Appendix H

Instructions for Completing the Performance Measures Forms

Core indicators of performance are defined for secondary and postsecondary career-technical education students in the State Plan. These indicators must be valid and reliable.

In Appendix H, you will find Performance Measurestables. Complete only the pages that apply to your institution.

Each table contains a table for each of the State Performance Measures. Above each table is the name of each measure and a description of the information items that are used as the numerators and denominators for computing the percentages that are reported to the U.S. Department of Education annually.

In each Table, Columns 1 through 8, are the agreed upon State Level of Performance that New Mexico has been expected to meet for each grant year. On each of the appropriate tables, each applicant is to set a Local Proposed Target for the Performance Levels it will achieve in both 2015-16 AND planned increase for 2016-17.In a manner almost identical to the adjusted State performance level negotiations between the US Department of Education Secretary and states, local recipients must also establish performance goals. Each local recipient must agree to accept the state adjusted levels of performance as their own local adjusted levels of performance, or negotiate with the state for new levels for each of the core indicators established by the state. Local levels must be expressed in percentage, and require continuous improvement from year to year.

If the local entity does not agree to accept the state level of performance as their own, they must send a letter to the Director of the College and Career Readiness Bureau (CCRB) to request to negotiate adjusted local levels of performance. Only after the requirements of the application are met and after levels of performance are acceptable to the state will an application receive substantial or full approval.

  1. Through this formal letter, the applicant is to contact the College and Career Readiness Bureau to indicate that the applicantdoes not accept the presented performance levels. A meeting time for discussion will be established, at which time the State and entity will review the following:
  1. Requirements of Perkins IV that establishes parameters of State to conduct negotiations on performance measures;
  2. Nature of the circumstance that prevents the applicant from accepting the performance measures;
  3. Valid and reliable data to indicate support for the applicant’s proposed target;
  4. Applicant’s planned activities to meet required uses of the Act;
  5. Applicant’s strategies to address performance measures proposed as not acceptable by the applicant;
  6. Timeline for applicant’s return to State’s adjusted level of performance;
  7. Person responsible for oversight of project and meeting proposed return to State’s adjusted level of performance; and
  8. State review of above elements for approval or denial of request and establishment of alternate level of performance, if negotiated.
  1. Applicant must describe the objective criteria and methods used to request revisions to its local adjusted levels of performance if unanticipated circumstances arise. Applicant will be required to provide for review the following:
  1. Data that identifies specific performance gaps between State and local levels of performance;
  2. Description of local conditions that may impact the recipient’s ability to meet local levels of performance;
  3. Proposed strategies to be implemented that will lead to attainment of State levels of performance; and
  4. Commitment to a local performance plan that would move the applicant to meeting State levels of performance within a reasonable time frame.

The applicant agrees to report and disaggregate Performance Data in the Annual Performance Report (APR) by these categories: 1) Gender; 2) Ethnicity (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or Unknown; 3) Special Populations (Individuals with Disabilities (ADA), Disability Status (ESEA/IDEA), Economically Disadvantage, Single Parents, Displaced Homemakers, Limited English Proficient, Migrant Status, Nontraditional Enrollees); and 4) Other disaggregate indicators (General Education Development (GED), Diploma, Certificate, Advanced Training, Employment, Military, Postsecondary Education, Credential, Certificate, Degree, Apprenticeship).

Please contact the CCRB staff if you require assistance in completing this form.