Central Gwinnett High School
Spanish IV
María E. Fernández
Teacher- Maria E. Fernandez
Phone Number- (770) 963-8041
School Year- 2011-2012 Tutorial Day-Tuesday &Thursday
Textbook- En Contacto, Lectura Tutorial Hours- 2: 15- 2: 45 p.m.
Preparing for the
AP Exam
Textbook price- $ 55.32
Course Description:
The AP Spanish Language Course is a rigorous course designed to be roughly equivalent to a mid-advanced level college Spanish course. This course will be conducted completely in Spanish and focus on grammar, composition, and conversation, as well as test-taking skills leading to preparation for the AP Spanish Language Examination. Students taking this course will continue to develop their proficiency by repeatedly practicing the target language in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural knowledge through interaction in Spanish with the teacher and peers.
Course content may reflect intellectual interests shared by the students and teacher (the arts, literature, sports, etc.) Materials will include authentic audio and video recordings, film and written material including newspapers and magazines. Extensive training in the organization and writing of compositions will be emphasized.
Course Outline:
The goals of the AP Spanish Language courses are as follows:
1. The ability to understand spoken language both formally and in conversation,
2. The ability to speak with accuracy and fluency using appropriate pronunciation and intonation.
3. The acquisition of vocabulary and grasp of structure that enables students to read newspaper and magazine articles as well as literature, with ease and accuracy.
4. The ability to express ideas accurately and fluently in writing.
5. Support opinions and develop persuasive arguments.
6. Use the target language as a mean to explore career opportunities.
7. Produce a variety of writings.
In order to achieve these goals, our schools use the following adopted resources:
* En Contacto: Gramática; Authors: Gill, Wegmann, Méndez-Faith
(Publisher by Thomson/Heinle – 2003; 7th edition)
* AP Spanish, Preparing for the Language Examination, third edition
* En Contacto: Literatura
* Abriendo Paso: Lectura (Heinle&Heinle;1995)
* Various reading and listening materials: literary, informative, journalistic, authentic
documents, films, music, recordings, newspapers, etc.
A strong command of grammar is essential for communicative functions. En Contacto: Gramática provides students a very thorough grammar review and practice. The teacher offers explanations in class when needed and students work regularly on activities at home. This text also integrates relative vocabulary each chapter. Each chapter test includes audio and visual opportunities for students to develop their tour key proficiencies – reading, writing, listening and speaking.
En Contacto: Literatura provides students with frequent opportunities to integrate the four language skills through reading authentic materials. Each story is related to the concepts of each chapter outlined in the accompanying text En Contacto: Gramática.
Abriendo Paso: Lectura provides students with opportunities to integrate the four language skills through reading authentic stories by renowned authors.
AP Spanish, Preparing for the Language Exam is an essential supplement that provides extensive vocabulary and grammar practice similar to the actual format of the AP Spanish Language exam. This text is used to extend knowledge of not only the test
itself, but of vocabulary and reading comprehension. This text provides frequent opportunities to write a variety of compositions in Spanish.
Course Instructional Plan:
Fall Semester: (Thematic vocabulary from AP preparation book used throughout semester)
Chapter 1: Diversiones y Fiestas (12 days duration)
Project: Complete the composition on page 25 de En Contacto. Must be
handwritten and checked for grammar and fluidity by 2 other people in
AP class.
Essay topic: ¿Qué piensas que vas a “recibir” de esta clase? ¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos acerca de esta clase ahora? ¿Piensas que será difícil? ¿Por qué (no)? ¿Qué piensas que vas a aprender en la clase? ¿Piensas que será una clase divertida o sólo mucho trabajo?
Skills mastered: Present tense, personal a, nouns/articles, reflexives
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: El Cuerpo
Literature Selection: “El décimo” por Emilio Pardo Bazán
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 2: Vejez y Juventud (15 days duration)
Project: Complete activity 2-33 on page 58 of En Contacto. The project is to
create a presentation of what your web site would look like IF you posted
a page with information about your family. The project can be on paper
or a copy made from a computer. It must be in color and labeled in detail
answering all questions listed with the activity. You may use your own
family or a made-up one.
