Minutes of a meeting held on Wednesday 17thDecember 2014 at 7.45 pm in St Peter’s Room, St Peter’s Church Rawdon.
PresentCllr Davies
Cllr Barber
Cllr Gomersall
Cllr Shemilt
Cllr Warrior
FC/2014/ 123Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
FC/2014/124Public Participation
FC/2014/125Apologies for absence
It was resolved to note apologies and accept the reasons for absence from Cllrs Collins, Hunt, Ingham and Lacey.
FC/2014/126Declarations of Interests
FC/2014/127Minutes of the last Meeting
It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of what transpired at the meeting.
FC/2014/128Information arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting that is not specified elsewhere on the agenda
FC/2014/129Monthly finance report and approval of payments in accordance with the schedule of payments
It was resolved to accept the report and approve the payments.
FC/2014/130Lighting the footpath at Rawdon St Peters Church
Mr Graham was welcomed to the meeting. Mr Graham explained that the current lighting was between 18 and 40 years old. Biennial checks have revealed that the fittings are failing but the lamps are functioning. The Church has no responsibility for lighting the footpath and it is not a public right of way. For 6 months of the year no lighting is needed and the Church only needs to light the path 3 times each month so any enhancement would be for other non- church related users of the path. The Church has a falling congregation and increasing costs. The most cost effective solution would be LED lights with PIR and a timer.
It was resolved to obtain quotes for 3 LED lights with PIR and a timer. The church would be awarded a small grant for the next 5 years to cover the costs of the additional electricity associated with running the lighting on the timer every evening for 6 months of the year to benefit users of the path.
FC/2014/131Review of the unveiling of the Memorial Stone
Members felt the event had gone well. There is a small mark on the plaque caused by the fitter. The cheque for the balance of the plaque to be withheld until this is rectified.
The Council resolved to record its thanks to Cllr Gomersall and Warrior for their work in achieving this project.
FC/2014/132Review of the Rawdon at Christmas Event
Members felt the event had been a success and should be further developed in 2015. The treasure hunt was particularly well received. An event supporting the Town Street shops was desirable in the summer perhaps connected with In Bloom.
It was resolved that a road closure would be applied for to support the 2015 event.
FC/2014/133Report from the Chairman of his meeting with Cllr G Latty
The Chairman reported on an excellent meeting with LCC Cllr G Latty with much common ground having been identified and some opportunities for joint working in 2015.
Members welcomed the opportunity to work with the city councillors and it was resolved that a further meeting be sought in February to progress joint working opportunities.
FC/2014/134Report on the HLF funding bid
The clerk reported that she was still awaiting some pricing for the items in the bid, the screen costs for the Battle of the Somme film and roses for the stone area planting.
FC/2014/135Concerns about parking on Town Street
Residents and businesses have raised concerns about all day parking on Town Street. The parking issues seem to have exacerbated since the school reconfigured the carpark.
It was resolved to investigate resident permit parking with a 2 hour restriction for the general public.
FC/2014/136Concerns about litter from green bins
Cllr Barber explained his concerns about the spillage from bins on windy days and that some green bins were left out all week by residents. LCC Cllr Wadsworth agreed to provide the correct contact for reporting bins left out all week.
FC/2014/137DOT report on airport connectivity
To receive an update on In Bloom work
To consider responding to the DCLG consultation on parish polls
To receive reports of meetings attended by councillors and the clerk
Harrogate Chamber of Commerce – Cllr Shemilt
To receive reportsof matters that members and the Clerk would like to draw to the attention of Council. Such matters to be noted or placed an appropriate agenda.
To agree the Items for the next agenda.
Lengthsman (insufficient information available for December meeting)
Farmers Market (visit from Otley Town Partnership will take place early 2015)
Allotments(insufficient information available for December meeting)