Instructions for Technological and Procedural Acknowledgement Assignment
Please go to Mrs. Lohlein’s blog at print out the “Receipt of Technological and Procedural Information Acknowledgment Assignment” under today’s post.
Text Reminders:
Look to the blog and download the instructions to sign up for text reminders. Be sure you are under the correct class! You may take out your phone in order to do this.
Log in to click on “create account” at the top right. Click on student and fill out the information. The class enrollment password is lassiter and the class enrollment number as follows:
American Literature Period 5: 10302757
Honors American Literature Period 7: 10302761
Keep all class ID and password information in your records for future use. All papers written outside of class will be submitted to
Pearson Online Textbook- Don’t do this today! Save this for later
Follow the instructions provided by Mrs. Lohlein, and write a step by step guide explaining how to register and log on to your online textbook.
Saddlier Connect- Don’t do this today! Save this for later
- Go to
- Enter your username and password and record it below:
Saddlier Connect Username: ______
Saddler Connect Password: ______
If you do not already have a USA Test Prep Account-
- Go to
- Click on “log in”
- Click on “create account”
- Enter the Account ID: lassiter
- Enter the Activation Code:
- Create an account
One you have created an account…
Find Mrs. Lohlein’s class, and sign up! Mrs. Lohlein will print your id cards.
Go to and search for free tools to help prepare you for the SAT and college admissions. Sign up for the SAT Question of the Day email, and be sure to check daily for practice.
Weebly: Follow these instructions to set up and design your own Weebly!
- Go to
- Sign up for free by entering your full name, creating a username and password, and pressing “get started.”
- Next, click on the “Blog” icon in the center of the page.
- Choose a theme that reflects your personality and/or personal aesthetic.
- Once, you have selected to theme and color scheme, you will be prompted to create a domain main. Make sure to choose the first option, as this is the only free option. You are now ready to blog! Click new post, and drag the boxes on the left-hand side of the screen to add text, videos, etc. Make sure to press the publish icon when you are ready to share your post! It is really that easy!
Here is a helpful hand out if you need it:
If you finish early today, you may start creating your own weebly!
Google Drive Instructions:
Download the google drive instructions from my blog under today’s post. They are teacher instructions for creating folders for classes. This also works for students. You will create your own folder with your first and last name in the American Literature folder under the correct period. On my blog you will find the link to follow to “enter” google drive.
Kahn Academy:
We will use Kahn academy this semester! Go ahead and go to khanacademy.organd look around to see what it has to offer. I will create classes soon so we can start practicing.