/ Cooperative Marketing Program
Missouri Division of Tourism
PO Box 1055, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-3246 Fax: 573-522-6804


The project summary report is your opportunity to provide MDT with the outcomes of your FY2013 Cooperative Marketing public relations project. As is the case for all expenditures of taxpayer dollars, it is necessary for MDT to show benefit to the state of Missouri for all marketing activities. Future funding of this co-op program can depend upon the quality of information provided by program participants. A DMO’s future funding in the Cooperative Marketing Program is dependent upon timely and complete outcome measurement reporting.

Completion of this form is mandatory. Refer to the approved application/contract as you complete this summary report. All responses must tie directly to the information provided there. Complete one form for each contract.

Use this form only. Do not substitute forms. Be as accurate as possible.

Complete and mail to: / Missouri Division of Tourism / Due: / Dec. 2, 2013
Cooperative Marketing Program
PO Box 1055
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Line by Line: Provide information in the space provided. Do not substitute-use this form only.

A. Contract #, B. DMO name, and C. Project Name: Complete with appropriate information.

D. Total state dollars awarded: Enter the total state dollars that MDT approved for this project.

E. Local matching funds expended: Enter the total dollar amount of local matching funds that the DMO expended on this project.

F. State Reimbursement total: Enter the total amount that was reimbursed by MDT on this project.

G. Percentage of instate/out-of-state marketing: Of the total project amount, indicate the percentage of public relations activities that target those publications distributed primarily in the state of Missouri and the percentage targeting publications distributed primarily outside of Missouri.

Questions one through nine: Answers should include information on all the products generated by the total of cooperative marketing dollars AND the local matching funds.

Question #1 - How many of the following public relations activities were completed in this FY2013 Cooperative Marketing project? Account for each activity completed through this Cooperative Marketing project.

Example, if the project included media releases, put an X next to media releases; indicate the number of media releases completed and distributed, and the number of media that received the releases. If all of the releases were sent to the same list of 500 media, indicate 500 in the “# of Media Contacts” column.

Question #2 - Using the information compiled for #1 above, complete the following table. Indicate the number of stories written and the number of stories that are anticipated as a result of this public relations project. Calculate the ad equivalency for the stories that have been written and can be attributed to the public relations project in publications 50 or more miles from the destination being promoted. See the following example:

Column A / Column B / Column C / Column D
Public Relations Activities / # of Stories Written Attributable to PR Activities / # of Future Stories Anticipated / Ad Equivalency As 11/30/10
Media releases distributed / 12 / 17 / $55,000

Question #3 - Restate the measurable public relations objectives… Responses to this question will come directly from the FY2013 application. (For example: 1. Increase ad equivalency from out-of state media by 10%. 2. Increase new writers participating in press tours by five. 3. Increase ad equivalency from in-state media by 5%.

Question #4 - To what extent has this project accomplished the public relations objectives listed in question #3 above? Select the option that most closely describes the extent to which the objectives were accomplished. This response should be supported by the verifiable results.

Question #5 - Explain the response to Question #4 above as it relates to the measurable objectives listed in question #3. This response should explain the extent to which the objectives were accomplished.

Question #6 - In what positive ways did the Cooperative Marketing Program public relations project impact the tourism marketing of this destination? Use the space provided to present specific information.

Question #7 - In what specific ways will the above outcome measurement results affect the planning of future public relations projects? Address this question in the space provided.

Question #8 - Account for the approved public relations activities that were not completed as agreed. List each activity or component not completed as agreed and provide an explanation for each.

Question #9 - Indicate that the ad equivalency report utilizing the Cooperative Marketing Ad Equivalency form has been attached. Report only those stories that can be reasonably attributed to one or more of the public relations activities included in this project from publications 50 or more miles from the destination being promoted.

Signature section: Complete as indicated.

NOTE: This form will be available on the MDT Web site in a format that may be downloaded or completed on-line.

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/ Cooperative Marketing Program
Missouri Division of Tourism
PO Box 1055, Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-3246 Fax: 573-522-6804

Summary Report for FY2013 Public Relations Projects

Review instructions before completing this form

A. Contract #

/ /

B. DMO name

C. Project name

D. Total state dollars awarded / $ / G. Indicate the % of the total dollars expended for:
E. Local matching funds expended / $ / Instate marketing / %
F. State reimbursement total / $ / Out-of-state marketing / %
Respond to the following questions one through nine in the space provided.

1.  How many of the following public relations activities were completed in this FY2013 Cooperative Marketing project?

Public Relations Activities / # of Activity / # of Media Contacts / Public Relations Activities / Number of Activity / # of Media Contacts
Media releases distributed / Sales missions completed
Press tours hosted, group / Media queries initiated
Press Tours hosted, individual / Photos & Videos distributed
Media marketplaces attended / Press kits distributed

2.  Using the information compiled for #1 above, complete the following table.

Ad Equivalency by Activity / # of Stories Written Attributable to this Project (attach copies) / # of Stories Anticipated for Future / Ad Equivalency as of the Date of this Report that are Attributable to this Project
Media releases distributed / $
Press tours hosted, group / $
Press Tours hosted, individual / $
Media marketplaces attended / $
Sales missions completed / $
Media queries initiated / $
Photography & Videos dist. / $
Press kits distributed / $

3.  Restate the measurable public relations objectives that were listed in the approved FY2013 Cooperative Marketing contract.


4.  To what extent has this project accomplished the public relations objectives listed in question #3 on previous page?

Significantly / Little
Somewhat / Not at all

5.  Explain the response to question #4 above as it relates to the measurable objectives listed in question #3.

6.  In what positive ways did the Cooperative Marketing Program public relations project impact the tourism marketing of this destination?

7.  In what specific ways will the above outcome measurement results affect the planning of future public relations projects?

8.  Account for public relations activities included in the approved FY2013 contract or as amended in subsequent approved revisions that were not completed as agreed. Provide a detailed explanation for each incomplete component. Use an additional sheet of paper only if necessary.

9.  Indicate that the ad equivalency report utilizing the Cooperative Marketing Ad Equivalency form has been attached reporting those stories that can be reasonably attributed to one or more of the public relations activities included in this project from sources 50 or more miles from the destination.

The ad equivalency report is attached.

Project Director Signature / President/CEO Signature
Type or Print Project Director Name and Date / Type or Print President/CEO Name and Date

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