87 people representing 59 groups attended the South East Northumberland Funding Event at the Isabella Community Centre, Blyth representing a variety of local VCS organisations from our local area as well as groups from other areas. From these groups, 29 evaluation forms were received.

Questions included:

1. How did you find out about the South East Northumberland Funding Event?

Answers were given stating CVABV, Wansbeck CVS, newsletters, e-zines and word of mouth had informed groups about the event – even one stating that he had ‘elbowed’ in!

2. How useful has this Funding Fayre been to your organisation / group?

Very Useful Useful Useful in part No Answer

22 7

3. How useful was it to meet the funders in person?

Very Useful Useful Useful in part Not Useful No Answer

26 2 1

4. How useful was the Project Summary form in helping you to make the best use of your
15-minute appointment with the funders?

Very Useful Useful Useful in part Not Useful No Answer

12 12 3 2

5. How useful was the event increasing your knowledge of potential funding opportunities?

Very Useful Useful Useful in part Not Useful No Answer

23 6

6. Did you attend one of the Training Sessions with Jim Mackison?

Yes No No Answer

12 16 1

7. How useful was the information given out at the training session (if applicable)?

Very Useful Useful Useful in part N/A

6 6 17

8. Do you intend to apply for funding to any of the Funders you met?

Yes No Possibly No Answer

27 2

Practical Arrangements

9. How well do you feel the event was organised?

Excellent Good Okay Poor Very Poor No Answer

20 9

10. How would you rate the venue used?

Excellent Good Okay Poor Very Poor No Answer

16 12 1

11. How would you rate the refreshments and buffet provided?

Excellent Good Okay Poor Very Poor N/A

18 8 3


“Never expected it to be as good as it was, very impressed”

“Good selection, as I am a diabetic great to have rice, salad, potatoes, etc, no cakes on show so not tempted, plenty of fruit”

“Proper cups as more civilised”

“Gluten free sandwiches not marked as such”

“Plenty choice”

12. What did you like best about the CVA Blyth Valley Funding Fayre?

“The helpful 15-minute sessions”

“How organised this was”

“No waiting around”

“Opportunity to meet funders face-to-face so can ask relevant questions!


“Talking to similar fund seekers”

“Meeting Funders” (x5)

“CVA / CVS Staff”

“Getting access to funders who don’t do face-to-face normally”

“Everyone was kept to time – which is sometimes half the battle”

“The training side of it”

“Putting a face to the funders”

“Opportunity to talk to and see people who can help and see what options are available”

“Meeting funders; getting help and advice, new ideas, networking”

“All of it”

“Meeting people face-to-face”

“Meeting [people and ability to find out what’s new, what still exists and challenges people are experiencing in the sector”

“Friendliness of everyone, well organised”

“Knowledge and understanding”


“Meeting people with information to help me”

“Meeting other groups”

“As it was my first funding event, I found the day very informative”

13. Do you have any other comments / criticisms / suggestions you would like to make?
We appreciate your honesty and your comments could be used to shape future events.
Is there anything we could have done to make this event more enjoyable?


“Enjoyed the market place last time, was a miss this time as was easier to exchange info with other groups”

“Jim’s talk was useful but could have included more examples and audience participation”

“No – I have been to 2 / 3 funding events and found them all to be well run and organised”

“Made a very good job – (brought my own biscuits this time!)”

“Disappointed that the funder cancelled that I would have like to see – not your fault though”

“Very good idea to be able to speak in person rather than on the phone, makes it more personal and can get your point across much better”

“Keep them going”

“Found the service of a very high quality”