Mrs. ChipeloBelleville Middle School
Grade 7English Language Arts
Welcome to Back to School Night!
I am Anna Amabile-Chipelo (Mrs. Chipelo) and I will be your child’s English Language Arts teacher for the 2016-2017 academic school year. I am entering my eighth year of teaching and my fourth year at Belleville Middle School. I am a certified Special Education, English Language Arts and a Social Studies teacher and hold a Master’s Degree in Special Education.
I look forward to an exciting, fun year filled with great reading and writing activities. It is my goal to help students improve your reading fluency and comprehension as well as develop stronger writing skills. Our class will be structured to follow a Balanced Literacy model. This means that within our 66 minute block of class time we will be working on both reading and writing skills.
Mrs. ChipeloBelleville Middle School
Grade 7English Language Arts
Reading Activities include:
Read Aloud – whole class
Reading Comprehension Skills Lesson/Activities/Centers
Guided Reading or Independent Reading (Depending on day and group assignment)
Wrap up discussion on reading tasks
Writing Activities Include:
Writing activities based on reading
Writer’s Workshop – Writing task is assigned and students will work to complete the task following the writing process model.
Wrap up discussion on writing tasks
Mrs. ChipeloBelleville Middle School
Support Class
Homework: Homework will be assigned regularly. You can check homework assignments on OnCourse. Additionally, it is strongly advised that you check your grades every 2-3 days on OnCourse so you are accountable for your work and there are no surprises about your progress.
Independent Reading: Independent reading is a critical part of building fluency and comprehension. Reading Logs will be due monthly. A minimum of 30 minutes of reading is required 16 times in one month – that is four times a week. You can do it at any time in the month and the log will be due on the last day of the month. In addition, students will complete a Book Analysis worksheet while reading which will be due at the end of the month with the log. This assignment counts as two homework assignments per month. To reinforce reading comprehension skills and speaking skills, students can be asked to give a “Book Talk” to discuss their book in class at any time. Instructions for reading logs and book talks will be given in class.
Projects: Depending on our reading and writing assignments, special projects may be developed and assigned to encourage the development of reading and writing skills. Projects will be clearly outlined with specific instructions and deadlines with plenty of time to complete the assignment. Projects will count as two test grades.
Remind 101 Texting APP – If you are interested, please sign up for this private reminder service. You will receive a text from me via this application. I can also individually textmessages about your son or daughter’s progress. It is a convenient and easy way to keep in touch. See Remind handout.
Please do not hesitate to call the office, email or text me via the Remind App with questions or concerns.