Essay topic: ¿Cuáles son algunas cosas que quisieras hacer después de graduarte
del colegio?¿Cuál es lo mejor y lo peor del colegio en general y de
tu escuela en particular?
Skills mastered: Preterite tense, irregular verbs in preterite tense, Imperfect tense,
Choosing between preterite and imperfect, Hace+time expressions
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: La Familia
Literature Selection: “Nosotros, no” por José Bernardo Adolph
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 3: La Presencia Latina (13 days duration)
Project: Complete activity 3-36 on page 87 of En Contacto. You will interview a
Hispanic person and record their answers to the questions given. Once
the interview is complete, compile it into a report. Rubric for grading the
report will be given to you in class.
Essay topic: ¿Quién era tu mejor amigo en la escuela primaria? ¿Qué hacían juntos?
¿Todavía son amigos? ¿Por qué? o ¿Por qué no?
Skills mastered: Adjectives, Ser vs Estar, Future and Conditional tenses, Present
Subjunctive tense, Use of the Subjunctive
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: Las Caracteristicas Personales
Literature Selection: “El árbol de oro” por Ana María Matutue, “Tres hombres junto al rio” por
Renee Marquez
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 4: Hombres y Mujeres (13 days duration)
Project: Make a video for a new student at Central Gwinnett High School advising
him/her what to do in order to achieve a well-rounded life at the school.
Be sure to use at least 8 different expressions: 2 adverbial expressions,
2 adjective expressions and 4 expressions of emotions. You may work
with a partner for this project.
Essay topic: Escríbele una carta a “Querida Abby”. Describe con muchos detalles tu problema o cuestión.
Skills mastered: Subjunctive vs the indicative, adjectives and noun clauses in the
subjunctive, adverbial clauses in the subjunctive
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: La Ropa
Literature Selection: “Jaque mate en dos jugadas” por W. I. Eisen
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 5: Vivir y Aprender (17 days duration)
Project: Using advanced search techniques find at least five quotes in Spanish that describe proverbs about education similar to the quotes in this chapter. Copy the quote citing the URL for each web site on which you found the quote. Then, translate the quote, describe in Spanish what you think it means and email that information to the teacher’s school address. If you do not have access to email at home, please see me about the procedure to use.
Essay topic: Vas a recibir la carta “Querida Abby” de otro estudiante. Debes
responder, ayudando a la persona. Sé simpático (o lo más posible).
Skills mastered: All perfect tenses including future and conditional perfect, sequencing.
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: Profesiones y Oficios
Literature Selection: “Casa tomada” por Julio Cortázar, Fábulas: “Tio Coyote y Tio Conejo”
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 6: De Viaje (10 days duration)
Project: Make a travel brochure in Spanish using Microsoft Publisher outlining a
favorite vacation spot in a hispanic country of your choice. Be sure to
include the following in your brochure: country, capital, population,
weather, 3 most popular tourtist sites, 5 activities outlined in a simple
itinerary that spans 2 days.
Essay topic: ¿Cómo sería un día o fin de semana ideal para ti? ¿Qué harías? ¿Adónde irías? ¿Con quién(es) estarías?
Skills mastered: Present and Pluperfect Subjunctive, If clauses, sequencing
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: árboles y aves
Literature Selection: “Espuma y nada más” por Hernando Téllez, “El ahogado más hermoso
del mundo” por Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Course Instructional Plan:
Spring Semester: (Thematic vocabulary AND Idiomatic expressions from AP preparation book used throughout semester)
Chapter 7: Gustos y Preferencias (13 days duration)
Project: Find a partner in the class and the two of you pick a famous Spanish dance and research it. Using your research, you will present to the class the origin of the dance you chose (i.e. – how did it come into existence) and you will give a demonstration/teaching of the dance moves to the class. Be sure to bring accompanying music for dance before the due date to be approved by teacher.
