Instructions for Recommendation Report – 4250 (Sabre Group)
Please consult the Recommendation Report Guide before you start writing anything. Follow the format that is mentioned in the examples. Please spend some time reading the examples first.
This should be 3-4 pages, single-spaced, 11-12 fonts with Times New Roman. Have a cover sheet.
Address these questions in your recommendation report:
1. Talk about the design features that can be improved for next version.
- Navigation
- Layout
- Formatting
- Structure of the tutorial
2. Is there any other alternative method for developing the same tutorial?
- Getting information to users on the fly
- Highlighting specific types of information
- Change in the information organization structure
- Way the tests are given
- Way practice is allowed
- Way examples are shown
3. Given the fact that users might be pressed for time, and the environment where the tutorial is accessed, cannot be strictly defined, how can live interaction with the system (reservation, booking, baggage etc) be more efficiently developed and integrated with the tutorial?
4. How would you argue that your tutorial design is equally efficient for work conditions where electricity and internet connection is not always available the way one would have liked to see? How should your design work equally efficiently for Singapore Airlines for example, vis-à-vis, Afghan Air.
5. Recommend when a design should use software like Dreamweaver vis-à-vis Flash / Captivate etc? In other words, what are the design features when one should use one type of software versus another type? You can also talk about other softwares that merit discussion in this issue.
6. There is textual content that you might have eliminated, and something that you have included in your tutorial. How did you decide on that? Describe your content organizational schema in brief.