Timetable Instructions
Instructions for the Completion of
Timetable Returns
Department of Education and Science
Timetable Instructions
General Directions
1.1 General Introduction
Until recently, timetable returns from second-level schools have been processed manually by the Department. In 1995, the Department introduced a new internal computer system to process school timetable information. The details on the forms returned by schools were keyed and verified before being loaded into this computer system. Since 1996, the Department has accepted returns in a computerised format, provided the software generating the returns was approved by the IT Unit.
The purpose of these instructions is to assist schools in the process of generating the relevant sections of the return in either a computerised or manual format.
1.2Schools to which these Instructions are applicable
All schools using the manual format and computerised schools using software cleared by the Department. Please see accompanying letter for details of software packages currently cleared.
1.3 Acceptance of Computerised Timetable Returns.
Schools using the cleared software need only complete the sections of the T1 form relating to:
School holidays
School examinations
Weekly half holiday
Saturday opening
Board of Management, C.E.O. of the V.E.C. etc.
Timetabling packages or programs being put forward as meeting the relevant specifications need to be evaluated and cleared by the Department's IT Unit before returns can be accepted from them.
Schools using these packages will be in a position to submit output on diskette (with a short summary printout) which can be loaded directly into the Department's Computer System without the necessity for keypunching.
Copies of the specifications have been, and continue to be, available to all interested software developers (contact the I.T. Unit at (01) 8892103 for details).
1.4 Accompanying Documentation
For computerised schools a document is enclosed detailing teacher information as submitted by your school on last year’s Timetable Return. The document is supplied for reference purposes and it is hoped that it will be of some assistance in compiling the current Return.
For manual schools the Timetable forms allow for the turnaround of information collected from last year's returns. As much information as possible has been pre-printed to reduce the effort needed to complete the forms. Additional blank forms have been enclosed for completion in respect of new teachers to the school and additional copies are available on request.
1.5Content of Returns forthe Current School Year.
A complete timetable return from a computerised school using the timetabling software identified in the covering letter should consist of:
(a) A completed T1 form, which provides basic school details.
(b)The following output from the software package:
Two diskettes containing the files detailed in 1.7 below
A printout with details of the school class period set-up together with summary timetable details for each teacher in the school and a certification of accuracy signed by the School Principal/ Management Authority.
A complete timetable return from a school using the manual format should consist of:
(a)A completed T1 form, which provides basic school details and class period set-up details for the school.
(b)A completed T2 form for each teacher in the school.
The forms should be completed in Black Ink and in Block Capitals;
Apply sufficient pressure when completing the forms to ensure that all three copies are legible;
Retain the bottom copy in the school for reference.
1.6 Note on submitting diskettes (Computerised Schools only)
Schools using the software packages to produce their Timetable Returns are requested to forward TWO diskettes, each containing the full set of Returns data for the school. This will ensure that a replacement diskette is available in the event of the first diskette proving unreadable for any reason. Both diskettes used should be new (and formatted/initialised in advance of creating the Returns) and each should be clearly labelled, specifying Run Number and the 6 character school code for your school laid out as in the following example:
Sept. Return 2001
Run No.: 003
School No.: 72345K
1.7 Requirement to check diskette contents before sending them on to the Department. (Computerised Schools only)
Please ensure that the correct procedure for the generation of the Timetable Returns is followed as per the software supplier's instructions. THE BACKUP FILES OPTION SHOULD NOT BE USED TO CREATE FILES FOR THE DEPARTMENT DISKETTES. The supplier will have provided specific instructions on the procedures for the production of the Return and schools are asked to adhere to these instructions.
Each of the two diskettes produced should contain the following five files only:
For example:
would be the five files for school no. 60561G in 2002 where the software package used was Facility Timetabler.
The user manual for the software package should explain how to check that the five correct files are on each diskette before sending the Returns on to the Department.
1.8 Certification (Computerised Schools only)
The School Principal or Management Authority is required to certify the return by signing the printout produced by the software package.
1.9 Queries and Return Address (All Schools)
The Department is anxious that all schools meet the due date for submission.
If further assistance or clarification is required on Department of Education and Science requirements in relation to the Timetable Returns, a Help Desk is available in the Department. Details of contact staff and telephone numbers are provided in the covering letter.
Any difficulties encountered in using the software packages to produce the relevant section of the Timetable Returns should be raised with the relevant package supplier in the first instance.
Note for Vocational Schools/Community Colleges
Please send the return, in the first instance, to the Chief Executive Officer of the relevant committee for onward transmission to the Department before the due date.
T1 Completion Requirements
2.1 Overview
A T1 form has been supplied to your school with certain items pre-printed. Other items will need to be completed by your school and the following provides an outline of the requirements for the completion of this form.
