Coastal Carolina University

Instructor: Brad Williams


COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introductory course in visual language and literacy. Thiscourse will include a brief history and overview of art while examining the cultural, political, and social aspects of art. The classroom experience will be based on assignments from lectures, videos, projects, and demonstrations.

Statement of Prerequisites: None.

Credits Earned: 3 hours.

Textbook- Prebles’ Artforms

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate an understanding of historical movements and professional practices as they relate to creative projects.

• Understand and apply formal principles to creative production and aesthetic evaluation.

• Gain experience in the formation and implementation of the processes of creative production, including idea development, creative expression, and responsive action.


• Visual Literacy, Judith and Richard Wilde

• Art in Theory 1900 - 2000, Charles Harrison & Paul Wood

• A World of Art, Henry M Sayre

Primitivism, Cubism, Abstraction: The Early Twentieth Century (Modern Art – Practices & Debates),Gill Perry

Realism, Rationalism, Surrealism: Art Between the Wars (Modern Art – Practices & Debates), David Batchelor

Art of the Avant-Gardes (Art of the Twentieth Century,) Steve Edwards


Academic standing can often be linked proportionately with attendance. The more a student comes to class, the better his or her grade usually is. Active attention and participation are crucial to the development of the required knowledge and skills. More than 4 unexcused absences will result in a minimum of a letter grade reduction for the course. More than 9 absences will result in failure of the course. A receipt from the Health Center stating that you were there does not constitute an “EXCUSED ABSENCE”. You must provide a letter from the Doctor stating you were not to attend class! To the contrary, consistent attendance and participation will most assuredly be rewarded.

In the case of an absence:

• Students will be expected to have another student submit their work or leave it with the professor in an approved manner. Else, your project grade will drop one letter grade.

• It is important that you get all notes and assignments from a classmate. Images shown in class can mostly be found in the textbook and online (Google image search for the artist’s name).

• Religious holidays require notifyingthe professor in writing (including name and date) by the end of the second week of class.

•It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared for the next class session.

• Tardiness in excess of 20 minutes must be considered absent and will require similar documentation to be excused.

• Coming to class late leaving class early or not coming with the proper materials will likely constitute an absence.

• Students are expected to pay active attention and work during the entire class period.In addition, please do not ask to be excused to work at home. If you leave for this purpose you may be marked absent for the balance of the class.

• Should the student find him/herself late, it is his/her responsibility to inform the instructor of his/her presence at the end of class to ensure the attendance record is changed accordingly.

• Working on another class project is not allowed during class time.

• Students are expected to assist in maintaining a proper classroom environment, which is conducive to learning. Keeping the classroom clean and safe is to be considered part of this. In order to assure that all students have an opportunity to gain from time spent in class - unless otherwise approved by the instructor- students are prohibited from using cell phones, headphones, eating or drinking in class, making offensive remarks, reading newspapers, or engaging in any other form of distraction. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom shall result in, minimally, a request to leave class. You may – however – use an audio recorder for lectures.

•It is possible that one or more specific classes will be cancelled on a given day or during a specific interval while others might remain on schedule. As a result, it will be important to check your e-mail regularly, watch for such details on the campus announcement media, the website, or the weather line.

Grading: Requirements for Successful Course Completion

  • 35% Art Assignments
  • 65% Tests and Exams (30%unit tests – 30%Midterm – 40%Final Exam)
  • Method of Evaluation: Grading Scale

A= 90-100B+= 87-89

B= 80-86C+= 77-79

C= 70-76D+= 67-69

D= 60-70F= below 60

Evaluation of Students: Methods of Assessment

  • Comprehension of art movements, concepts,terminology, andtechniques.
  • Successful completion with passing grades of all tests and assignments.
  • Timely execution and completion of all assignments and projects on the date due will be a factor in the final grade. Homework: students will be expected to complete their assignments on time. Late assignments, papers or art projects will receive a grade reduction of at least 10 points per class.
  • Participation in class discussions.
  • The student’s evaluation will consider his/her ability to understand and carry through objectives of class assignments in a creative and well-executed manner. Active participation in class discussions and the number of absences will be considered.

Course Requirements:

It will be necessary at certain points of the semester to purchase art materials for various art projects. These materials will – of course – depend on the medium chosen for the project but should not surpass $50 for the course

There will be several unit tests given on assigned dates, which will cover vocabulary and essential concepts from class lectures. There will also be additional assignments both written and creative.

All work is due on the date and time specified. Students will receive a 10 point deduction for each class that work that is handed in late. Assignments and projects that are two weeks (or more) late could be given the grade of 0. There are no make up exams unless the absence is an excused absence (car accident, death in the family, etc.) proof is required. The excuse must be serious, for example, hospitalization or a note from the doctor stating you were ordered not to come to school.

“Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and personal responsibility. Membersof this community are accountable for their actions and reporting the inappropriate action of others, and students are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust."– CCU Code of Student Conduct


If your name appears on the roster at grading time and you have not officially dropped the course, a grade will be assigned based upon the policies outlined inthis syllabus.


If you have any learning disabilities or are alternately-abled in any manner, or feel you need special dispensation, please contact the office of student disabilities so you may be accommodated.


Thiscourse outline is subject to change and /or modifications as deemed necessary by the instructor. This may also include changes in the homework and/or class assignments. A field trip may also be added at the discretion of the instructor.

What is Art? Chapter1

Classical ArtChapters14-16

Modern ArtChapters20-22

Post Modern ArtChapters23, 25


Please detach, sign and return to Professor Williams

I have read and I understand the policies for professor Williams’ class.

"Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects
the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility.
As members of this community, we are accountable for our actions and
are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
On my honor, I pledge:

• That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and

• That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty
as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.

From this day forward, my signature on any University document,
including tests, papers, and other work submitted for a grade is a confirmation of this honor pledge."


(Print name neatly)




(Telephone number)


(E-mail address)



Additional Computer Etiquette:

Web surfing must to be directly related to class work. Do not email or IM in class.

Do not surf the web, email or IM during class lectures or critiques. Any infraction of the above may result in a lowered grade on an assignment or you may be asked to leave class. If you are asked to leave class you must report to my office at the next office hours and explain why you should be let back into class.