January 19, 2017
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:33 pm by Mayor Dan Spencer
Minutes: The minutes from the regular town board meeting held on December 15, 2016 were reviewed. Deone Baird made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Motion was seconded by Donald Davis. All voted yes. Motion PASSED.
Bills: Don Davis commented that the $ amount on the sewer check was different than the amount listed on the bills list. Donald Davis made a motion to approve the bills. The motion was seconded by Deone Baird. All voted YES. Motion PASSED.
Water project update: Jarad Brinkerhoff gave an update on the pending water project. The emergency funding portion of the project is in processing stage. The application was approved. The 2ndphase is in a holding pattern. Jarad is waiting to see what the rate increase suggestion will be as per Pam at USDA. When he gets the rate information he will schedule a public Hearing. A discussion followed on what are the project priorities. Jarad explained the priorities have been named in phase 1, emergency funded repairs. Discussion was informative but some board members were unhappy with engineer choice of priorities. The well pump replacement will be in phase 2. To qualify for the emergency funding the pump will bring the repairs to over the $500,000 emergency money limit. The study showed that the springs needed to be done first. Jarad Brinkerhoff previously signed the agreement with the USDA to proceed as per recommendation of engineer. This was all discussed and approved at meeting held with Jones and DeMille and USDA emergency funding specialist. The Mayor wants Jared to suggest otherwise to the engineer.The cost breakdown is an estimate, not a bid amount. The well replacement will be $80,000.
Discussion followed. Jarad read recommendation of engineer: Phase 1: rehabilitate Spencer and Lydia’s springs as well as replace/repair pipeline at Virgin River crossing. The well will be included if financially possible. Jarad remarked that they are planning on moving into phase 2 immediately. Jarad has given the ok to proceed with the environmental study.
Flood Control: Mayor Spencer proposed building some small dams onthe Wayne Cox property behind the chicken coops. Wayne will seed them if the town builds them to capture flood water. The Mayor has not heard anything from FEMA. The Mayor thinks this will give us a good position to mitigate. Danny will go up and look the situation over. He also wants to do a pond at the ballpark. This will be a series of small holding seep ponds. Discussion followed. Also discussed were different areas that need repair of flood control. The first propriety is the corner by Kade Iverson property.
Cemetery: Jarad Brinkerhoff and Deone Baird. The town has received two bids for a GIS mapping of cemeteries as well as a data base options for cemetery records. The bids were from Sunrise Engineering and Spatial Generations. Jarad briefly reviewed the bids and the grant process. Spatial Generation was the lessor of the bids and the one that everyone liked. The grant application needs to be submitted promptly. Discussion followed. Grant application $ amounts were set. Jarad Brinkerhoff made a motion to apply for the matching grant to the Utah Division of State History: UTAH CEMETERY INVENTORY PROJECT for a grant of $6100.00: The grant amount will be 3050.0 and matching amount will be 3050.00. The proposed budget is: $6096.00. Deone Baird seconded motion. All voted yes. Motion Passed.
Water: Recent water line break was discussed. Maxwell’s helped with the repairs. Lots of fittings were used. No further report.
Apple Festival: Loraine is applying for a grant. Roger Brooks presentation was discussed.
Streets and Roads: Mayor Spencer: Nothing further
Parks & Cemeteries: Deon Baird: Nothing further
Fire Dept: Don Davis:furnace is working. Chief Monette passed the wild land test.
Maintenance: Mike reported Lydia’s spring flow has increased. Discussion.
Moved to Executive Session
Moved back to regular meeting