
Instructors:Mrs. Chamberlin

Ms. Schmidt

Contactinformation:Mrs. Chamberlin –

Ms. Schmidt –

School TelephoneNumber:(702) 799- 4340

School Website:

Mrs. Chamberlin’s website (with link to Google calendar) –

Ms. Schmidt’s website (with link to Google calendar) –


Thisone-yearcourse(Composition andThemesinAmericanText)providesinstructionintheEnglishLanguage ArtsstrandsidentifiedbytheCommonCoreStateStandardsasreading,writing,speakingandlistening,and language.Thiscourserequiresexpository,analytical,andargumentative writingassignments thatarebasedon readings representing a widevarietyofprosestyles andgenres. The courseis alsostructuredaroundmulticulturalthemesandperspectivesfoundinliterary,non-fiction,andexpository textsbyAmericanauthorsto encouragestudentsto thinkconceptuallyabouttheAmericanpast,present,andfutureaswell asabouttheethnic andculturaldiversity oftheAmericanexperience.Instructionalpracticesincorporateintegrationofdiversity awarenessincludingappreciationofallculturesandtheirimportantcontributionstosociety. Theappropriate use oftechnologyanddigitalmediaareintegralpartsofthiscourse.ThiscoursefulfillsoneoftheEnglishcredits requiredforhighschoolgraduation.


1.Tomakeeffectiveuseof rhetoricin writingorspeakingthat includescontrollingtone,establishing andmaintainingvoice,andachievingappropriateemphasisthroughdictionandstructure.[W.11-

12.1,2, 4,5; SL.11-12.1,4, 6;L.11-12.1,3,5, 6]

2.Tounderstandhowtocombineelementsof differentkindsof writingtoproducecomplexand nuancedwriting.[W.11-12.1-4]

3.Toexploreavarietyof Americanliterary,non-fiction,andexpositorytextsof exceptionalcraftand thoughtwhoserangeprovidesopportunitiesto identifyandexplaininwritingorspeakingawriter’s useof rhetoricalstrategiesandtechniques.

[RL.11-12.1-7,9, 10;RI.11-12.1-10;W.11-12.1,2, 4,9; SL.11-12.3]

4.Tounderstandhowvariousstylisticeffectsareachievedbywriters’orspeakers’linguisticand rhetoricalchoices.[RL.11-12.5;RI.11-12.5,6;W.11-12.1b,2d; SL.11-12.3;L.11-12.5]

5.Toanalyzeand interpretawidevarietyof primarysourcessuchasdocumentarymaterials,worksof art,pictorialandgraphicmaterials,andtextthatreflectan author’shistorical,cultural,orsocial perspective.[RL.11-12.6,9;RI.11-12.6,9;W.11-12.7-10;SL.11-12.3]

6.Toengageregularlyinresearchand inquirynotonlyto gainunderstandingof asubject,answera question,andbroaden/narrowatopic;butalsoto drawuponcollectedevidencein supportof written analysis,reflection,anddiscussion,whetherinwritingorspeaking.


7.Todeveloparangeof speakingand listeningskillsbuiltaroundcontentthatfosterscriticallistening and informedexpressionof ideas.[SL.11-12.1,3-6]

8.Todemonstratemorematurecontrolovertheconventionsof standardEnglishaswellastheability tochoose wordsappropriateto audience,task,purpose,anddisciplinetocommunicateideasin writingororally. [W.11-12.4-6;SL.11-12.6]


The GreatGatsby byF.ScottFitzgerald

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

The AdventuresofHuckleberryFinn byMarkTwain

The Crucible byArthurMiller

The Kite Runner byKhaled Hosseini

CourseMaterials:spiral/compositionnotebook,paper,pencil,blue/blackballpointpens,setof4- colorofhighlighters,portableflash drive,3-ring binderwithdividers

GradingPolicy:Thepurposeofgradesistoprovideeffectivefeedbacktostudents,parents,andthe schooladministrationaboutastudent’sprogresstowardsmastery oftheestablishedstandardsfora particularcourseor subject. Itisimportanttonote thatexcessive absences(sevenunexcusedabsences duringasemester)mayresult in aloss of credit in accordancewith CCSD Regulation 5113.

Extracreditwillnotbepermittedunlesstheworkisspecifically designedtoprovidemoreevidenceofa student’s progress towards masteryofthe established standards.

