/ Transport
Safety and Security / Transports
Sécurité et sûreté
Transportation of Dangerous / Direction générale du transport
Goods Directorate / des marchandises dangereuses
330 Sparks Street / 330, rue Sparks
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5 / Ottawa ON K1A 0N5
Equivalency Certificate

(Approbation émise par l’autorité compétente canadienne)

Certificate No.:SU 12307

Certificate Holder:9271-3999 Québec Inc.

Mode of Transport:Road, Marine

Issue Date: August 17, 2016

Expiry Date: August 31, 2018


This Equivalency Certificate authorizes 9271-3999 Québec Inc. to handle, offer for transport or transport,and authorizes any person to handle or transport on behalf of the certificate holder, by road vehicle or by ship on a domestic voyage, dangerous goods that are UN1072, OXYGEN, COMPRESSED, Class 2.2(5.1), in a manner that does not comply with subsection 5.1(3) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, if:

(a) each cylinder used meets the requirements of Part 5 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations;

(b) the cylinder is equipped with a valve protection cap;

(c) the cylinder and regulator are secured to the means of transport to prevent inadvertent movement;

(d) the oxygen flow rate to the container is limited to that sufficient to provide life support to the aquatic animals;

Equivalency Certificate

(Approbation émise par l’autorité compétente canadienne)

SU 12307

(e) in addition to the requirements of Part 6 (Training) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the certificate holder ensures that the personnel handling, offering for transport or transporting the dangerous goods is trained in regards to the conditions of this Equivalency Certificate;

(f) the shipping document that accompanies the dangerous goods includes the following information legibly and indelibly printed:

“Equivalency Certificate No. SU12307”

Note: The issuance of this Equivalency Certificate in no way reduces the certificate holder's responsibility to comply with any other requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, and the Canadian Aviation Regulationsnot specifically addressed in this certificate.

Signature of Issuing Authority


David Lamarche, P. Eng., ing.


Approvals and Special Regulatory Projects

Equivalency Certificate

(Approbation émise par l’autorité compétente canadienne)

SU 12307

(The following is for information purposes only and is not part of the certificate.)

ContactPerson:Michel Caron

Président et secrétaire

9271-3999 Québec Inc.

1160, rue Du Patrimoine

CacounaQC G0L1G0




Explanatory Note

This Equivalency Certificate authorizes the certificate holder to transport cylinders of UN1072, OXYGEN, COMPRESSED, Class 2.2(5.1), in a manner that does not comply with subsection 5.1(3) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations. During transport, the valve on the cylinder is open and the oxygen is released to provide life support to the aquatic animals.

Legend for Certificate Number

SH - Road, SR - Rail, SA - Air, SM - Marine

SU - More than one Mode of Transport

Ren. - Renewal

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