CM2200 – Teamwork Assignment

Speaker Search


The administration at College of the North Atlantic-Qatar wants to hire a professional speaker to address all students as part of International Education Week. Since we have been studying the principles of effective oral communication, they have asked our class to help them choose which speaker to hire. As a starting point, the International Education Office has provided a ‘short-list’ of 5 speakers to choose from, including biographies and video links for each candidate (attached).

Your Task

  1. Independent Research (10%): Watch each speaker’s video(s) on your own. Complete and submit theIndependent Research Form, with your assessment of each speaker and details on your top 3 choices. Class time for this will be limited. Most of the work needs to be done outside class.
  2. Team Meeting (10%): The class will be split into 2 teams. Each team must conduct a 20-minute meetingto make a decision on which speaker to hire, while the other team observes. You must decide as a group how to run this meeting, get input from everyone, and manage the time so that you have a decision at the end. Prepare an agenda (submit to instructor) and appoint any necessary roles to ensure the meeting runs smoothly (e.g.: chairperson, time-keeper, note-taker etc.). You will be marked on your role in planning the meeting, as well as your role in conducting it. After the meeting, you will be required to evaluate your contribution as a teamplayer, as well as the contributions of your peers. These peer assessments will be taken into account in determining your mark for this portion of the assignment.
  3. Meeting Observation (5%): When the other team is conducting their meeting, you will be required to observe and make an assessment based on the principles reviewed in class. An Assessment Form will be provided for this.

Due Dates

Week 9-Independent Research Due

Week 9-Meeting PreparationSession(attendance mandatory)

Week 10-Meetings conducted/observed(attendance mandatory)

Week 10–Peer assessments due

CM2200 – Speaker Search Assignment

Speaker Video Links

Anthony (Tony) Robbins - Best selling self-help author, motivational speaker, and advisor to many world leaders, sports professionals and business people. He is an internationally recognized personality and has appeared on countless infomercials, television interviews, talk shows, and radio programs.

Jane McGonigal - A game designer who believes that online interactive gamescan help us develop the skills we need to solve the world’s biggest problems. She creates games that turn everyday spaces into playing fields, and everyday people into teammates. Her game-world insights can explain and improve the way we learn, work, and solve problems.

Mike Lipkin - One of the world's leading motivators, specializing in helping people enhance their productivity and build strong teams. He reveals the latest social trends that shape the way we think and act, and shows us how to leverage these trends for success.

Ken Robinson - Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we educate young people. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.

Jennifer Corriero - A young innovator and leader, Jennifer Corriero shares insights intohow to understand and motivate today’s youth. She co-founded TakingITGlobal (TIG), an online community that connects over 60,000 young people across 200 countries and supports them in making global changes. Jennifer has been selected by the World Economic Forum as one of the Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

CM2200 – Speaker Search Assignment
Independent Research Form

  • For each speaker, use the space below to comment on how they demonstrate
    (or do not demonstrate) the attributes of a good presentation as reviewed in class (a list of these attributes is provided below). Use extra space/paper if needed.
  • Please provide specific details on your observations (e.g.: if they tell a story, mention what the story was about, or reference the video time-code to indicate where you noticed certain things.)
  • You do not need to comment on every one of these attributes for each speaker – just the ones that you find particularly relevant to their effectiveness.


Attention grabber

Audience involvement



Hand movement

Body language

Stage movement

Eye contact




Voice volume

Interesting Visuals

Organization / transitions


Tony Robbins
Jane McGonigal
Mike Lipkin
Ken Robinson
Jennifer Corriero

Now that you’ve completed a written summary for each speaker, use the space below to list your top 3 choices, and explain why you chose each one.

Top Speaker Choices / Reasons


Meeting Planning Worksheet

Complete this worksheet as a group and submit one copy for your team. This will be evaluated and reflected in your teamwork mark.

Objective: / By the end of the meeting, our team will….
Approach: / We will achieve this by…
Preparation: / What must each team member do to prepare for the meeting? (List specific names and tasks)…
Set-up/materials: / Do you need any supplies, print-outs, or technical support? Who will look after this?
Agenda: / Indicate length of time to be spent on each item

CM2200 - Meeting Evaluation

Evaluate the meeting you observed in class. Use the checkboxes to answer, and provide your comments in the additional space provided.

Did the chairperson welcome the attendees?
Yes No
Was the meeting objective clearly stated?
Yes No
Was the agenda reviewed in advance of discussions?
Yes No
Did everyone have a chance to speak?
Yes No
Did everyone appear fully prepared for the meeting?
Yes No
Was the group able to stick to their planned agenda?
Yes No
Was the decision-making process well-planned and successful?
Yes No
Was the meeting objective achieved?
Yes No
Did the chairperson close the meeting and thank the attendees?
Yes No
Did the meeting conclude on time?
Yes No
Overall, was this a good example of an effective meeting? (explain)
Yes No

CM2200 –Teamwork PeerEvaluation

When it comes to teamwork, there are many ways in which a person can contribute. For each of the skills listed below, rate your team members on a scale from one to three as follows. Include an assessment of yourself in this rating.

1 = little or no evidence of this skill 2 = Some evidence of this skill 3 = Strong evidence of this skill

Skills / Names (enter each team member’s name below)
Demonstrated leadership
Asked good questions
Showed motivation/interest
Helped with preparations
Paid attention to details
Showed good organizational skills
Was a good (active) listener
Showed problem-solving ability
Encouraged others to participate
Contributed good ideas
Was a good decision-maker
Showed support for others
Good at note-taking / recording
Was a good team member overall

Teamwork PeerEvaluation (continued)

For each of your team members, provide a few comments on the quality and value of their participation as team members (include yourself). Mention any strengths and/or weaknesses you observed. This will not be shared with your team. It will be kept strictly confidential.

Name / Comments