Students will begraded on a0-100 point scale, with the following gradeequivalents:

90-100 / = / A
80-89 / = / B
70-79 / = / C
60-69 / = / D
0-59 / = / F

Semestergrades will becalculated asfollows:

First Quarter Grades / 42.5% of the semester grade
Second Quarter Grades / 42.5 % of the semester grade
Semester Exam / 15% of the semester grade
Note: Digital Portfolio is a component of the semester exam and is counted as 5% of the semester grade.
Semester Grade / 100%

Quarter Grade Assignment Categories will be weighted as follows:

Type of Assignment / Weighting for Quarter Grade
Classwork/ Homework/ Participation / 50%
Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Essays, Projects) / 50%


Thefollowingrubricwillbeusedasageneralguidelinetodeterminestudentcitizenship grade:

CATEGORY / Outstanding / Satisfactory / NeedsImprovement / Unsatisfactory
Engagement / Consistentlyinvolvedin class
activities;contributesto overall learningprocess;collaborateswith others and/or theteacher. / Engagesinclassactivities,but
mayhaveto beencouraged; workswithothersor groups, but maynotinitiatecollaboration. / Does notengagein class
activities;rarely demonstratesinitiativeand mayoccasionallydisengage from class. / Consistentlyuninvolvedin class
activities. Adamantrefusalto work.
Preparation / Consistentlypreparedwith
materials;workison timeand maygo beyondexpectations. / Student hasmaterialsand
submitsworkin atimelyfashion andasexpected. / Studentmayhave had
multipleinstancesofbeing unprepared, latework,or not completedasrequested. / Consistentlyunpreparedfor
class. Does notsubmitworkon time or atall.
Behavior / Consistentlyrespectful of both
classmatesand adults;takes responsibilityfor individual actions;consistentlycomplieswith schooland classroomrules. / Respectfulto both peers and
adults. Occasionallyaccepts personal responsibility. Mostly complieswithschooland classroomrules. / Disruptiveto others.
Argumentativeand defensive whendisciplined.Disregard for school or classrules. / Consistent disrespectto
classmatesor adults. Regularly disruptiveto learningprocess andviolationof school or class rules. Plagiarism/Academic


O / = / Outstanding
S / = / Satisfactorycitizenship
N / = / NeedsImprovement
U / = / Unsatisfactorycitizenship


ItisagoalofWestTechAcademy tocreateacollege-likeatmospherewherestudents,staff,teachers, andadministrationinteractinacollaborative, professional,andresponsiblemanner. Basicbehavioral guidelinesinclude:

●Students will notinterferewithteacherinstruction.

●Students will notinterferewithanotherstudent’slearning.

●Studentswillnotengageinbehaviorsthatarenotintheirbestinterest,thebestinterestof others,orin thebestinterestof WestTechAcademy.

●TheCCSD HonorCodewillbestrictlyenforced.

●TheAcceptableUsePolicy(AUP)regardingtheuse of technologymustbefollowedatalltimes.

StudentsandparentsareresponsibleforreviewingtheCCSDBehaviorGuidelinesforSecondaryStudents,HonorCode,ComputerAcceptableUsePolicy(AUP),ParentGuidetoStudentAttendance,theWCTAStudent Handbook,andtheWCTATardyPolicy.


All assignmentsaredueatthebeginningof theperiodon theestablishedduedate.

Afteranyabsence,asecondarystudent isrequiredtoinitiatecontactwith theteacher(s)toobtain appropriate makeupworkwithinthreeschooldays immediatelyfollowingtheabsence.Oncecontact hasbeenmadewith theteacher(s),specificmakeupworkmustbecompletedandreturnedtothe teacher(s)withinareasonablelengthof time,tobedeterminedby theteacherandcommunicatedto thestudent/parentorlegalguardian.Themakeupworkmust bereturnedto theteacher(s)by the specifiedduedate ifitistobeacknowledged.Studentsshall beallowedaminimumof three(3)days to completemakeupwork.

Gradedassignmentsturned inbeyond thethreedaysfor makeupworkisconsideredlatework.Late workisgenerallynotacceptedforcredit.

English Department Major Assignments / Hard Due Dates Policy:

A major project or major assignment is defined as (1) any assignment that may have a substantial impact on a single quarter grade; (2) these major assignments will be assigned a week or more in advance, and many major assignments will be submitted to; and (3) major assignments with “hard due dates” will be clearly marked with the phrase HARD DUE DATE.

