Instructions for presenters how to join the Eionet webinar

Friday 4 December 2015 12:30– 14:00 (CET)

Could all the presenters please log in at 11:30, so that we confirm that everything is working correctly. After that, just come back to your computer a few minutes before 12:30.

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for accepting the invitation to present in the webinar on Friday, 4 December 2015.

As you have seen, the technical (IT) aspect of webinars is quite straightforward. You will need a computer with a fast and stable internet connection, an external microphone (the one which you plug in) and speakers, or a head set (a microphone and headphones in one).

Ideally, we also suggest to the presenters to use a web camera. This adds a nice touch for the audience, when they can see both the slides and the presenter. While a welcome feature, a web camera is not essential in case you do not have one easily available.

If you will be using a laptop, you would probably still want to use an external microphone, as the quality of sound from built in microphones is often quite poor. However, we can check this during the rehearsal out session.

This document provides instructions how to:

(1) Self-check that your equipment is configured properly for running Webex (we have already done this in the last two days, so this point is not needed unless you are using a different computer. Which you shouldn’t be doing... J )

(2) Log in on 4 December 2015,

In case of problems, you can reach us by email at and

or by phone at (+45) 20 48 70 48 (Paweł’s mobile)

(1)  Technical test of your equipment (self-check)

If you have not done the try out, please do this right away – it takes less than 5 minutes. Remember to do this test using the same computer (with the same equipment/configuration) which you will be using for the webinar.

To do an interactive self-check test with WebEx (which you can do at any time), please click on:

When a welcome screen comes up, it will ask you to give your name and email address. Then, you will need to start the program (click the big green button TEST A MEETING).

IMPORTANT: We recommend that you don’t install anything but instead click on ‘run a temporary application’ (illustrated with a red arrow on the figure below) and then when another small window pops up, you click on RUN (marked with a green arrow).

The screenshot above shows a dialogue window for Internet Explorer

In Chrome, you will get the following:

Again, remember to first run a temporary application (red arrow) and then double-click on the temporary exe file which will download.

If you are using a different browser or operating system, your window may look different, but there will always be an option to ‘run a temporary application.’

Opting for the ‘temporary application’ means that nothing will try to install itself permanently on your computer, a step which would typically require an ADMIN password on an office computer.

After the computer checks the configuration (it may take a few moments so please wait a little), you should get a message ‘Congratulations, your system is now set up properly’ or something similar (example shown on the screenshot below).

(2)  Instructions how to log in for the resource efficiency webinar 4 December 2015 from 12:30 to 14:00 CET

Please log in at 11:30, so that we confirm that everything is working correctly. After that, just come back to your computer a few minutes before 12:30.

To log in, click on the link below:

You will be asked to provide your name and email address. If you are asked for a password, it is eionet

Then you will need to “Run a temporary application” in the same way as described above for the self-test procedure.

When you log in…

After that…

And we will take it from there J

A few technicalities to keep in mind:

Your slides will already be uploaded. If you made any last minute changes in your presentation, we can still upload your latest version as long as we get it by email before 12:15.

I will open the webinar with a welcome and short introduction, and a presentation of the 2015 “More from less” draft report. This will take 5 to 10 minutes. We will then take your presentations. At the end, we will invite countries to give their ideas on possible forms of follow up from this work in 2016

Your presentations will run alphabetically by country:

·  BELGIUM: Flanders’ Materials Programme,

·  CZECH REPUBLIC: Vision 2024 initiative for the circular economy in the Czech Republic, and waste management programs

·  DENMARK: A circular economy policy toolkit in Denmark

·  FRANCE: recent initiatives addressing longer product life span (including planned obsolescence).

·  HUNGARY: targets for resource efficiency in the National Environmental Technology Innovation Strategy (NETIS)

After each presentation, we will invite one or two questions from the audience. The questions and discussion can be very lively – but it can also happen that there will be no questions.

When the chair of the meeting will give you the floor, please switch to full screen mode by pressing Alt + Enter (⏎) on your keyboard before starting to present. This is important because at that moment you control how things are displayed on the screens of the entire audience. NB, if you have a camera turned on, the moment you get the presenter status, your camera will begin to broadcast to everyone.

You can navigate through your slides with the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard, or page up / page down keys, or by using the buttons on the top of your screen.

Note that your mouse cursor is not visible to participants, and animations in power point slides do not work.

Until tomorrow.

Paweł and Marco Our mobile is (+45) 2048 7048

Eionet webinar on resource efficiency 4 Dec 2015 – log in instructions for presenters