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Integrative Holistics: Naturopathic Pharm.D. Services: Office Policies

Welcome to the health practice. Your experience with naturopathic medicine has the potential to get you back on the path towards an improved life and better health.

Naturopathic medicine follows the six basic principles of medicine

Dr. June Riedlinger Shibley, R.Ph., Pharm.D., N.D.

Fresh Pond Mall, 186 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 302, Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone 617-963-4222 Fax 617-684-1719

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  • First Do No harm
  • Respect Healing Power of Nature
  • Find the Cause
  • Doctor is Teacher
  • Treat the Whole Person
  • Prevent Disease

Dr. June Riedlinger Shibley, R.Ph., Pharm.D., N.D.

Fresh Pond Mall, 186 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 302, Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone 617-963-4222 Fax 617-684-1719

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Because I use these principles, the recommendations I make for your health care program, are based on you as an individual and whole person. Your experience with naturopathic care may be more elaborate than what you have encountered with other health care providers given that it is important to get detailed information from you about your physical, mental, and spiritual make-up. If I am unable to address your health concerns, options will be discussed and a referral may be made if needed to another health care provider.

Natural therapies used in this practice include diet modification, body composition analysis, lifestyle changes, herbs, nutritional supplements, homeopathy, Reiki, and hydrotherapy.

Office Location and Hours

The office is at 125 Cambridgepark Drive, Suite 301, Cambridge, MA 02140, and is open for appointments by prior arrangement. If you have an acute or immediate situation, please call 617-963-4222 and every effort will be made to see you soon as possible. If any potential life-threatening situation should occur while you are my patient you should go directly to the nearest emergency room and notify me as soon as possible.

Financial Policies

Payment is required at the time of service unless prior arrangements have been made. No insurance plans are accepted at this time. Payment can be made by cash, credit card, or by check. There is a $20 fee for returned checks.

Fees are as follows:

Office visits:

First visit - $160.00 for 1½-hour office visit. Includes analysis of medical history & questionnaire info

Follow-up visits - $85.00/hour.

Phone Consultation - $30.00/15 minute block of time

Email responses - may be charged depending on time incurred to provide recommendations for the condition(s) being evaluated, but no charge will be made without notification

Note: A phone consult is a call that is initiated by the patient to obtain naturopathic care recommendations for a new illness or a current condition. It may be conducted in place of an office visit, to review lab test results or provide continued management of a health care treatment plan. Brief phone contacts or emails to reorder supplements or briefly report status of a current treatment plan will not be charged.

Charges for patients with financial hardship may be adjusted by special arrangement.

There is a $40.00 charge for appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice. A patient who does not call or show up for their appointment will be charged the full cost of their scheduled office visit.

Thank you for choosing me as your naturopathic health care practitioner.


Signature of patient or GuardianDate

By signing this document, you acknowledge and accept the office policies outlined above

Dr. June Riedlinger Shibley, R.Ph., Pharm.D., N.D.

Fresh Pond Mall, 186 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 302, Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone 617-963-4222 Fax 617-684-1719