HS Art I Course Syllabus
Spring 2017
Instructor: Holly NealTime: 1:35 – 3:00 Room: 122
Purpose: To give the student an introduction into the fine arts and complete the course for the college preparatory requirement.
Objective: The art I class will give students a broad yet thorough knowledge of art styles, art mediums, and art history. The class will mostly focus on 2-D design but will also incorporate graphic design, photography, and 3-D design. The instructor will provide improvement skills and direction. Most importantly the class will be a fun learning environment.
Evaluation: Student will be graded accordingly:
Participation: 40%
Critiques (Test): 30%
Sketchbook: 15%
Daily Grade Assignments: 15%
Participation is defined as answering questions, initiating inquiry, willingness to learn, using class time wisely, and putting forth one’s best effort. (Certain projects will be graded as a participation grade as well.)
Sketchbooks: Each student will have to complete a sketchbook over the fall semester.
30 sketches must be completed and turned in by the end of the semester. I will periodically assign 5 sketches due throughout the semester to complete the entire sketchbook project. Students will receive a handout with more information in class about the sketchbook assignment. The purpose of the sketchbook is to give the student ideas of the subjects he or she would like to incorporate into finished art pieces as well as give the student freedom to express his or her artistic qualities and characteristics and experiment with different mediums.
Critique: A critique is composed of student’s interpretation and the instructor’s interpretation of their “finished art”. Students work is not graded on the comparison of another’s art work but that the student understood and put forth the time and effort for that particular assignment. Art assignments labeled as Critique work are several days to a week of working on that particular piece or assignment. Students present their work in class and discuss their subject, medium and how they feel about that piece.
Daily Grade Assignments: These are usually 1 or 2 day assignments used to introduce a new element of art or new technique in art.
Grades: Students are not graded on their artistic ability but the time, effort and willingness to improve on their work as well as understand the assignment. Participation plays an important role in my classroom. A successful art student will be respectful to our class, its property and to others, take an active role to learn, inquire about things and be responsible.
Grading Scale
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 0 - 59
- It’s the student’s responsibility to schedule a time and complete makeup work. All work missed must be made up within two times the number of days the student was absent. Failure to make up the assignment within the allotted time results in an automatic zero. Athletes must turn in projects and assignments the day they are due even if the athlete does not meet for that class due to a game that day.* ~ student handbook pg. 18
EXAM: There is no exam given for Art. However, there is a required Exhibition held the last day of class during the class time. Each student is required to attend and present his or her last assignment specifically designed for the exhibition. Each student will also present at least one other graded work from the semester in the exhibition. This assignment is graded as a Participation assignment. There will also be one other participation assignment requiring research as well as a written assignment with a project that will carry the same weight. You must be present for the exam time unless you have not missed more than 3 days of this class and have an A average.