General Details
The following items on the Form T1 have been pre-printed:
Name of school
Address of school
Telephone Number
School Number
and in the case of manual schools the
Class Period set-up.
2.2 Items to be completed on the T1 Form
Name, Address and Telephone Number of School Manager/Chairperson of Board of Management/Chief Executive Officer
Complete as appropriate.
Saturday Opening
Indicate if the school operates on a Saturday.
Weekly Half-holiday
If the school has a weekly half-holiday, enter the day on which it is given.
Dates on the School Calendar.
Please ensure that all dates are entered in the format DD-MM-YYYY i.e. if the date to be entered is the 6th September 2001, then enter the date as 06-09-2001.
Date of opening of school
Enter the date of opening for the current school year.
Dates of Holidays
Enter the dates the school will be closed for Mid-Term Breaks, Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays.
Occasional & Special Holidays
Enter the dates of other intended school holidays during the school year. These should include holidays such as the 8th of December, but not public holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day etc.
School Examinations
Enter the planned dates for internal school examinations.
Number of Days Open
Enter the number of days that the school will be open in the course of the school year under each of the three available categories and the cumulative total.
Class Period Set-up.
Where the Return is to be supplied in computerised format, no manual input is required here, as the data will be provided on diskette from the software package.
For manual schools the times for the daily class period set-up, as supplied on last year’s Timetable Return, are pre-printed on the form. Where there is a change, please cross out the relevant data and write in the new times above the old ones.
Please ensure that any changes are set out using the 24-hour clock format only i.e. 9.30a.m. = 09:30, 2.30p.m. = 14:30.
Should your school operate a parallel period set-up (i.e. simultaneously operate different set-ups for different programmes) or if the period set-up normally changes during the course of the school year, please contact the Help Desk to discuss.
Data Requirements
3.1 Overview
To ensure that the production of the Timetable Return for your school is accurate and meets the requirements both of the school and this Department, particular attention needs to be paid when entering the data items listed below.
3.2 School Data Directions
School Number
Ensure that the correct six-digit number for the school as per the Department's approved list is used.
Period Set-up
Ensure that the correct period set-up for the current school year has been used.
3.3 Teacher Data Directions
Please ensure that all of the teaching staff in the school have been included.
The following teacher data items need to be checked carefully to ensure an accurate return is submitted:
(a)Reference Number
A reference number, in the range 1 to 100, must be assigned to each teacher. The order in which teachers are assigned reference numbers is a matter for local management.
(b)Teacher Forename and Surname
Enter both the forename and surname for the teacher. Vowels with sínte fada should be used where appropriate. For computerised schools please note the software suppliers’ instructions for the creation of sínte fada.
Enter each teacher's teaching qualifications.
Enter the gender for each teacher – M for male and F for female. For manual schools tick the appropriate box.
(e)Personal Public Service Number (formerly known as R.S.I. Number)
Arising from the introduction of the Personal Public Service Number in April 1998, it is proposed in common with other Government Departments to use this number as the unique identifier for persons involved in transactions with Public Service organisations. Where the number was supplied as part of last years Timetable Return it is supplied on the ‘turnaround’ printout. This is intended to allow schools to begin the practice of using the P.P.S. number as the identifier for individual teachers in future transactions with the Department.
Where the P.P.S. number is not listed for a teacher, the Department would ask schools to seek the number from the teacher involved in the first instance. In the case of newly appointed teachers who may not have a P.P.S. number, the number may be obtained from the:
Central Records Office, Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs, Gandon House, Dublin 1 (Tel: 01 – 8748444).
The PPS number is now mandatory for all teacher capacities other than Voluntary Personnel (V) and Outside Agency (OA).
(f)Post of Responsibility
If the teacher holds a post of responsibility, please enter the appropriate code:
- Principal
- Vice – Principal
- Grade A
- Grade B
- Super B post
- No post of responsibility
- Principal Personal Entitlement
- Vice Principal Personal Entitlement
- Grade A Personal Entitlement
- Grade B Personal Entitlement
- Deputy Principal
- Deputy Principal Personal Entitlement
- Assistant Principal
- Assistant Principal Personal Entitlement
- Special Duties
- Special Duties Personal Entitlement
- Director – Adult Education
- Director – Adult Education Personal Entitlement
- Assistant Principal – Adult Education
- Special Duties – Adult Education
You may enter a Post that you hold on a personal basis.
(g) Capacity
Enter the appropriate code:
P for Permanent Wholetime/ Incremental,
T for Temporary Wholetime/ Incremental,
E for EPT or
PT for Part-time.
PF for those employed privately by the school.
HD for H.Dip. Student
V for Voluntary personnel
OA for Outside Agency
Please note that a timetable need not be
returned in respect of H. Dip. students.
