Welcome Bidders on the DGS Vending Solicitation: 6100022105 (Central Region). Please Read the Statements of Work and other documentation carefully. We have tried to outline the requirements of this program and the expectations of the performance required by the Awarded Vendor (‘s). If you have questions or concerns please use EMAIL as your resource to have questions about the SOW answered. Phone calls will be given the email address as no answers will be given over the phone about these requirements but will be answered with the FAQ’s when completed and posted to the DGS website: and on the IFB (‘s) solicitations available on the supplier portal.

For Bidding help I have attached the DGS “Bidding Guide”, and a file to identify how you are to enter % commission pricing. Please use both the conditions, and the “my notes” sections to insure there is no misunderstanding on the Commission % you are offering. Also complete the XL Spreadsheet to confirm your quoted Commission.

Pre-Bid Conference You will notice none is listed on the calander of events. We feel most of these Vending IFB’s are well described and a required conference will not be needed.

If more help is needed, Please call the Supplier Help Desk at: 1-877-435-7363 for help navigating screens, or any registration concerns.

To complete your quote go here: You must be a registered vendor to continue into the bid-instructions for that process are here also. Insure you check the box in the upper left hand corner to register for email updates so you are alerted to any solicitation changes.

Please do not wait until the last minute to create your bid, remember even after you create your quote you are able to go back into the system and revise your offer right up to the last day and hour. However if you wait until the last day there may not be enough time to enable you to complete the process. Bids will not be extended.

You must complete your IFB electronicly, Faxed bids, emailed bids, mailed, or bids delivered in person will not be accepted but will be returned or discarded.

Thanks for your interest.

Mike Schindler | Purchasing Agent 2

PA Dept. of Labor and Industry

BAS Room 205 Procurement

651 Boas Street

Harrisburg, PA 17121-0750

717-346-7667 | 717-787-0688