Students will have the opportunity to turn any assignment in early to accommodate any prearranged absence or activity.

  • If the major assignment with a hard due date is submitted one ‘school day’ late, 20% of the total possible points will be deducted.
  • If the major assignment with a hard due date is submitted two ‘school days’ late, 40% of the total possible points will be deducted.
  • If the major assignment with a hard due date is submitted three ‘school days’ late. 60% of the total possible points will be deducted.
  • If the major assignment with a hard due date is submitted after the fourth ‘school day’, it will receive no credit.

*Note: This policy applies to both excused and unexcused absences, and it does not pertain to daily homework or to assignments completed in the classroom.

English Department Partial Day Absences and Due Dates Policy:

Students are often absent for part of the school day due to medical/dental appointments, field trips, or other school-approved activities. In all such cases, students are required to hand in previously assigned work that is due on that date. Assignments may be dropped off in the instructor’s classroom or handed to the office receptionist to be placed in the instructor’s mailbox. Many assignments may be e-mailed to the instructor.

English Department Quiz/Test Make Up Policy:

Students who are absent (excused or unexcused) on the day of a previously announced quiz or test must be prepared to take the missed test or quiz immediately upon return from the absence. Absent students should not expect any grace period due to the absence. In order to ensure fairness to all students, no additional study time should be granted for students who are absent on major test days. To arrange to make up a test or quiz a student must see the instructor IMMEDIATELY upon his or her return to school to make the appropriate arrangements. A student will be given a maximum of three school days to make up major tests and quizzes. If a student chooses not to make up the test or quiz in an appropriate and timely manner, he or she will receive a zero on the test or quiz. Previously scheduled presentations cannot be made up barring debilitating illness or family tragedy as deemed legitimate by the instructor.

The instructor reserves the right to administer “make-up” tests and quizzes in an alternate format. The make-up exam will cover the same information.

“Recognized worldwide as the standard in online plagiarism prevention, Turnitin helps educators and students take full advantage of the Internet’s educational potential. Used by thousands of institutions in over fifty countries, Turnitin’s products promote originality in student work, improve student writing and research skills, encourage collaborative learning, and save valuable instructor time. Plagiarism Prevention: A proprietary system that instantly identifies papers containing unoriginal material and acts as a powerful deterrent to stop plagiarism before it starts” (Turnitin, n.pag).

Students are required to electronically submit all typed writing assignments to the Internet website before the assigned time on the assigned due date. Students who fail to submit papers to the online plagiarism prevention site will receive a zero credit on the submission assignment. The consequences for subsequent instances of plagiarism are as follows:

1st Offense:Loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. Parent conference will be scheduled through the counseling office. Dean’s referral will be submitted for scholastic dishonesty.

2nd Offense: Loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. Student will not receive an “O” for citizenship. Dean’s referral will be submitted for scholastic dishonesty, resulting in a Required Parent Conference (RPC).

3rd Offense: Loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. Dean’s referral will be submitted for scholastic dishonesty, resulting in a Required Parent Conference (RPC); consequences may include suspension in accordance with the Clark County School District Behavior Guidelines for Secondary Students. Student may be removed from the CTA program and returned to his or her home school.


Students and parents are encouraged to preview all required reading for this course. The English Department at West Career and Technical Academy maintains a focus on teaching classics as a preparation for higher education and for life. If any text is deemed objectionable, please notify the instructor immediately and an alternate selection will be assigned. The evaluation of the alternate text will be comparable, but may not be identical.

Literary Summary & Analysis Materials (Cliff Notes, Spark Notes, Internet Websites, etc.):

Literarysummary andanalysismaterials(CliffNotes,SparkNotes, etc.) dohaveaplaceinourworld; however, theyshouldonlybeusedtoassistyouinformingyourownideasaboutapieceofliterature. Nevercopythesematerials.Neverdependon thesematerialsto domorethan helpyoumakesense of the concreteplot detailsandfacts.Literarycriticismandanalysisshouldalways comefromyou.These materialsshould neversubstituteforenjoyingandunderstandinggreatliterature.


A school-widetardypolicy willbeenforcedatWCTA.Importantitemstobeawareofinclude:

●Studentsarrivingtoclassafterthetardybell withoutapasswill bemarkedtardy.