(h)Teacher Job-sharing
Indicate if the teacher is job-sharing. This section applies only to incremental staff.
(i)Other School
(computerised schools only)
In some instances, an incremental teacher may complete his/her requisite hours by teaching in another school. Where this occurs, the appropriate six-digit roll number for the other school(s) should be entered i.e. 60000M, 70000S etc. Schools should provide the full details of the teacher's activity in their own school and the time spent in aggregate by the teacher in the other school(s). Please also see the non-class contact timetabled hours section below.
(j)Last School
(computerised schools only)
Where a teacher has joined the staff of the school in the current school year, please indicate the school, if any, where the teacher was teaching in the last school year. The appropriate six-digit roll number for the other school(s) should be entered i.e. 60000M, 70000S etc.
3.4 Non-Class Contact Timetabled Hours
This refers to a teacher's timetabled activity that does not involve the direct instruction/ supervision of class groups or which relates to the student body generally rather than to specific class groups therein. Examples may include Career Guidance, Counselling (one-to one), Remedial Support, Home School Liaison Duties, Programme Co-ordination, Supervision, Assembly / Registration, Corridor or Break Supervision etc.
The software and T2 forms provide for the recording of such non-class contact time. Non-Class Contact hours are to be described under the following headings:
1 Home School Liaison - Timetabled hours assigned to the teacher for Home School Liaison duties each day.
2 Guidance and Counselling - Time spent (timetabled) on one-to-one counselling each day.
3 Remedial - As in 2 above
4 Programme Co-Ordination - Where the teacher is timetabled as a co-ordinator for a particular programme, e.g. VPT, LCVP, Transition Year, etc. Please specify the programme to which the co-ordination applies and the time spent by the teacher on those duties each day. The programme code must be a valid code as described on the T1 Form.
5 Other - Where a teacher is timetabled for activities not included at 1 - 4 above, the nature of the activity involved must be described, the programme code to which it applies (where relevant) and the time spent on those duties each day. The programme code where entered must be a valid code as described on the T1 Form.
6 Timetabled hours in other schools -Where a teacher is timetabled to fulfil their hours, either class contact, non-class contact or both, then those hours need to be entered.
7 Day -The day of the week to which the non-class contact applies must also be entered.
3.5 Class Contact Timetabled Hours
For each class contact period, please ensure that the following items have been entered to the software package or on to the T2 form in respect of the class group concerned:
(a) Subject
In the first instance, the code for the subject (as provided on the listing) should be used. If the code is not available, please use the complete subject title, or you may use the code from the department’s list, which is closest to your subject.
(b) Programme Code
Please note that only the Programme Codes listed on the manual T1 Form should be used.
(c) Programme Year
Please enter the programme year associated with the class group e.g. 1, 2 etc.
(d) Class Size
The number of pupils associated with each class grouping taught by the teacher should be entered.
(e) Medium
Where a subject (apart from Irish) is being taught to a class group through the medium of Irish, this fact should be flagged by entering a "G" in the appropriate indicator field.
(f) Non Class Contact Indicator (computerised schools only)
In some cases schools may wish to include non-class contact details on the main timetable. To cater for this scenario, software suppliers have provided a means for indicating that a particular period is non class contact and will not be included as part of a teacher's class contact time. Documentation from the software supplier should provide more details on the procedure for identifying these periods.
(Computerised Schools Only)
Generation of Timetable Returns
4.1 Timetable Returns Generation Guidelines
The process of generating the computerised element of the returns will involve the following steps:
(a) Entry of all of the necessary data to the software package, as per instructions in Section 3 and supplier's directions.
(b) Select the option to produce the Timetables.
(c) Select the option to Validate Data. The data to be returned will then be checked by the software package. Where errors are encountered, the relevant error message will be displayed e.g. "The payroll number XXXXXXXXXX is invalid". All errors must be corrected before progressing to the next step.
(d) When all validation errors have been eliminated, select the "Output Entire Returns" option in order to generate the computerised element of the returns, comprising:
(i) 5 Timetable Returns files on each of 2
diskettes for the Department;
(ii) A Print Report consisting of:
a TL1 containing the School Period Set-up
a TL3 containing summary details of teaching hours per teacher.
It is very important that all of the above are produced during one run (i.e. without exiting the Output Entire Returns option). Also, any re-printing of teacher details necessitated by printer paper jams etc. should be done before exiting this option. This will ensure that exactly the same data is being used to generate the diskette files and the print report. The required result is that the returns submitted to the Department will have the same RunNumber printed on each report page and contained on the diskette file.
Detailed instructions on producing the Timetable Returns are available from the software supplier and are to be made available to each school using the latest version of the software package. These supplement the information above, which is intended as an overall guide only.