Paper Code: Indicate your paper code



a Department of Maritime Studies, XYZ University, City, Country

b Department of Logistics Management, ABC University, City, Country; * Corresponding author, email address:

c Department of XYZ, DEF University, City, Country


This document introduces guidelines for preparing full papers for the 2015 SCU Conference. Authors should submit their full papers in a MS-Word file by 1 April 2015 on the page of “Paper Submission” of the conference website: The length of the abstract of a full paper should be around 200 words in English.

Key Words: Key Word A, Key Word B, Key Word C, Key Word D (max five key words)


Papers must use the following format:

l  A4 paper (21 cm wide by 29 cm long)

l  Upper, lower and right hand margins of 2.5 cm

l  Left hand margin of 3 cm

l  Times (Roman or New Roman) font

l  12 point pitch

l  Single spacing

l  Maximum length of 8,000 words, including figures, tables, appendices and references

l  Authors should prepare their paper in English and send it by email along with the declaration of their application for possible publication in one of the listed international journals on the last page.

The official language of the conference is English. Each presentation at 2015 SCU 2012 Conference should be made within the maximum of 25 minutes unless additional times are requested of the presenters.


This is an example of the first page of the Full Paper. The title of the paper should be centered in bold, and each authors’ name, title, organization with city and country as shown above.

An abstract of around 200 words, and the key words, should be placed immediately following the above mentioned information. Then, after two blank lines, the main body of the paper, which should be divided into chapters and (optionally) sections, starts. Chapters must be numbered and their titles typed in bold capitals (for example, 1. INTRODUCTION). Sections must be numbered using two digits and their title typed in bold typeface (for example, 2.1 Model Validation). Two blank lines must be left before each title with the exception of new pages. All the text must start at the left margin (that is, new paragraphs are not to be indented) with the exception of listings which may be indented.

2.1 The order of the full paper

The order of the full paper should be as follows:

l  First: Title, authors’ information and the chapters of the main body of the text, numbered as described above. The corresponding author should be indicated by number 1 in the footnote on the same page.

l  Second: the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (in bold capital typeface) if required

l  Third: the REFERENCES (in bold capital typeface)

l  Fourth: appendices, if required.


Equations must be written preferably with the same word processor used for the rest of the text, without hand written symbols in order to aid legibility. Equations must be numbered sequentially with their numbers in parenthesis and right justified.

Tables must be numbered sequentially and have a reasonably explanatory title centered above the table; the measurement units employed in the table must be indicated.

Figures must be drawn in ink or using good quality graphic software; they must be numbered sequentially and have a reasonably informative title centered under the figure.

Table 1. Table Title

A / B

Figure 1. Figure Title


References should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. Lee (1996), Bates and Roberts (1983); (Smith, 2001a, 2001b). If the reference has more than two authors, only the surname of the first author followed by et al. in italics will appear in the body of the text, e.g. Gong et al. (2005).

At the end of the paper complete references must be given alphabetically by all author’s surname including: surname(s) and initials of author(s), separated by a comma, year of publication with a full stop, the title of a paper, the title and volume and issue number in parenthesis of the journal, and its first and last pages. In the case of a book, the title of the book must be with first letter capital of each word. The book publisher and the city of publication must be also indicated in that order.

The following examples present some of the most typical cases of referencing at the end of the paper. Please follow them as possible as you can.


Lee, T.W., 1996. Shipping Developments in Far East Asia. Avebury, England.

Gong, S.X.H., Firth, M. and Cullinane, K., 2005. Choice of financing and governance structures in the transport industry: theory and practice. In T.W. Lee and K. Cullinane (eds.) World Shipping and Port Development. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 50-75.

Goss, R.O., 1990. Economic policies and seaports: strategies for port authorities. Maritime Policy and Management, 17(4), 273-287.

Sturmey, S.G., 1962. British Shipping and World Competition. Athlone Press, London.

Declaration of Application for Possible Publication in

One of the International Journals Listed Below:

Paper Code:

Paper Title and Author’s name:

Please tick ONLY ONE of the following journals which you wish to publish your full paper subject to peered review process.

-  The author or at least one of the co-authors of the submitted full paper must register for the conference to present it at the conference and/or publish it on one of the Journals listed below.

-  The authors are recommended to refer to the publication conditions and copyright and ethics code of conduct for publication on the concerned journal.

l  ( ) A Special Issue of Transportation Research Part E

l  ( ) A Special Issue of International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics

l  ( ) A Special Issue of Transportation Research Part D

l  ( ) A Special Issue of Journal of International Logistics and Trade

l  ( ) International Journal of Logistics Management

l  ( ) No application for the above journals, but only for the conference paper.

2015 SUBA-ALRT CONFERENCE, 31 August – 1 September 2015, Taipei, Taiwan 4