Presenters: Diane Mannino and Mark Carroll
The Rapid Prototyping instruction design model
o The Rapid Prototyping Instructional Design model emphasizes developing instruction in a cycle involving continuous evaluation, feedback, and refinement of the design during the development process.
o The cycle is iterative. The learning solution is continuously improved as the cycle continues.
o This comparison illustrates how evaluation and refinement appear as components of the Rapid Prototyping model as opposed to a traditional development model.
Classic Design (waterfall) Model1. concept definition
2. requirements definition
3. preliminary design
4. detailed design
5. code implementation
6. test and acceptance
7. [griping because you now realize that there was something that got left out back in step 2] /
Rapid Prototyping (spiral) Model
1. concept definition
2. implementation of a skeletal system
3. user evaluation and concept refinement
4. implementation of refined requirements
5. user evaluation and concept refinement
6. implementation of refined requirements
7. [etc., etc., in a continuous cycle]
Based on:
o Designers might opt to use a Rapid Prototyping model (or elements thereof) when time is a constraint, following a linear development model might not be feasible, and to prevent extensive rework in later stages of development.
o With Rapid Development stages of the instructional design process that might be sequential in other models occur concurrently, with the goal of reducing the amount of time needed to develop training.
Original source:
Advantages of Rapid Prototyping
o Formative evaluations are used throughout development. Problems can be identified and addressed early in development.
o Designers and users communicate earlier and more frequently. The resulting product might meet the user’s needs more effectively.
o Reduced development time and cost.
Disadvantages of Rapid Prototyping
o Important steps associated with other, more traditional, models of instructional design might be skipped or overlooked.
o More revisions might be required if development progresses out of sequence. For example without full analysis of needs, audiences, and objectives a prototype might be developed without all the facts necessary to best ensure highly successful solutions.
o With an early focus on development, more focus might be given to feature development rather than instructional design principles.
e-instruction and Rapid Development
o Tripp, S. D., & Bichelmeyer, B. (1990). argue that rapid prototyping is a viable model for instructional design, especially for computer-based instruction.
o The Rapid Development instructional design model relies upon sharing a solution’s design with learners during development, and using the learner’s feedback to inform the final solution. As a result, as Wilson, Jonassen, & Cole, (1993) point out, rapid prototyping can be used to:
o Test out a user interface
o Test the database structure and flow of information in a training system
o Test the effectiveness and appeal of a particular instructional strategy
o Develop a model case or practice exercise that can serve as a template
o Give clients and sponsors a more concrete model of the intended instructional product
o Get user feedback and reactions to two competing approaches.
Cognitivism and the Rapid Prototyping instruction design model
o Cognitive learning theory provides the basis for the Rapid Prototyping instruction design model.
o Cognitivism is an informational processing theory in which learning is viewed as an active mental process.
o Cognitive learning theory focuses on how learners process information (how people perceive, learn, remember, and think).
o Like Gagne in his Conditions of Learning (1985), Rapid Prototyping focuses on the external instructional activities that support the internal processes of learning.
Useful Web links
o Instructional Technology/Instructional Design/Rapid Prototyping:
o Rapid Instructional Design:
o Wilson, Jonassen, and Cole:
o Wilson, B. G., Jonassen, D. H., & Cole, P. (1993). Cognitive approaches to instructional design. In G. M. Piskurich (Ed.), The ASTD handbook of instructional technology (pp. 21.1-21.22). New York: McGraw-Hill.
o Tripp, S. D., & Bichelmeyer, B. (1990). Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 38(1), 31-44.
o Hoffman and Margerum-Leys. Rapid Prototyping as an instructional design. Accessed 2/13/2010.
o Rieber (1994). Understanding Rapid Prototyping by Analogy: Making Paper Planes.
o jeffrey Strickland. rapid prototyping. Accessed 2/13/2010.
o WikiBooks. Rapid Prototyping. Accessed 2/13/2010.
o Wilson and Cole (1993) Cognitive Approaches to Instructional Design
o Gustafson and Branch (2002), Survey of Instructional Development Models 4th edition pp, 25-28 , Washington D.C., U.S. Dept. of Education