Instructions for Using SIS Web Grade SubmissionUniversity of Michigan-Flint
- Using your Web browser (i.e. Netscape or Internet Explorer), open the SIS Website, take you to the login page.
- Type your UniqueNameandLAN Password in the spaces provided, and then click the Login button. If you need account or password help, click the appropriate links to the right of the login area for more information. The ITS HelpDesk is also available to assist with your questions, 810-766-6804.
- From the Main Menu, select Faculty and Advisors.
- From the Faculty & Advisors menu, select Term Selection.
- Select the term for which you wish to submit grades from the drop-down list, and then click Submit Term.
- From the Faculty & Advisors menu, click CRN Selection.
- Select the course for which you wish to submit grades from the drop-down list, and then click Submit.
NOTE: If one or more of your courses do not appear in the list, please contact the Office of the Registrar @ 810-766-6889, or send an e-mail to .
- From the Faculty & Advisors menu, click Final Grades.
- Your roster will display in alphabetic order. Click to position your cursor in the grade field for the first student on the roster. You may either type the awarded grade directly into the field, or you may use the drop-down list provided to select the grade by clicking on it. You must use the drop-down list to select +/- grades.
Do not leave a grade blank. If a grade is left blank, a failing grade will be entered and the last date of attendance will be recorded as the last day of the term. Enter a grade for each student on the roster. If the student stopped attending, enter a final grade based on the total requirements of thecourse and enter the last known date of attendance in the Last Attend Date. *** REMINDER *** If a failing grade or incomplete is assigned, a last date of attendance MUST be entered. If you are unsure of the exact last date of attendance, you have several options for determining what date to use. Some dates that may be used are the date the last assignment was submitted, the last exam taken, the last participation on Blackboard or other course companion, etc. Use the Incomplete (I) grade only when the student is passing and completed at least 75% of the course work. If entering an Incomplete, the last date of attendance is required. Use ONLY this format for entering a date MMDDYYYY. Dates entered must be between the first and last day of the semester. DO NOT USE EXAM DATES. You do not have to enter the Attended Hours.
- When finished entering grades, click the Submit button. Look at the top of the page for the message “The changes you made were saved successfully” – this means your grades have been received. If you see a STOP warning or Your Grade Submissions Have Been Rejected message (like below), make any necessary corrections and click the Submit Grades button again.
/ You have errors on the page. Correct the errors to submit all grades for this record set.
- If you have additional courses, click the Return to Menu option in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the Faculty Services menu, and repeat from step 7.
- When you are done using SIS, click the Exit icon in the upper right corner of the screen. You should also close your browser (i.e., Internet Explorer or Netscape) to ensure security.
Web Grade Submission
Frequently Asked Questions
Q:Where do I submit my grades?
A:Grades are submitted in SIS. ( Your User ID is your UniqueName and your Password is your LAN password.If you are unsuccessful at logging inor have further questions, please contact the ITS HelpDesk at 810-766-6804.
Q:When are online grade rosters available?
A:SIS Final Grade rosters open the morning following the last day of the semester. Typically the system is open for two weeks for the fall and winter semesters.
Q. What is the deadline for a faculty member to input grades?
A:It is expected that final grades will be input within 72 hours of the final exam for the class. Look for an email from the Registrar with specific dates and times.
Q:What happens if a faculty member fails to enter grades before SIS grading is turned off for the semester?
A:After the deadline, it is the faculty member's responsibility to submit late grades via the Late Grade/Grade Change form (which requires the Dean's signature) for each student on the roster. Copies of the form may be obtained from academic departments, the Dean’s Offices or the Office of the Registrar.
Q:Can someone else enter my grades for me?
A:Grades should be entered by the assigned faculty member. In no circumstances should you share your Password with another person.
Q:I can't find one of my course(s) in the dropdown selection list, what's wrong?
A:You need to be listed as an instructor for each course you are teaching. If your course does not appear in the CRN selection list, you should contact Stacy Lee at 810-766-6889 or email for assistance.
Q:I am teaching an independent study course and there are more students on the roster than I expect, what should I do?
A:If a course is listed as an independent study, many instructors may be assigned grading responsibility. Enter grades only for the student(s) for whom you are responsible and remember to click the Submit button before exiting.
Q:I am team teaching a course with another faculty member? Which one of us has access to online grade rosters for our course?
A:If your department has designated more than one instructor with teaching and grading responsibilities, both persons are able to grade. Contact Stacy Lee at 810-766-6889 or email f there is a problem.
If a course is listed as an independent study, many instructors may be assigned grading responsibility. Submit grades only for the students for whom you are responsible.
