AS Media Studies

Foundation Portfolio


The evaluation is worth 20 marks out of the total of 100 – the quality of your evaluation will have a big impact in determining your overall grade for the coursework unit, and subsequently for the AS overall.

To do the evaluation, you need to:

·  Watch it yourself a number of times

·  Show it to an audience – either a real audience or virtual (you can post to Youtube if you wish) and get some feedback about what they like and dislike about your work

·  With the feedback in mind, start planning your evaluation

·  Write up your answers

1.  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

·  YOU MUST - discuss in what ways your sequence looks like other films from within your chosen genre and in what ways it is different to them. You should refer to 2 or 3 films from within your chosen genre.

·  YOU SHOULD discuss why you have kept to the conventions of the form (how your film looks / feels / behaves similarly to professional films)

·  YOU COULD discuss ways in which you have challenged the conventions of the form.

2.  How does your media product represent particular social groups?

·  YOU MUST - discuss at least 2 social groups (such as teenagers, older adults, males, females, a range (or not) of people of different ethnic origins) are featured in your sequence and how you have chosen to represent these groups.

·  YOU SHOULD - discuss use of positive and negative stereotypes where they occur in your work.

·  YOU COULD - give comparisons to representations of different social groups studied for the work on TV Drama, giving specific examples from programmes studied

3.  What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

·  YOU MUST - discuss what media institution (major independent) might distribute your pour product

·  YOU SHOULD- consider whether this product would be distributed in Britain only or might be distributed internationally.

·  YOU COULD – consider what the best means of distributing your product – cinema first, TV first or internet

4.  Who would be the audience for your media product?

·  YOU MUST – identify the demographic groups you are seeking to target as your primary audience– is this for teenagers, older adults, all ages, is it for males or females or both? Is it all for all teenagers or just for some?

·  YOU SHOULD – consider psychographic factors such as tastes in films and popular culture are Does your audience feedback suggest you have produced something that would attract this target audience?

·  YOU COULD – identify secondary audiences for your product and discuss how you would reach these secondary audiences

5.  How did you attract/address your audience?

·  YOU MUST – discuss how the mise-en-scene should be appealing to your target audience

·  YOU SHOULD – discuss what your audience feedback reveals – did your decisions help the audience to engage as you wanted?

·  YOU COULD – discuss how various elements of narrative theory have informed the decisions you have taken in the construction of your sequence

6.  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

·  YOU MUST - Discuss what you have learnt about how to use the camera, how to work in front of the camera and what you have learnt about how to use the Mac and iMovie to edit your work.

·  YOU SHOULD – discuss how your skills in production work have developed since the start of the course

·  YOU COULD- consider what you need to improve upon with regards to use of technologies in production work

7.  Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

·  YOU MUST - Discuss how you have(or not) made your planning and preparation for shooting more effective than was the case with the prelim task

·  YOU SHOULD - discuss how you have(or not) improved the quality of the footage shot (using tripods, different angles, filming several different good takes from different positions)

·  YOU COULD - discuss how you have(or not) improved the quality of the edited piece – more use of features within iMovie, use of music.