Ms. <Teacher’s Name> Class Needs You!
We’re thrilled to welcome you to the new school year and are excited to have you help. Here are 11 greatsuggestions to make classroom volunteering fun and truly helpful for everyone -- the teacher, the kids, and you!
11 Smart Tips for Parent Classroom Volunteers
1. Volunteer for something you already find fun or interesting. If you can’t stand messes, stay away from art day; maybe instead you'll enjoy organizing student cubbies or weekly folders. If you like the quiet Zen of reading, offer to be a reading buddy, not the recess helper.
2. Share your talents. If you’ve got a skill or hobby that the kids will find interesting, please tell me and/or the teacher. Do you garden, paint, work with computers? Are you an animal or people-health care worker? Do you sew, cook or fix things?
3. If you can't make it, call, text, or email.Alert the teacher right away if you can’t make it, and try to find a substitute yourself. Contact information: <enter here>
4. Don’t be late. Show up in the classroom when scheduled, <Teacher’s Name> is counting on you. Be sure to leave plenty of time for parking and to pick up a visitor’s pass in the office.
5. Leave your cell phone in the car. Volunteer time isn’t social time. There’s nothing worse than a parent’s cell phone dinging during class time.
6. Honor the lesson plan.<Teacher’s Name> spends a lot of time organizing the day’s activities. It’s her gig, her way – ask for direction and then follow through.
7. Help ALL kids. Remember to be inclusive and support all kids in the classroom, not just your own son or daughter or the kids you know.
8. BURP: Be Understanding, Responsible & Positive. A bright smile and a heaping dose of praise goes a long way in the classroom! Refer discipline issues to the teacher and reinforce classroom behavior expectations.
9. Respect student privacy. Special needs, grades and performance are private and must be confidential. (You wouldn’t want another parent talking about your child.),
10. Follow school guidelines.< Add school information about background checks, siblings and other guidelines.>
11. Have fun! Enjoy this special time with your children. Soon enough your kids won’t want you helping in their class at all!