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Date filled out: 04/25/2002

A) Project Information Please use complete phrases/ sentences. Fields will expand as necessary as you type.
1. Project Title: San Antonio Creek Coordinated Resource Management Plan
2. Project Purpose – Problem / Goals ("why" the project): Address non-point source pollution concerns,
wetland degradation, endangered species and related natural resource issues.

3. Project Abstract (brief description of project):

This project is in response to a landowner petition requesting that the Cachuma RCD provide assistance in the development of a comprehensive watershed management plan for the private lands within the San Antonio Creek watershed, an area encompassing approximately 73,000 acres. The goal is to develop a locally led project that results in a resource management plan that will provide guidance for all land use activities in the watershed. The primary focus is to identify sources of water pollution and develop improvement plans that address these concerns. Excessive sediment, caused by accelerated soil erosion, is the principal concern. This erosion has serious effects on the utility of the land, causes frequent flooding due to deposition that has reduced channel capacities, and severely impacts wetlands that are habitat for several endangered amphibians and reptiles, and an endangered fish. A plan with mitigation alternatives will be prepared to ease land use restrictions and facilitate stream channel maintenance activities.
Most of the land is used for some form of agriculture. Historically, the primary use was for beef cattle grazing except for the relatively level valley areas that were, and still are used, to grow annual irrigated crops. In recent years there has been extensive conversion of grazing the land to irrigated crops, principally wine grapes. Most of this cropland expansion is on moderate to steeply sloping land that is vulnerable to soil erosion.
5. Which SWRCB program is funding this project? Please put an "X" by the one that applies.
X Prop 13 EPA 319h grant
B) Project Contact:
Name: Gerald Czarnecki / Job Title: District Manager
Organization: Cachuma Resource
Conservation District / Webpage Address:
Address: 920 East Stowell Road, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Phone: 805-928-9269 x102 / Fax number: 805-928-9644
C. Project Time Frame: Refers to the implementation period of project.
From: 11/01/01 / To: 12/31/03
D) Participant Information: Name all agencies/groups involved with project. : Cachuma RCD is the principal agency. The Los Alamos Valley Steering Committee is the local advisory group. Numerous Local, State, and federal agencies are used as technical advisors including: Santa Barbara County Flood Control District, Water Agency, Planning & Development, Assessors Office, Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.C. Cooperative Extension, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, CA Department of Fish and Game, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Farm Bureau, Cattlemen’s Association, Central Coast Wine Grape Grower’s Association.
E) Location:
1. Size of Project (include units): 73,000
acres / 2. Counties included in project: Santa Barbara

F) Biography of Group: :

G) Biography of Project: :

H) Short-term Goals: : / Develop a plan as stated above.
I) Long-term Goals: : /

Locate funding cost-share sources and implement the recommended improvements.