Commissioner’s Bulletin No. B-0044-09

Attachment B, Page1

House and Senate Bills Indirectly Relating to

Insurance Agents, Insurers,Health Maintenance Organizations,

Workers’ Compensation Healthcare Networks,

Utilization Review Agents, Independent Review Organizations,

Third Party Administrators, Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements, and Discount Health Care Programs*

HB0233Relating to the creation of an advisory committee to establish and recommend qualifications for certain health care translators and interpreters.

HB0448Relating to requiring the Department of State Health Services to implement a provider choice system for certain vaccines.

HB0461Relating to the regulation of dyslexia practitioners and therapists; providing penalties.

HB0497Relating to a study to determine the effect on the health care infrastructure in this state if the state Medicaid program is abolished or a severe reduction in federal matching money under the program occurs.

HB0610Relating to the establishment of the Legislative Committee on Aging and other initiatives relating to the aging population of this state.

HB0643Relating to the qualifications of surgical technologists; providing penalties.

HB0673Relating to certain services provided by the office of injured employee counsel under the workers' compensation program of this state.

HB0802Relating to the creation of the lifespan respite services program.

HB1191Relating to the enrollment period for insurance benefits for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System.

HB1218Relating to programs to exchange certain health information between the Health and Human Services Commission and certain health care entities and facilities.

HB1409Relating to the minimum patient age for administration of an influenza vaccination by a pharmacist.

HB1574Relating to services for persons with autism and other pervasive developmental disorders and their families.

HB1630Relating to the eligibility of certain individuals for child health plan coverage or medical assistance on release from certain facilities or other settings.

HB1740Relating to the authorization of physicians and therapeutic optometrists to dispense therapeutic contact lenses.

HB1761Relating to the reserve requirements for credit life and credit accident and health insurance.

HB1831Relating to disaster preparedness and emergency management and to certain vehicles used in emergencies; providing a penalty.

HB1966Relating to an e-prescribing implementation plan under the Medicaid and child health plan programs.

HB2030Relating to the Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Program and prescription drug use under the Medicaid program.

HB2163Relating to a study regarding the provision of certain medications through the Medicaid vendor drug program to children younger than 16 years of age.

HB2196Relating to the establishment of a workgroup to study and make recommendations on the integration of health and behavioral health services.

HB2368Relating to trusts.

HB2559Relating to the powers and duties of and benefits available under the Employees Retirement System of Texas and to a chronic disease prevention and wellness pilot program administered by the system and the Department of State Health Services for department employees.

HB3450Relating to a temporary faculty license for chiropractic faculty.

HB3717Relating to exemptions from the requirement to hold a license to practice physical therapy.

HB4291Relating to insurance charters and certificates of authority.

HB4339Relating to the establishment and operation of the unauthorized insurance guaranty fund.

HB4343Relating to access to certain criminal history record information maintained by the Department of Public Safety.

HB4358Relating to rulemaking authority for administrative penalties assessed for violations of the Insurance Code.

HB4424Relating to operations fees and child support service fees assessed by domestic relations offices.

HB4586Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority and prescribing limitations regarding appropriations.

HB4730Relating to the Martin County Hospital District.

SB0187Relating to a Medicaid buy-in program for certain children with disabilities.

SB0202Relating to provisional licensing of physicians to practice in underserved areas.

SB0203Relating to health care-associated infections and preventable adverse events in certain health care facilities.

SB0292Relating to the requirement that licensed physicians provide emergency contact information to the Texas Medical Board and to the creation of the Texas Physician Health Program.

SB0381Relating to the authority of physicians to delegate to certain pharmacists the implementation and modification of a patient's drug therapy.

SB0395Relating to creation of the Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Interagency Council.

SB0455Relating to the regulation of the practice of dental assistants, including the delegation of certain dental acts.

SB0531Relating to the medical assistance program and to the billing coordination system for claims submitted for payment from the Medicaid program.

SB0532Relating to a physician's delegation of prescriptive authority to physician assistants or advanced practice nurses.

SB0584Relating to notification to a patient of a state-operated mental health facility or resident of a residential care facility of the exemption of certain trusts from liability to pay for support.

SB0646Relating to a study regarding the confidentiality of prescription information; providing a civil penalty.

SB0654Relating to continued health coverage for employees of certain political subdivisions.

SB0698Relating to the establishment of a registry at the Texas Department of Insurance of certain legal entities alleged to have sold race-based insurance coverage.

SB0778Relating to the licensing and regulation of identity recovery service contract providers and the inclusion of identity recovery service agreements in certain service contracts, retail installment contracts, and vehicle protection products; providing penalties.

SB0806Relating to certain employee misconduct registries and to the imposition of a disciplinary action on a licensed nursing facility administrator; providing a penalty.

SB0865Relating to child support enforcement and disbursement and to health care coverage for children in Title IV-D cases.

SB0887Relating to the licensing and regulation of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratories; providing penalties.

SB0904Relating to the classification of and prescriptions issued for certain controlled substances.

SB0911Relating to the certification and regulation of pain management clinics.

SB1058Relating to reporting requirements for health occupation regulatory agencies.

SB1326Relating to the functions of the statewide health coordinating council; providing civil penalties.

SB1645Relating to the distribution of a prescription drug and a study of the feasibility of establishing separate reimbursement under the Medicaid vendor drug program for certain pharmacy care management services.

SB1853Relating to disciplinary actions regarding a pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician trainee.

SB1966Relating to debt cancellation agreements offered in connection with motor vehicle retail installment contracts.

SB2423Relating to the transfer or sale of patient information or prescription drug history by discount health care programs; providing penalties.

SB2577Relating to bariatric surgery coverage for state employees.

* This listing MAY NOT INCLUDE all bills affecting your insurance business.