Essay topic: ¿Cuáles son algunas cuestiones que existen entre los adolescentes hoy
en día?¿Qué se puede hacer para resolver los problemas? ¿Qué
problemas tienes tú como un adolescente? ¿Son tus problemas iguales
que los de otros adolescentes de nuestro país o comunidad?
Skills mastered: Verbs like gustar, affirmative/negative words, demonstrative adjectives,
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: Peces y Moluscos
Literature Selection: “Emma Zunz” por Jorge Luis Borges
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 8: Dimensiones Culturales (14 days duration)
Project: You will draw 5 advertisements on one page and indicate what the advertisement is for by using the impersonal se construction. It must be colored, there must be 5 separate advertisements and each advertisement must have at least 1 sentence describing it using the impersonal se. A worksheet outlining examples will be given to you in class when impersonal se is covered. Project is due the day after the test.
Essay topic: ¿Quién es tu héroe? ¿Por qué es tu héroe?
Skills mastered: Reflexives vs non reflexives, reflexives with commands, reciprocal
reflexives, impersonal se, passive se, comparatives and superlatives
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: el tiempo
Literature Selection: “Dos Caras” por Sabine Ulibarrí
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 9: Un Planeta para Todos (14 days duration)
Project: You will write 2 poems as directed in activity 9-33 on p. 252 de En Contacto. The poems must follow the outline given, be placed on construction paper, colored/decorated well and it must outline two different seasons. Project is due the day after the test.
Essay topic: Describe un sueño tuyo (o mejor, pesadilla). ¿Qué te pasó en el sueño? ¿Por qué recuerdas el sueño? ¿Te gustó o no?
Skills mastered: Lo + adjective, adverbs, use of the infinitive, gerunds and the verb
acabar de
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: Hortalizas y legumbres
Literature Selection: “Al colegio (Estampa)” por Carmen Laforet
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 10: La imagen y los negocios (15 days duration)
Project: Create a portfolio of investments. Pick a person (you or a family
member or a made up person) and create a list 1 month’s expenses for the following: rent, food, debts, extra expenses for medical and personal. Then, list savings account amount and income per month. Once that is complete, compile it into an excel spreadsheet and look on the Internet for 3 possible investments for your money taking into account your budget and monthly spending. They will be real investment options and you must give 3 reasons why for each investment. The end product will be a spreadsheet of expenses along with a colorful and organized advertisement (and reasons why to invest) for the three different investment options.
Essay topic: Has encontrado a tu media naranja. ¿Cómo y dónde se conocieron? ¿Van a casarse? ¿Qué problemas han tenido? (Será inventado, ¿no?)
Skills mastered: Past participle as adjective, passive voice, commands (including
vosotros), commands with pronouns, review of direct and indirect object
pronouns, sequencing
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: el restaurante
Literature Selection: “Jacinto Conteras recibe su paga extraordinaria” por Camilo José
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 11: ¡Adios distancias! (12 days duration)
Project: You will write a ten sentence paragraph in Spanish outlining a theme of your choice. You must choose 10 items to delete from the paragraph exactly like it is done on the AP test. You must have 2 verbs in past tense and at least 2 verbs in subjunctive. The best in class will be given as a practice for AP exam writing fill ins next chapter.
Essay topic: Tú eres un profesor o una profesora que piensa dejar su trabajo. Describe por qué quieres dejar la profesión. ¿Qué problemas has tenido últimamente?
Skills mastered: Por vs para, relative pronouns, diminutives, review of ser vs estar and
preterite vs imperfect, sequencing
Additional vocabulary: AP preparation supplemental text: armas, bebidas, cereales
Literature Selection: “La venda” por Miguel de Unamuno
Assessments: Included but not limited to: 2 quizzes, 2 journal entries, 1 formal writing,
daily speaking assessments, informal and formal debates, 2 formal
speaking assessments, 1 test
Chapter 12: La imaginación creadora (5 days duration)