy - September 30th – October 4th , 2007

Steve Natali made the presentation for Rome on behalf of Chairman Maurizio Grossoni. Mr. Natali advised that the attendance as of this date was approximately 1000 people consisting of delegates and spouses/partners. A summary of the detailed statistics for the Rome conference can be viewed by clicking on the icon.

INTELEC 2008 - San Diego, CAUSA

Chris Seyer, Chairman of the 2008 conference, gave a quick conference update on the 2008 conference. The presentation can be reviewed by clicking on the icon

INTELEC 2009 – Incheon, South Korea

The Intelec 2009 in Incheon was reported by Prof. Kim. While some of the available hotels are within walking distance; others require use of a taxi. To view the presentation with accompanying photographs please see the attached icon.


Richard Valenta reported on the progress of the 4th International TELESCON scheduled to take place in Vienna, Austria from May 10th through May 13th, 2009. at the Hotel Golden Tulip All Suites Modul. This hotel is in the middle of Döbling one of the most exclusive residential areas in Vienna. The conference will open on Sunday and run for the three days following the Sunday opening with three parallel technical sessions. The committee is looking to expand the conference by soliciting electrical generation, transmission and distribution organizations to participate in the conference.

INTELEC 2010 – Orlando, Florida, USA

Marc Durocher gave the presentation for Intelec 2010. The Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort is a 4 ½ star venue, it will be adjacent to the new Waldorf-Astoria hotel and is the signature Hilton Resort in the state. It will be the site for the 2010 Intelec. Its construction will be completed in early 2009.The conference was last held in Orlando in 1990, more than 17 years ago, and had a very good attendance. This conference is close to major attractions in the area.

The site has already been visited by members of the CEC together with PCM, the chosen conference organizing company. A contract has been signed and room rates have been set at US$189 per night single or double. The conference will be held from Sunday June 6th through Thursday June 10th, 2010. The time frame for this conference and possibly future conferences was discussed at previous ADCOM and CEC meetings and is an attempt, among other things, to increase attendance.

INTELEC 2011 – Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dick Vleeskruijer presented the 2011 Intelec information and discussed the progress of the conference to be held in Amsterdam. He advised that the web site is active.


A final location has not been determined yet. Sites in Canada are being explored, as is the search for a Chairperson.


The 2013 site, Hamburg, Germany, was offered by Gunter Vau and was accepted. No further details are available.


No additional information is available.

INTELEC Guidance

A discussion led by John Parsons and Antonio Fipaldini ensued regarding how best to pass on experiences, gained from non - North American conferences, to future management committees. Maurizio Grossoni suggested that themes be selected early. It was also noted that the IEEE TSG budget could pay for a previous General Chair (GC) to attend a management committee meeting of a forthcoming conference. Alternatively, it was suggested that the GC of the conference two years hence (n+2) attend a meeting of the management committee of the upcoming conference (n). Accordingly, the question was asked as to whether the GC of the (n+1) conference should attend that meeting also? Another comment from the floor suggested that the CEC assign an INTELEC expert to visit each management committee.

From the exhibits perspective, Wilfried Schulz recommended that a representative from the following year’s conference visit each exhibitor at the current conference to assist in securing sponsors and exhibitors for the following year. He also commented that work should start about 2 years in advance of the start of the conference.

Dan McMenamin and Didier Marquet noted that many attendees use small portable computers that may not have a CD drive and would like to have the Proceedings on a flash drive instead. It was commented the cost to the conference could be prohibitive. Chris Riddleberger suggested that perhaps the registration desk could have a computer where a delegate could copy his or her CD onto his or her flash drive. While this transfer might violate IEEE copyright rules the IEEE copyright notice on the 2007 Proceedings suggests that such is not the case.

Dan McMenamin noted further that attendees may want printed copies of one or two papers which prompted a response that the hotel business center or a business such as Kinko’s could do this at the attendee’s expense.

A recent investigation by the 2008 Management Committee has determined that the cost of flash drives is sufficiently low (~US$4.00) to permit them to be used for the Proceedings. Work continues to assure that there are no untoward effects from putting the Proceedings on a flash drive.

Steve Natale mentioned that a set of Guidelines for INTELEC management committees has been completed. These guidelines describe the positions on the management committee and provide a description of the majority of the responsibilities associated with each position. These guidelines are included below for review and comment by members of the CEC, the ADCOM and the next management committee. Comments can be e-mailed to or to Chris Seyer at .

Also included below is an example of the calendar used for tracking key milestones during the evolution of the conference. Please use it as you see fit. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Historical Data Spreadsheets

Chris Riddleberger presented the two most recent pages of the HDSS. The attached file contains the historical data from the inception of the conference to date with additional updates.

Technical Subgroup (TSG) Budget / Forecasted Expenses

Charles McManus and Steve Natale presented the TSG Budget information. The file embedded below contains the slide used by Mr. McManus is his report to the IEEE Power Electronics Society in February 2008. Chris. Riddleberger noted that the budget contains both conference advances and expenses and subgroup activities such as the INTELEC Fellowship. It was noted that the Fellowship has been increased form the previous $10,000 to $15,000.

It was also suggested by Kevin Fellhoelter that funding can be obtained from PELS for standards writing, should this become an issue. It would fall under the section 2 monies as seen on the attached presentation. Grants to European conferences have been increased to $5,000 US dollars

PELS and ADCOM Meetings Committee Views

No report.


Gerhard Schwebler has suggested changing our WEB administrator from Wokon to Computer Solutions. The work would be less expensive and more responsive from Computer Solutions. There have also been some language problems with Wokon that have impeded progress and solutions to a better web site.

INTELEC Fellowship

Chris Riddleberger showed the following copy of the 2008 Fellowship plaque awarded to Jian Lu (University of CentralFlorida, USA)

Electronic Mailing List

Robert Jurewicz gave the committee a report on the e-mail problem. A copy of the mailing list used by the IEEE for INTELEC mailings was obtained sometime after the close of the conference in Rome. Work to find a suitable organization that can manage the list in accordance with INTELEC requirements has been completed and a new vendor has been chosen. We will also continue to better refine both the European and INTELEC mailing list and improve the update process via the INTELEC website.

IEEE Required Conference Forms

There was little discussion on this topic since it was discussed at length in the CEC meeting earlier. However, since non North American conferences are not financially supported by the IEEE, the only forms required to be completed by a non North American conference are:

1) Publications Form, 2) Copyright Form and 3) Conference Information Schedule.

Other Business


Meeting Review and Critique

No report


The meeting was closed by consensus.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marc J. Durocher


INTELEC® Advisory Committee