Mandarin III 中文三

Instructor: Mrs. Peggy Kao 高老师 Year 2016-2017

Email:el:916-778-4544 EXT 748

Room: 142


  • Mandarin III is designed for students who have successfully completed Mandarin II and wish to further their Chinese study. In this course, students participate at an in-depth level in the Chinese language by forming more complex sentences and sustaining lengthy conversations with more complex sentence structure and grammar. There is an emphasis on more complex reading selections including traditional and modern literatures. This course will deepen students’ immersion into the Chinese language and culture by integrating cultural content knowledge and language skills. Students will continue to develop their communicative competence in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, while gaining competence in the Chinese culture.


ACTFL Can-Do statement will be a basic guideline for students

  • Students will develop speaking proficiencies to be able to create a level-appropriate presentation on a variety of topics using technology iMovie, App, multi-media
  • Students will develop reading proficiencies to identify and summarize main ideas and important details from written materials.
  • Students will be able to guess the meaning of words in context, use grammatical knowledge to aid reading comprehension, and apply their cultural knowledge in comprehending oral and written messages.
  • Students will acquire expanded knowledge of Chinese culture and traditions.



  • Students will be able to interact in a variety of situations with comprehensible pronunciation and tones.
  • Students will be able to use a variety of vocabulary and expressions appropriately and with accuracy.
  • Students will learn oral presentation skills.


  • Students will comprehend and interpret spoken Chinese from various sources on a variety of topics.
  • Students will understand formal and informal presentations, given in Chinese by native speakers of Chinese, on a variety of topics.


  • Students will be able to comprehend a variety of written Chinese texts that pertain to daily life.
  • Students will understand the main ideas and significant details from both literary and no-literary texts on a variety of topics.
  • Students will identify some aspects of styles. And read and write 800 Chinese characters


  • Students will be able to write on a variety of topics in the form of paragraphs, answer questions, engage in dialogues, and write personal letters, journals, script, and essays.
  • Students will be able to write a narrative based on a series of pictures. Complete a Final Project on a autobiography “All about Me” presentation
  • Students will be able to write a narrative based on a series of pictures.


Basic Text:

  • Shumang Fredlein, 2001. Ni HaoIII eCourse and eWorkbook
  • Chinese Breeze Book 2 by Jian Gao
  • Rhymes & Rhythm by Jian Gao
  • Chinese Stories elementary APP on iPad
  • Learn Chinese APPS on iPad

Other Supplemental Materials:

  • Chinese/English Dictionaries
  • Hello China films
  • Signs, maps, advertisements, magazines, newspapers, and poems


Projects / Activity / Objective
Chinese Map / Students create a Chinese map including the following information: provinces, capitals, clothing, food, weather, races, customs and special features. / To research and learn China geography, races, traditional food, and customs
Go Shopping
iMovie / Students role-playshopping in a clothing store. In the scene students need to express personal opinions about brand names and fashion. / To practice new vocabulary that relates to clothing and shopping
Final Project “ A book About me “
Or Create a story book using story App on iPad / Students create a travel brochure including the following information: weather, packing, scenic spots and historical monuments, food, hotels, and airline tickets. / To collect the information and create a travel brochure; to practice vocabulary including weather, traveling, clothing, and food.


  • Teacher modeling with advanced students
  • Oral interaction
  • Role play
  • Lecture and discussion
  • Cooperative learning
  • Student oral / PowerPoint presentation
  • Internet research
  • Poster/flyer making
  • Film
  • Guest presentation


Assessments will cover the range of presentations prescribed by State Foreign Language Framework. To develop language mastery, students will engage in activities that demonstrate their ability to converse on a variety of topics. They will do portfolio projects on various topics and demonstrate their writing and oral presentation skills. They will demonstrate their reading comprehension through various quizzes and tests.

In regard to the Chinese culture, students will demonstrate their understanding and appreciation through written projects, oral presentation, PowerPoint, role-play, and making posters. Through various activities and projects students will demonstrate an increased awareness of their culture, as it is enriched by their knowledge of the Chinese-speaking world.


Practice 25%

Oral evaluation

Unit quizzes and tests

Classroom Participation

Students are expected to actively participate in classroom interaction and activities.

Summative 75%

  • Students will be required to do portfolio projects with oral presentations.
  • Students are responsible for reading assigned materials and completing written assignments.
  • A comprehensive final examination