Psyc 456


Instructions: This is a short answer exam. Please answer each of the following nine questions. Make sure you answer all parts of each question. You have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the exam. The exam is worth 30 points equal to 30% of your grade in this class. Don’t forget to write down your name on each of the paper sheets you use to answer the questions!

1.  Compare child’s reactions to loss of a parent when a child is 3 years old and when a child is 9 years old. Talk about at least two characteristic reactions for each of the two age groups. (4 points)

2.  Discuss at least three reactions (grief strategies) of a child to death of a parent. Provide a concrete example for each of the three reactions. (3 points)

3.  How does the understanding of death change from young, to middle and late adolescence? Describe a major characteristic of each of the stages. (3 points)

4.  We have discussed the sociocultural (Durkheim) and the cognitive perspective (Beck) on suicide.

  1. Pick one of the two views that you think explains suicide better and say why. (1 point)
  2. Describe either Durkheimer’s types of suicide or Beck’s characteristics of thinking in suicidal people. (4 points)

5.  What is shadow grief? Provide a concrete example? (2 points)

6.  The broken heart phenomenon:

  1. Explain what is ‘the broken heart phenomenon’? (1 point)
  2. We discussed the cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic explanations of the broken heart phenomenon. Pick one of the perspectives that you prefer, discuss it and explain why you like this approach. (2 points)

7.  What is wellness as a way of empowerment? Provide a concrete example of somebody utilizing the wellness approach in dealing with death related fears. (2 points)

8.  What are the three major strategies that can help us in providing genuine and compassionate care without slipping into depersonalization and detachment? Describe each of the strategies. (4.5 points)

9.  Discuss the differences in care for the dying in a hospital setting and in a hospice. Describe at least three points of difference. (3 points)