●Ifthestudentismorethan30minuteslatetoanyclassperiod,thestudentwillbemarked absent.Ifthestudentislateduetoamedicalappointment, theparent/guardianmustprovide documentation totheattendanceclerkwhenthestudentarrivesoncampus.

●Students tardytoclass willbesubjecttothediscipline appropriatefor thecircumstanceandthe

numberof timestardy(asstipulatedby theschool’stardypolicy).

Computer Use

WCTA has a powerful student WIFI system which extends throughout the school campus. Studentswillbeabletousetheirownlaptopsandnetbooksduringclass,atlunch,aswellasbefore andafterschool. TheywilllearnhowtouseGoogleAppsandotherinternet basedresourcestostore files,managetheirportfolio,andcollaborate electronically. Anemphasiswillbeplacedonthe appropriateuseof technology.


Mrs. Chamberlin


Thispagemustbesigned and returnedtothecourseinstructorby:September 13,2013





Throughouttheyear,studentsenrolledinEnglish11willbeshownvariousmedia excerpts inclasstoreinforceorfurtheridentifyconceptsbeingstudied. All ofthemedia showninclass adheretotheCCSDlimitationsofthe6150regulation;therefore,aparent/guardianpermission slipisrequiredforaPGratedfilmregardlessoftheageofthestudent.

Thosestudentswhodonotreturnthispermissionslipbytheprescribedduedatewillnotbeallowedtoviewthemedia clips. Thesestudentswillbegivenanalternativeassignmentwithno penaltytotheirclassgrades. Studentsabsentduringa showing of a media clip willalsobegivenacomparablemake---upassignment.


(studentname)hasmypermissiontoparticipatein mediaviewingfor English11.


Bysigningthispage,bothparent/guardianandstudentstatethattheyhavereadandunderstoodthe course expectationsforthecoursenamedabove.

Theparent/guardianmaycontactthe instructorwith questionsbeforesigning.





Plagiarism Contract

Plagiarism can be defined as submitting another person’s ideas, words, images or data without giving that person credit or proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism, a form of academic dishonesty, is tantamount to stealing and will not be tolerated. In order to clarify what constitutes plagiarism, you should be aware that you have committed plagiarism when you:

  • Use phrases, quotes or ideas not your own;
  • Paraphrase the work of another even though you may have changed the wording or syntax;
  • Use facts or data not considered common knowledge;
  • Submit a paper written for another class (academic dishonesty);
  • Submit a paper from an essay service or agency even though you may have paid for it (these papers are usually of low quality, so you probably did not get your money’s worth);
  • Submit a paper by another person even though he or she may have given you permission to use it.

You should also note that plagiarism not only encompasses written work, but also computer data, research, musical scores, video programs and visual arts.

Plagiarism is a serious issue, especially in an academic environment. Teachers must be able to rely on the integrity of a student’s work in order to maintain a climate for successful learning. Plagiarism reflects on character; therefore, you should diligently avoid inadvertent plagiarism. When you are unsure if acknowledgement is needed, ask your teacher. The penalties for blatant plagiarism include:

1st Offense:Loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. Parent conference will be scheduled through the counseling office. Dean’s referral will be submitted for scholastic dishonesty.

2nd Offense: Loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. Student will not receive an “O” for citizenship. Dean’s referral will be submitted for scholastic dishonesty, resulting in a Required Parent Conference (RPC).

3rd Offense: Loss of all credit for the assignment with no opportunity to rewrite. Dean’s referral will be submitted for scholastic dishonesty, resulting in a Required Parent Conference (RPC); consequences may include suspension in accordance with the Clark County School District Behavior Guidelines for Secondary Students. Student may be removed from the CTA program and returned to his or her home school.

I, ______, am aware of the serious nature of plagiarism and will not intentionally use or submit someone else's work without acknowledgement. Furthermore, I will not misrepresent someone else's work as my own. I acknowledge that I am responsible to submit all of my written essays to for plagiarism detection.

Signature ______Date ______

I have read this contract and understand the consequences of plagiarism.

Parent/Guardian ______Date ______

Originally written and published by Mr. Rolf M. Gunnar, Conifer High School, Conifer CO.

Used by permission of Kevin Cotton, WCTA. Adapted for WCTA, Las Vegas, NV.