ICT Green Cars 2013
Integrated Control of Multiple-Motor and Multiple-Storage Fully Electric Vehicles
Deliverable 1.1
Project website
PublicD1.1 Overall Vehicle Specifications
Authors / Wenpu Lu
Responsible person / Daniel Watzenig
Deliverable nature / PU
Change History
Version / Date / Description / Issued byV0.1 / 2013-11-27 / First draft / Daniel Watzenig
Wenpu Lu
V0.5 / 2013-12-02 / Consortium review / Matthias Hütter
V1 / 2013-12-20 / Final internal review / Wenpu Lu
2Domain Registration
3Website design
4Introduction of selected web pages
4.1Main page (“Home”)
4.2Category “Project”: Project Structure
4.3Category “Consortium”: Consortium Overview
4.4Category “Cooperation”: Project Cluster
4.5Contact page
4.6Member Area page
Task1.1 of the iCOMPOSE project is to set up a website to provide a unified view of the project. The project website, which can be accessed under represents the actual outcome of task1.1. This report outlines the activities carried out by the VIRTUAL VECHICLE Research Center (VIF) for the task and aims to provide a quick guide through the website.
2Domain Registration
As required by FP7 guidelines, the .EUdomain name i-compose.eu was registered by VIF during the negotiation phase of the iCOMPOSE project. Figure 1 depicts all relevant information of the registered domain.
Figure 1 - Website registration data (retrieved under on 2013-11-26)
3Website design
The iCOMPOSE project website has been designed and implemented by Wenpu Lu of VIF. It was launched on 2013-11-11 after reviewed by all consortium partners. The website has been tested extensively with common web browsers such as Google Chrome® und Mozilla Firefox®.
The information on the website is stored incategories to have a clear structure for quick navigation.
Figure 2 – Sitemap of the iCOMPOSE website
As shown in Figure 2, the iCOMPOSE website currently consists of sevencategories.
- Home: general project introduction
- Project: detailed project introduction including publishable abstract, objectives, progress beyond SOA and work package structure.
- News: public project news
- Consortium: overview of consortium partners and the consortium area (login necessary)
- Dissemination: listing of previous and up-coming dissemination activities/ events
- Cooperation: information on external cooperation activities
- Archive: (optional) repository for outdated content to keep the website clean
The web page design follows a modular concept:Each page of the iCOMPOSE website consists of seven components, among them only the “Main Information Field” (Block 4 in grey) contains page specific information; all other six components are directly reused for different pages to provide a consistent design and allow quick access to the most important information in anypage.
Figure 3 – Abstract design of the iCOMPOSE website
Selected design details/ features:
- With links in the “Upper menu bar”(Block 1), visitors can navigate through pages of arbitrary categories.
- Recent news can always be directly accessed through the left sidebar (Block 3).
- Following the FP7 guideline, the source of funding is acknowledged at the bottom of each page. The FP7 “cooperation” logo, flag of the European Commission and logo of the European Green Car Initiative are also displayed with hyperlinks to the corresponding websites.
Figure 4 – Mandatory financial acknowledgements
4Introduction of selected web pages
In this section, some importantweb pages of the iCOMPOSE project website are introduced.
4.1Main page (“Home”)
The main page (“Home”) as shown in Figure 2 is the default page for all visitors of the iCOMPOSE website. It shows recent (public) photos/graphics of the project and contains a brief introduction to the project.
Figure 5 – Main page (“Home”) of the iCOMPOSE website
4.2Category “Project”: Project Structure
Like mentioned in Section 3, the category “Project” provides a detailed introduction to the iCOMPOSE project. Alongside the “Project Structure” as shown in Figure 6, the publishable project abstract, objectives and progress beyond the state of the art are published under this category.
Figure 6 – Project structure
4.3Category “Consortium”: Consortium Overview
All iCOMPOSE consortium partners are listed in the “Consortium Overview”page, the company logos are linked to the corresponding company homepages.
Figure 7 – Consortium overview
4.4Category “Cooperation”: Project Cluster
The iCOMPOSE consortium considers inter-consortium cooperation to be an important instrument to achieve market impact on European level. The category “Cooperation” provides information on external operation of the iCOMPOSE project. One highlight of the endeavourup to now is the project cluster established with the eDAS and INCOBAT projects. The page “Project Cluster” presents the concept and recent activities of the project cluster.
Figure 8 – Page “Project cluster”
4.5Contact page
This page contains contact information of the project coordinator (Daniel Watzenig) und the website administrator (Wenpu Lu).
Figure 9 – Page “Contact”
4.6Member Area page
The “Member Area” is a restricted page. Only users that are approved by the website administrator (VIF) have access to this area.
Figure 10 – Member Area page before login
After login with access data provide by the administrator, a link to the iCOMPOSE project space will be shown, which uses the extranet provided by VIF for secured data storage and exchange.
As the project proceeds, the “Member Area” page may also be used for announcements or exchanging restricted information within the consortium.
Figure 11 – Member Area page after login
Figure 12 – Login pagefor the secured project space
2013-12-20 / V1 / 1 of 14