eCPG Instructions Page 3 of 3

Instructions for Creating and Populating a Worksheet in Penn InTouch

Log into Penn InTouch

At the top of the left navigation bar under Registration & Planning click “Academic planning worksheet”.

Click “Create new worksheet

Career: There is a check next to “Masters level, engineering”. Leave it checked.

Desired division: From the drop down menu choose “Engineering & Applied Science Masters - MB”

Note: this tool will let you make a worksheet for any program at the school. Make sure you choose correctly. It will not correct you if you pick a something other than your actual department.

Worksheet Name: Use the term and year of the semester you are registering for. (eg Fall 2012). You will update this every semester, and when the current term is your final semester you’ll name it FINAL.

Click “Continue”

The next box displays what you’ve told it so far.

Click “Confirm”

Name: Make sure you have named it correctly. If not, click “Edit” and correct it. I will ONLY review worksheets that are named correctly.

Careers: MT

Division/Degree: GEN/MB

Majors: click “edit

Add major: Choose “Biotechnology” from the drop down menu. (It is the only option.)

Click “Continue”

Requirement: Click the checkbox next to your track. Select only ONE. If you don’t select a track, your worksheet will not populate with requirements.

Click “Confirm”

You will see that it added “BIOT” next to majors, but that your track doesn’t appear. You didn’t do anything wrong. The track name will appear on your worksheet with the requirements.

Minors: Leave this alone.

Last updated by: Shows when it was last updated.

In the drop down marked “Select action” choose “Open”.

You are now looking at your worksheet.

If it is empty, it means you didn’t select a track. Click “Back to Worksheets”, and next to Majors, click edit. Review those steps on page one of this list of instructions.

At the top it says that the worksheet is “(unofficial)”. Unofficial worksheets can be edited by the student. Official ones cannot.

Below that is the main part of the worksheet. You’ll notice that for each requirement there is a list of courses that can be used to fulfill it. Those are the courses you should be choosing from. In some cases, you may be taking a course that’s not listed (eg the core free elective, a waiver replacement course, an advanced elective, etc.) in those cases you’ll still be able to add courses. You’ll see more information on that as you progress through the instructions.

Beneath the “Note to student users...” you’ll see your track.

If the track showing is incorrect, click “Back to worksheets” at the very bottom of the page to go back and edit it: Click Edit next to Majors. Click Continue. Select the correct track. Click Confirm. Select Open from the dropdown menu. You’ll now be back in the worksheet with the correct track.

The first thing in the menu on the right is an Icon Legend. Take a look (hold the mouse over the words, but don’t click), this shows you the various symbols you could see and what they mean.

Also in the menu on the right you’ll see a box with “Courses completed” This will show courses you’ve registered for and have taken. It is currently empty.

In the blue border at the very bottom of the page you’ll see the options for how to add courses to the worksheet.

Now we’ll enter courses you’d like to register for. You will do this every term. This is not where you’ll actually register for courses. This is a planning tool, so we ask that you do your best to plan out your whole program. We understand that things will likely change, but it’s a good way to start. Naturally the most important courses are the ones you’ll want to register for in the coming term, however, if you think beyond that, it’ll help make things smoother during each successive semester.

In the Action drop down menu (bottom of the page), choose “Plan”.

Click the radio button in the worksheet next to a requirement you want to plan a course for.

In the light blue box at the bottom under “PLAN with course” type the course number (minus the last section number which is the last 3 digits. eg - CBE562 only)

Under “Planned term” put the semester in which you intend to take the course. You have to do this for every future course that you’re planning.

Note: this system can’t see the future any more than normal, so even though it lists many future terms, it doesn’t know if the course will be offered.

Click “Submit”

If the system can see that the course fulfills the requirement it will show a yellow triangle.

If not, it’ll show the red X. If approved, the x is replaced with a yellow triangle with a red corner.

Do this for each course. The coming term is the most important; of course, you’re still encouraged to plan beyond just the upcoming semester.

Once you have made all of the additions/changes you need to make there you can just log out.


For quantitative and advanced electives the list is only behind the first two options. The third option is left open b/c it can be more than just a few courses.

Only requirements with a finite set of automatically approved course can have a list in the background. An infinite list cannot be created and it can’t be set up to accept any course. So, things like the core free elective that has myriad options will always appear as a red x to start. Don’t worry about it. Due to the way the system is built, even if a course is ok, it’ll show as a red X until your final graduation audit, but I will be putting a notation in the system to indicate the approval.


You MUST email me when your worksheet is ready for review. Send me an email with the subject “Worksheet Ready for Review”. Please at least put your name in the email.

-  You may also ask any questions.

-  If you have a course on your worksheet that’s not explicitly listed, you’ll need to send me the course information: title, description/syllabus.

Also, you must update your worksheet and inform me EVERY TIME you make changes to your courses, so that I can review them and confirm that they are ok. ANY time you want me to look at your worksheet, the subject should be “Worksheet Updated” and include your name.

Later, once a course has been registered/taken, you can go back in, click the requirement and the course in the list then use the Satisfy command at the bottom of the page.