Instructionsto Prepare Paper for the 17th Iranian Conference of Biology
Title Times New Roman 14 centeraligned, max 100 characters
First author’s name *1 (Last name, First name), Second author 2(Last name, First name),
(Authors are ordered with numbers, corresponding author pointed out with asterisk*, the names line has one line space from the title and size11, same font,center aligned)
The work address of author(s) with the above given numbers,Times New Roman 11
Only the e-mail of the corresponding author is obligatory,Times New Roman 11, center aligned
Abstract – This part consists of a summary of empirical or theoretical research results. The maximum length for the abstract is 100 words. Aims, materials and methods and the results of the research should be stated. Avoid pointing to references in the abstract. The font is Times New Roman size 11 justified.
Key words – Give the maximum of five key words related to the paper in alphabetical order separated with a comma.The font is Times New Roman-pt size 11 justified and with one line space from the abstract.
1- Introduction
This guide states the method for presenting papers for Iran’s 17th Biology conference. Microsoft Word 2003 or later versions can be used. The paper’s electronic file must be in accordance with the standard framework outlined in this guide.
The paper’s structure should include the abstract, main text, results and conclusions, references and figures and tables (ifnecessary). The number of pages should be at least 4 and at the most 6 (including the abstract). Please don’t put page numbers, Headers or Footers in thetext.
2- Preparing the paper
In all the pages themargin for the top should be 6cm (for adding the conference logo) and for the other three sides 2cm each.
The paper’s main text should be in two columns each 82mm wide with 6mm between them.
2-1- Methods and styles
All the fonts are Times New Roman size 11. The file should be consistent with Acrobat PDFMaker.
3- Inserting figures, diagrams and tables
Please choose the width of any figure, diagram or table the same as the width of one column that is 82mm. This way the figure, diagram or table can be added anywhere in the paper in one column. Place the title of figures below them and the title of tables above them. Figures, diagrams and tables should be clearly visible and numbered. They should be placed in the nearest position to the first location in the text that they are mentioned with one line spacing above and below them. The title of figures, diagrams and tables should be size 10 and communicative so that the content is understandable without reading the text.
Place a figure where the curser is by clicking the Picture icon from the Insert tab from the ribbon and finding your picture in the window that opens.
Figure 1: alkaline solvents remove the water molecules attached to the protein and they attach to it instead, changing the protein’s behavior.
If you must use figures larger than one column, place it above or below the page. Figure 2 shows this situation. With regards to the available spaces this figure was place above the next page.
The numbers of figures, diagrams and tables should be given in the text. Do not use borders around titles, figures, diagrams or tables.
3-1- How to refer to the references
When giving example equations and figures you must show give the references you used as well. The number of references both in the text and in the references at the end of the paper should be in square brackets [ ].
4- Conclusion
In the conclusion part discuss the results of your research qualitatively.
If necessary you can thank people or organizations whom helped you conduct your research in this part.
The references should be written with the font Times New Roman-pt size 11 and the name(s) of the author(s) and the year should be Bold. All the references should be placed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order.
If the reference is a paper the format should be:
The author(s) last name, author(s) first name initial, the year the paper was published, the title of the paper, the journal’s full or abbreviated title, the volume number, the paper’s first and last page number.
If the reference is a book the format should be:
The author(s) last name, author(s) first name initial,the year the book was published, the full title of the book, the volume number,the publisher’s name, the place of publishing, the book’s total number of pages.
Figure 2: Wild enzyme (⌂) and mutant enzyme Y23V (∆) activity in the presence of different densities of alkaline solvents (a) DMF, (b) methanol …