Q:What information am I required to input? ** REMINDER** a last date of attendance is required for all failing grades and incompletes.
A:Only the "Grade" field is required except when submitting a failing grade or incomplete. Do not leave a grade blank. If a grade is left blank, a failing grade will be entered and the last day of the semester will be input for the last date of attendance. A student who has officially withdrawn from the course will appear on the roster with a grade of "W"- do not change this grade. If a W does not display, the student has not officially withdrawn and you must enter a final grade based on the total requirements of the course.Use the Incomplete (I) grade only when the student is passing and completed a minimum of 75% of the course work. If entering an Incomplete, the last date of attendance is required.
Last Attend Date:A last date of attendance must be entered for those students who have been assigned a failing grade or an Incomplete.If you are unsure of the exact last date of attendance, you have several options for determining what date to use. Some dates that may be used are the date of the last assignment turned in, the last exam taken, the last participation on Blackboard or other course companion, etc. If the student stopped attending at some point, enter the last known date of attendance. Be sure to put the date in the required format 'MM/DD/YYYY'; for example, 10/06/2013. Do not be alarmed by a warning message that appears saying that the student(s) has not withdrawn from the class. This is not an error; it is only a warning pointing out that the student(s) have not formally withdrawn from the classeven though a last attendance date has been submitted. ***Dates entered must be between the first and last day of semester. DO NOT USE EXAM DATES.
NOTE: It is not necessary to enter Last Attend Date or Attend Hoursif the student passed the course.
Q:How do I change a grade that I have input in error or update an Incomplete grade in SIS?
A:You may make changes to your grades online only during the grade submission period for that term. Check the grade roster and see if there is still a drop-down grade selection box. If there is, just change it and hit submit button. If you cannot change the grade on SIS, you will need to submit the standard Late Grade/Grade Change form. After the grade deadline, all late grades or grade changes must be submitted using the standard Late Grade/Grade Change form within one year. Incomplete grades from previous semesters cannot be updated using SIS, but should be updated via the Grade Change form.
Q:What do I do if a student on the roster did not attend or stopped attending?
A:A student who has officially withdrawn from the course will appear on the roster with a grade of "W"--you will not be able to change this grade. If a W does not display, then the student has not officially withdrawn and you must enter a final grade based on the total requirements of the course.
UndergraduateCourses: If the student never attended or stopped attending at some point, enter a failing grade and the last date of attendance (MMDDYYYY).
Graduate Courses:If the student never attended or stopped attending at some point, enter NR and the last date of attendance (MMDDYYY)
Q:What do I do if a student is missing from my roster?
A:If a student's name does not appear on the roster (be sure to check for name changes), that means the student did not formally register for the course. You may not add a student to the roster. Use the Late Grade/Grade Change form to submit the grade. You may also want to follow up with the student.
Q:A group of students that I know are registered for my class are missing from the grading page. What should I do?
A:One reason may be that your course is cross-listed and students are registered under different course numbers. Students in cross-listed courses appear on separate rosters, so check your CRN selection list to see if there are additional sections to grade.Another cause may be if there are more than 50 students in the class. In fact, the grading page only displays 50 students at a time. If the class has more then 50 registered students there is a prompt at the top and bottom of the student list to access the next set of records (51-100, 101-150, etc.). The prompts only appear as necessary depending on the size of the class.
Q:When will students see the grades I submit?
A:Grades that have been submitted by the deadline will be available for students to view within 24-48 hours after the deadline. Late grades and grade changes will be available approximately 1-2 weeks after they are submitted. Grade processing is necessary to account for repeat attempts, credit and GPA calculations, and transcript updates so that students will see an accurate picture of their progress.
Q:How do I know my grades were received?
A:Watch for the message that your Grades were submitted successfully after clicking the Submit Grades button. The message is located under the Course Information section and just before the listing of the student names. You may also exit SIS, then login again and access the Final Grade roster. If your grades appear, they have been received and recorded.
Q:Can I get a printout or confirmation of my grades?
A:Yes! You may choose to print the web page as a personal copy of the grades you submitted. Please print this copy AFTER you hit the submit button. You may also view/print grades using the Summary Class List link under SIS Faculty Services. Once the Registrar has processed grades, you may print a copy of the final grades recorded for your course. This report, called the Grade Verification Roster, is available in WebFocus. It may be printed only from a computer on campus and requires a Banner ID and password (not your SIS PIN). Please contact AIMS, 762-3476, for assistance with WebFocus reports.
Q:Who do I call for help?
A:If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact Rhonda Banks at 810-762-3048orthe Office of the Registrarat 810-762-3344 - press 1, or send e-mail to .