BIO102 Unit 5

Integumentary & Urinary Systems

Study Guide

I.Integumentary System

A.Composed of :


1. protects underlying tissue

2. protects body against

3. protects against

4. body temperature

5. senses

6. Vitamin D

C.Skin Regions

1. epidermis

a. avascular

b. composed of:

c. keratin

d. melanin

2. Skin Color Pigments

3. Dermis

a. vascular

b. composed of:

c. exposure to the sun

d. sensory receptors

4. Subcutaneous Layer

a. composed of

b. anchors

c. skin to slide

d. shock absorber

D. Accessory Structures

1. Sweat or Sudoriferous Glands

a. where are they found?

b. how many are there on the body?

c. Two types of sweat glands:

2. Eccrine Sweat Glands

a. location

b. description

c. secretes sweat

d. Composition & function of sweat:

1. composition –

2. function of sweat –

3. Apocrine Sweat Glands

a. location of these glands

b. association with follicles

c. description of their secretions

d. body odor

e. When are they stimulated?

f. sexual scent glands

4. Cerumious glands

a. location; secretion

b. function:

5. mammary glands

6. Sebaceous (Oil) Glands

a. secretion:

b. location:

c. association with hair

d. functions:

e. acne –

7. Hair & Hair Follicles

a. hair is produced by

b. composition of hair

c. arrector pili

d. melanocytes

8. Nails

a. composition:

b. nail body

c. lunula

d. cuticle

e. function:

II.Integumentary System


1. protection

2. body temperature

3. cutaneous sensations

4. blood Reservoir

5. excretion

6. Vitamin D production

B.Skin Disorders

1. acne

2. wrinkling/sagging skin

3. psoriasis

4. albinism

5. vitiligo

C. Skin Cancer

1. cases per year

2. most common types

a. basal cell

b. squamous cell

c. malignant

3. risk factors

D. Burns

a. description

b. causes

c. Resulting problems:

E. Types of burns

1. First degree

2. second degree

3. third degree

III. Urinary System:

A. Major Structures

B.General Flow of Urine

C.Arteries & veins

IV. Kidneys

A. External Anatomy

1. shape and size:

2. location:

3. How are they protected?

4. functions of kidneys:

B. Three Regions of Kidneys

1. renal cortex

2. renal medulla

3. renal pelvis

C. Nephrons

1. description of nephrons

2. general location and structures

D. Parts of Nephrons

1. Glomerular (Bowman’s) Capsule

2. proximal convoluted tubules

3. Loop of henle

4. distal convoluted tubules

5. collection duct

E. Urine Formation

1. glomerular filtration

2. tubular reabsorption

3. urine formation

F. Overview of Nephron Functions

1. glomerular filtration

2. tubular reabsorption

3. urine formation (tubular secretion)

V. Anatomy of the rest of the Urinary System

A. Ureters

1. length

2. diameter

3. location

4. where it attaches to the bladder

5. how it works

B. Urinary Bladder

1. Description & Capacity

2. Urge to void

3. Location

a. pubic symphysis

b. in females

c. in males

C. Urethra

1. In females:

2. In Males

VI.Functions of the Urinary System:

A. Excretion

1. Urea

2. creatine

3. uric acid

B. Maintains water – salt balance

C. Acid – Base Balance

D. Hormonal Function

1. erythropoietin

2. renin

VII. Disorders of the Urinary System

A. Urinary tract infections

B. renal failure

C. Urinary Incontinence

D. Dialysis Therapy